const fs = require('fs') const glob = require('glob') const path = require('path') const rimraf = require('rimraf') const Stream = require('stream') const { promisify, callbackify } = require('util') const LocalFileWriter = require('./LocalFileWriter').promises const { NotFoundError, ReadError, WriteError } = require('./Errors') const pipeline = promisify(Stream.pipeline) const fsUnlink = promisify(fs.unlink) const fsOpen = promisify( const fsStat = promisify(fs.stat) const fsGlob = promisify(glob) const rmrf = promisify(rimraf) const filterName = key => key.replace(/\//g, '_') async function sendFile(location, target, source) { const filteredTarget = filterName(target) // actually copy the file (instead of moving it) to maintain consistent behaviour // between the different implementations try { const sourceStream = fs.createReadStream(source) const targetStream = fs.createWriteStream(`${location}/${filteredTarget}`) await pipeline(sourceStream, targetStream) } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to copy the specified file', { location, target, source }, WriteError ) } } async function sendStream(location, target, sourceStream) { const fsPath = await LocalFileWriter.writeStream(sourceStream) try { await sendFile(location, target, fsPath) } finally { await LocalFileWriter.deleteFile(fsPath) } } // opts may be {start: Number, end: Number} async function getFileStream(location, name, opts) { const filteredName = filterName(name) try { opts.fd = await fsOpen(`${location}/${filteredName}`, 'r') } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to open file for streaming', { location, filteredName, opts }, ReadError ) } return fs.createReadStream(null, opts) } async function getFileSize(location, filename) { const fullPath = path.join(location, filterName(filename)) try { const stat = await fsStat(fullPath) return stat.size } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to stat file', { location, filename }, ReadError ) } } async function copyFile(location, fromName, toName) { const filteredFromName = filterName(fromName) const filteredToName = filterName(toName) try { const sourceStream = fs.createReadStream(`${location}/${filteredFromName}`) const targetStream = fs.createWriteStream(`${location}/${filteredToName}`) await pipeline(sourceStream, targetStream) } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to copy file', { location, filteredFromName, filteredToName }, WriteError ) } } async function deleteFile(location, name) { const filteredName = filterName(name) try { await fsUnlink(`${location}/${filteredName}`) } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to delete file', { location, filteredName }, WriteError ) } } // this is only called internally for clean-up by `FileHandler` and isn't part of the external API async function deleteDirectory(location, name) { const filteredName = filterName(name.replace(/\/$/, '')) try { await rmrf(`${location}/${filteredName}`) } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to delete directory', { location, filteredName }, WriteError ) } } async function checkIfFileExists(location, name) { const filteredName = filterName(name) try { const stat = await fsStat(`${location}/${filteredName}`) return !!stat } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return false } throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to stat file', { location, filteredName }, ReadError ) } } // note, does not recurse into subdirectories, as we use a flattened directory structure async function directorySize(location, name) { const filteredName = filterName(name.replace(/\/$/, '')) let size = 0 try { const files = await fsGlob(`${location}/${filteredName}_*`) for (const file of files) { try { const stat = await fsStat(file) if (stat.isFile()) { size += stat.size } } catch (err) { // ignore files that may have just been deleted if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err } } } } catch (err) { throw _wrapError( err, 'failed to get directory size', { location, name }, ReadError ) } return size } function _wrapError(error, message, params, ErrorType) { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') { return new NotFoundError({ message: 'no such file or directory', info: params }).withCause(error) } else { return new ErrorType({ message: message, info: params }).withCause(error) } } module.exports = { sendFile: callbackify(sendFile), sendStream: callbackify(sendStream), getFileStream: callbackify(getFileStream), getFileSize: callbackify(getFileSize), copyFile: callbackify(copyFile), deleteFile: callbackify(deleteFile), deleteDirectory: callbackify(deleteDirectory), checkIfFileExists: callbackify(checkIfFileExists), directorySize: callbackify(directorySize), promises: { sendFile, sendStream, getFileStream, getFileSize, copyFile, deleteFile, deleteDirectory, checkIfFileExists, directorySize } }