import { render, screen, fireEvent, waitForElementToBeRemoved, } from '@testing-library/react' import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' import EmailsSection from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/settings/components/emails-section' import { expect } from 'chai' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { UserEmailData } from '../../../../../../types/user-email' const userEmailData: UserEmailData = { affiliation: { cachedConfirmedAt: null, cachedEntitlement: null, cachedLastDayToReconfirm: null, cachedPastReconfirmDate: false, cachedReconfirmedAt: null, department: 'Art History', institution: { commonsAccount: false, confirmed: true, id: 1, isUniversity: true, maxConfirmationMonths: null, name: 'Overleaf', ssoEnabled: false, ssoBeta: false, }, inReconfirmNotificationPeriod: false, inferred: false, licence: 'pro_plus', pastReconfirmDate: false, portal: { slug: '', templates_count: 1 }, role: 'Reader', }, email: '', default: false, } const institutionDomainData = [ { university: { id: 1234, ssoEnabled: true, name: 'Auto Complete University', }, hostname: '', confirmed: true, }, ] as const function resetFetchMock() { fetchMock.reset() fetchMock.get('express:/institutions/domains', []) } describe('', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-ExposedSettings', { hasAffiliationsFeature: true, hasSamlFeature: true, samlInitPath: 'saml/init', }) fetchMock.reset() }) afterEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() resetFetchMock() }) it('renders "add another email" button', async function () { fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i }) }) it('renders input', async function () { fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() const addAnotherEmailBtn = (await screen.findByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, })) as HTMLButtonElement screen.getByLabelText(/email/i) }) it('renders "add new email" button', async function () { fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() const addAnotherEmailBtn = (await screen.findByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, })) as HTMLButtonElement screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i }) }) it('adds new email address', async function () { fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) resetFetchMock() fetchMock .get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', [userEmailData]) .post('/user/emails', 200) const addAnotherEmailBtn = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) const input = screen.getByLabelText(/email/i) fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: }, }) const submitBtn = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i, }) as HTMLButtonElement expect(submitBtn.disabled) expect(submitBtn.disabled) await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i, }) ) screen.getByText( }) it('fails to add add new email address', async function () { fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) resetFetchMock() fetchMock .get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) .post('/user/emails', 400) const addAnotherEmailBtn = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) const input = screen.getByLabelText(/email/i) fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: }, }) const submitBtn = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i, }) as HTMLButtonElement expect(submitBtn.disabled) expect(submitBtn.disabled) await screen.findByText( /Invalid Request. Please correct the data and try again./i ) expect(submitBtn) expect(submitBtn.disabled) }) it('can link email address to an existing SSO institution', async function () { fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) fetchMock.reset() fetchMock.get('express:/institutions/domains', institutionDomainData) await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) ) const input = screen.getByLabelText(/email/i) fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: '' }, }) await screen.findByRole('link', { name: 'Link Accounts and Add Email' }) }) it('adds new email address with existing institution and custom departments', async function () { const country = 'Germany' const customDepartment = 'Custom department' fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) resetFetchMock() await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) ) await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/email/i), await'button', { name: /let us know/i })) const universityInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /university/i, }) as HTMLInputElement expect(universityInput.disabled) fetchMock.get(/\/institutions\/list/, [ { id:, name:, country_code: 'de', departments: [customDepartment], }, ]) // Select the country from dropdown await userEvent.type( screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /country/i, }), country ) await expect(universityInput.disabled) await fetchMock.flush(true) resetFetchMock() // Select the university from dropdown await await screen.getByText( ) const roleInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /role/i }) await userEvent.type(roleInput, userEmailData.affiliation.role) const departmentInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /department/i }) await await const userEmailDataCopy = { ...userEmailData, affiliation: { ...userEmailData.affiliation, department: customDepartment, }, } fetchMock .get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', [userEmailDataCopy]) .post(/\/user\/emails/, 200) await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i, }) ) const [[, request]] = fetchMock.calls(/\/user\/emails/) expect(JSON.parse(request?.body?.toString() || '{}')).to.deep.equal({ email:, university: { id: userEmailData.affiliation?, }, role: userEmailData.affiliation?.role, department: customDepartment, }) screen.getByText( screen.getByText( screen.getByText(userEmailData.affiliation.role, { exact: false }) screen.getByText(customDepartment, { exact: false }) }) it('adds new email address without existing institution', async function () { const country = 'Germany' const countryCode = 'de' const newUniversity = 'Abcdef' fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) resetFetchMock() await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) ) await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/email/i), await'button', { name: /let us know/i })) const universityInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /university/i, }) as HTMLInputElement expect(universityInput.disabled) fetchMock.get(/\/institutions\/list/, [ { id:, name:, country_code: 'de', departments: [], }, ]) // Select the country from dropdown await userEvent.type( screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /country/i, }), country ) await expect(universityInput.disabled) await fetchMock.flush(true) resetFetchMock() // Enter the university manually await userEvent.type(universityInput, newUniversity) const roleInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /role/i }) await userEvent.type(roleInput, userEmailData.affiliation.role) const departmentInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /department/i }) await userEvent.type(departmentInput, userEmailData.affiliation.department) const userEmailDataCopy = { ...userEmailData, affiliation: { ...userEmailData.affiliation, institution: { ...userEmailData.affiliation.institution, name: newUniversity, }, }, } fetchMock .get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', [userEmailDataCopy]) .post(/\/user\/emails/, 200) await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i, }) ) const [[, request]] = fetchMock.calls(/\/user\/emails/) expect(JSON.parse(request?.body?.toString() || '{}')).to.deep.equal({ email:, university: { name: newUniversity, country_code: countryCode, }, role: userEmailData.affiliation?.role, department: userEmailData.affiliation?.department, }) screen.getByText( screen.getByText(newUniversity) screen.getByText(userEmailData.affiliation.role, { exact: false }) screen.getByText(userEmailData.affiliation.department, { exact: false }) }) it('shows country, university, role and department fields based on whether `change` was clicked or not', async function () { const institutionDomainDataCopy = [ { ...institutionDomainData[0], university: { ...institutionDomainData[0].university, ssoEnabled: false, }, }, ] const hostnameFirstChar = institutionDomainDataCopy[0].hostname.charAt(0) fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) fetchMock.reset() fetchMock.get( `/institutions/domains?hostname=${hostnameFirstChar}&limit=1`, institutionDomainDataCopy ) await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) ) await userEvent.type( screen.getByLabelText(/email/i), `user@${hostnameFirstChar}` ) await userEvent.keyboard('{Tab}') await fetchMock.flush(true) fetchMock.reset() expect( screen.queryByRole('textbox', { name: /country/i, }) ) expect( screen.queryByRole('textbox', { name: /university/i, }) ) screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /role/i, }) screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /department/i, }) await'button', { name: /change/i })) screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /country/i, }) screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /university/i, }) expect( screen.queryByRole('textbox', { name: /role/i, }) ) expect( screen.queryByRole('textbox', { name: /department/i, }) ) }) it('displays institution name with change button when autocompleted and adds new record', async function () { const institutionDomainDataCopy = [ { ...institutionDomainData[0], university: { ...institutionDomainData[0].university, ssoEnabled: false, }, }, ] const hostnameFirstChar = institutionDomainDataCopy[0].hostname.charAt(0) fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) render() await fetchMock.flush(true) fetchMock.reset() fetchMock.get( `/institutions/domains?hostname=${hostnameFirstChar}&limit=1`, institutionDomainDataCopy ) await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add another email/i, }) ) await userEvent.type( screen.getByLabelText(/email/i), `user@${hostnameFirstChar}` ) await userEvent.keyboard('{Tab}') await fetchMock.flush(true) fetchMock.reset() screen.getByText(institutionDomainDataCopy[0] const userEmailDataCopy = { ...userEmailData, affiliation: { ...userEmailData.affiliation, institution: { ...userEmailData.affiliation.institution, name: institutionDomainDataCopy[0], }, }, } fetchMock .get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', [userEmailDataCopy]) .post('/user/emails', 200) await userEvent.type( screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /role/i }), userEmailData.affiliation.role ) await userEvent.type( screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /department/i }), userEmailData.affiliation.department ) await screen.getByRole('button', { name: /add new email/i, }) ) await fetchMock.flush(true) fetchMock.reset() screen.getByText(, { exact: false, }) screen.getByText(userEmailDataCopy.affiliation.role, { exact: false }) screen.getByText(userEmailDataCopy.affiliation.department, { exact: false }) }) })