async = require "async" {expect} = require("chai") RealTimeClient = require "./helpers/RealTimeClient" MockDocUpdaterServer = require "./helpers/MockDocUpdaterServer" MockWebServer = require "./helpers/MockWebServer" FixturesManager = require "./helpers/FixturesManager" settings = require "settings-sharelatex" redis = require "redis-sharelatex" rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.pubsub) rclientRT = redis.createClient(settings.redis.realtime) KeysRT = settings.redis.realtime.key_schema describe "EarlyDisconnect", -> before (done) -> done describe "when the client disconnects before joinProject completes", -> before () -> # slow down web-api requests to force the race condition @actualWebAPIjoinProject = joinProject = MockWebServer.joinProject MockWebServer.joinProject = (project_id, user_id, cb) -> setTimeout () -> joinProject(project_id, user_id, cb) , 300 after () -> MockWebServer.joinProject = @actualWebAPIjoinProject beforeEach (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpProject { privilegeLevel: "owner" project: { name: "Test Project" } }, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb() (cb) => @clientA = RealTimeClient.connect() @clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb (cb) => @clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, (() ->) # disconnect before joinProject completes @clientA.on "disconnect", () -> cb() @clientA.disconnect() (cb) => # wait for joinDoc and subscribe setTimeout cb, 500 ], done # we can force the race condition, there is no need to repeat too often for attempt in Array.from(length: 5).map((_, i) -> i+1) it "should not subscribe to the pub/sub channel anymore (race #{attempt})", (done) -> rclient.pubsub 'CHANNELS', (err, resp) => return done(err) if err expect(resp).to.not.include "editor-events:#{@project_id}" done() return null describe "when the client disconnects before joinDoc completes", -> beforeEach (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpProject { privilegeLevel: "owner" project: { name: "Test Project" } }, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb() (cb) => @clientA = RealTimeClient.connect() @clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb (cb) => @clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, (error, @project, @privilegeLevel, @protocolVersion) => cb(error) (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => @clientA.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, (() ->) # disconnect before joinDoc completes @clientA.on "disconnect", () -> cb() @clientA.disconnect() (cb) => # wait for subscribe and unsubscribe setTimeout cb, 100 ], done # we can not force the race condition, so we have to try many times for attempt in Array.from(length: 20).map((_, i) -> i+1) it "should not subscribe to the pub/sub channels anymore (race #{attempt})", (done) -> rclient.pubsub 'CHANNELS', (err, resp) => return done(err) if err expect(resp).to.not.include "editor-events:#{@project_id}" rclient.pubsub 'CHANNELS', (err, resp) => return done(err) if err expect(resp).to.not.include "applied-ops:#{@doc_id}" done() return null describe "when the client disconnects before clientTracking.updatePosition starts", -> beforeEach (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpProject { privilegeLevel: "owner" project: { name: "Test Project" } }, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb() (cb) => @clientA = RealTimeClient.connect() @clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb (cb) => @clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, (error, @project, @privilegeLevel, @protocolVersion) => cb(error) (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => @clientA.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb (cb) => @clientA.emit "clientTracking.updatePosition", { row: 42 column: 36 doc_id: @doc_id }, (() ->) # disconnect before updateClientPosition completes @clientA.on "disconnect", () -> cb() @clientA.disconnect() (cb) => # wait for updateClientPosition setTimeout cb, 100 ], done # we can not force the race condition, so we have to try many times for attempt in Array.from(length: 20).map((_, i) -> i+1) it "should not show the client as connected (race #{attempt})", (done) -> rclientRT.smembers KeysRT.clientsInProject({project_id: @project_id}), (err, results) -> return done(err) if err expect(results).to.deep.equal([]) done() return null