sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/User/UserController.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') events = require "events" MockResponse = require "../helpers/MockResponse" MockRequest = require "../helpers/MockRequest" ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId assert = require("assert") describe "UserController", -> beforeEach -> @user_id = "323123" @user = _id:@user_id save: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0) ace:{} @req = user: {} session: destroy:-> user : _id : @user_id email:"" body:{} @UserDeleter = deleteUser: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1) @UserLocator = findById: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @user) @User = findById: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @user) @NewsLetterManager = unsubscribe: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1) @UserRegistrationHandler = registerNewUser: sinon.stub() @AuthenticationController = establishUserSession: sinon.stub().callsArg(2) getLoggedInUserId: sinon.stub().returns(@user._id) getSessionUser: sinon.stub().returns(@req.session.user) setInSessionUser: sinon.stub() @AuthenticationManager = authenticate: sinon.stub() setUserPassword: sinon.stub() @ReferalAllocator = allocate:sinon.stub() @SubscriptionDomainHandler = autoAllocate:sinon.stub() @UserUpdater = changeEmailAddress:sinon.stub() @settings = siteUrl: "" @UserHandler = populateGroupLicenceInvite:sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1) @UserSessionsManager = trackSession: sinon.stub() untrackSession: sinon.stub() revokeAllUserSessions: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null) @UserController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./UserLocator": @UserLocator "./UserDeleter": @UserDeleter "./UserUpdater":@UserUpdater "../../models/User": User:@User '../Newsletter/NewsletterManager':@NewsLetterManager "./UserRegistrationHandler":@UserRegistrationHandler "../Authentication/AuthenticationController": @AuthenticationController "../Authentication/AuthenticationManager": @AuthenticationManager "../Referal/ReferalAllocator":@ReferalAllocator "../Subscription/SubscriptionDomainHandler":@SubscriptionDomainHandler "./UserHandler":@UserHandler "./UserSessionsManager": @UserSessionsManager "settings-sharelatex": @settings "logger-sharelatex": log:-> err:-> "../../infrastructure/Metrics": inc:-> @res = send: sinon.stub() sendStatus: sinon.stub() json: sinon.stub() @next = sinon.stub() describe 'tryDeleteUser', -> beforeEach -> @req.body.password = 'wat' @AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId = sinon.stub().returns(@user._id) @AuthenticationManager.authenticate = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @user) @UserDeleter.deleteUser = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null) it 'should send 200', (done) -> @res.sendStatus = (code) => code.should.equal 200 done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next it 'should try to authenticate user', (done) -> @res.sendStatus = (code) => @AuthenticationManager.authenticate.callCount.should.equal 1 @AuthenticationManager.authenticate.calledWith({_id: @user._id}, @req.body.password).should.equal true done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next it 'should delete the user', (done) -> @res.sendStatus = (code) => @UserDeleter.deleteUser.callCount.should.equal 1 @UserDeleter.deleteUser.calledWith(@user._id).should.equal true done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next describe 'when no password is supplied', -> beforeEach -> @req.body.password = '' it 'should return 403', (done) -> @res.sendStatus = (code) => code.should.equal 403 done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next describe 'when authenticate produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @AuthenticationManager.authenticate = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, new Error('woops')) it 'should call next with an error', (done) -> @next = (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next describe 'when authenticate does not produce a user', -> beforeEach -> @AuthenticationManager.authenticate = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, null) it 'should return 403', (done) -> @res.sendStatus = (code) => code.should.equal 403 done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next describe 'when deleteUser produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @UserDeleter.deleteUser = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should call next with an error', (done) -> @next = (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() @UserController.tryDeleteUser @req, @res, @next describe "unsubscribe", -> it "should send the user to unsubscribe", (done)-> @res.send = (code)=> @NewsLetterManager.unsubscribe.calledWith(@user).should.equal true done() @UserController.unsubscribe @req, @res describe "updateUserSettings", -> beforeEach -> @newEmail = "" it "should call save", (done)-> @req.body = {} @res.sendStatus = (code)=> true done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should set the first name", (done)-> @req.body = first_name: "bobby " @res.sendStatus = (code)=> @user.first_name.should.equal "bobby" done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should set the role", (done)-> @req.body = role: "student" @res.sendStatus = (code)=> @user.role.should.equal "student" done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should set the institution", (done)-> @req.body = institution: "MIT" @res.sendStatus = (code)=> @user.institution.should.equal "MIT" done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should set some props on ace", (done)-> @req.body = theme: "something" @res.sendStatus = (code)=> @user.ace.theme.should.equal "something" done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should send an error if the email is 0 len", (done)-> = "" @res.sendStatus = (code)-> code.should.equal 400 done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should send an error if the email does not contain an @", (done)-> = "bob at something dot com" @res.sendStatus = (code)-> code.should.equal 400 done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should call the user updater with the new email and user _id", (done)-> = @newEmail.toUpperCase() @UserUpdater.changeEmailAddress.callsArgWith(2) @res.sendStatus = (code)=> code.should.equal 200 @UserUpdater.changeEmailAddress.calledWith(@user_id, @newEmail).should.equal true done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should update the email on the session", (done)-> = @newEmail.toUpperCase() @UserUpdater.changeEmailAddress.callsArgWith(2) callcount = 0 @User.findById = (id, cb)=> if ++callcount == 2 = @newEmail cb(null, @user) @res.sendStatus = (code)=> code.should.equal 200 @AuthenticationController.setInSessionUser.calledWith( @req, {email: @newEmail, first_name: undefined, last_name: undefined} ).should.equal true done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res it "should call populateGroupLicenceInvite", (done)-> = @newEmail.toUpperCase() @UserUpdater.changeEmailAddress.callsArgWith(2) @res.sendStatus = (code)=> code.should.equal 200 @UserHandler.populateGroupLicenceInvite.calledWith(@user).should.equal true done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res describe 'when using an external auth source', -> beforeEach -> @UserUpdater.changeEmailAddress.callsArgWith(2) @newEmail = '' @settings.ldap = {active: true} afterEach -> delete @settings.ldap it 'should not set a new email', (done) -> = @newEmail @res.sendStatus = (code)=> code.should.equal 200 @UserUpdater.changeEmailAddress.calledWith(@user_id, @newEmail).should.equal false done() @UserController.updateUserSettings @req, @res describe "logout", -> it "should destroy the session", (done)-> @req.session.destroy = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0) @res.redirect = (url)=> url.should.equal "/login" @req.session.destroy.called.should.equal true done() @UserController.logout @req, @res describe "register", -> beforeEach -> @UserRegistrationHandler.registerNewUserAndSendActivationEmail = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @user, @url = "mock/url") = = @email = "" @UserController.register @req, @res it "should register the user and send them an email", -> @UserRegistrationHandler.registerNewUserAndSendActivationEmail .calledWith(@email) .should.equal true it "should return the user and activation url", -> @res.json .calledWith({ email: @email, setNewPasswordUrl: @url }) .should.equal true describe 'clearSessions', -> it 'should call revokeAllUserSessions', (done) -> @UserController.clearSessions @req, @res @UserSessionsManager.revokeAllUserSessions.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'send a 201 response', (done) -> @res.sendStatus = (status) => status.should.equal 201 done() @UserController.clearSessions @req, @res describe 'when revokeAllUserSessions produces an error', -> it 'should call next with an error', (done) -> @UserSessionsManager.revokeAllUserSessions.callsArgWith(2, new Error('woops')) next = (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() @UserController.clearSessions @req, @res, next describe "changePassword", -> it "should check the old password is the current one at the moment", (done)-> @AuthenticationManager.authenticate.callsArgWith(2) @req.body = currentPassword: "oldpasshere" @res.send = => @AuthenticationManager.authenticate.calledWith(_id:@user._id, "oldpasshere").should.equal true @AuthenticationManager.setUserPassword.called.should.equal false done() @UserController.changePassword @req, @res it "it should not set the new password if they do not match", (done)-> @AuthenticationManager.authenticate.callsArgWith(2, null, {}) @req.body = newPassword1: "1" newPassword2: "2" @res.send = => @AuthenticationManager.setUserPassword.called.should.equal false done() @UserController.changePassword @req, @res it "should set the new password if they do match", (done)-> @AuthenticationManager.authenticate.callsArgWith(2, null, @user) @AuthenticationManager.setUserPassword.callsArgWith(2) @req.body = newPassword1: "newpass" newPassword2: "newpass" @res.send = => @AuthenticationManager.setUserPassword.calledWith(@user._id, "newpass").should.equal true done() @UserController.changePassword @req, @res