import OError from '@overleaf/o-error' const PDF_JS_CHUNK_SIZE = 128 * 1024 const MAX_SUB_REQUEST_COUNT = 4 const MAX_SUB_REQUEST_BYTES = 4 * PDF_JS_CHUNK_SIZE const INCREMENTAL_CACHE_SIZE = 1000 const ENCODER = new TextEncoder() function backfillEdgeBounds(file) { if (!file.backfilledEdgeBoundsOnce) { for (const range of file.ranges) { if (range.objectId) { range.objectId = ENCODER.encode(range.objectId) range.start -= range.objectId.byteLength } } } file.backfilledEdgeBoundsOnce = true } /** * @param {Array} chunks */ function countBytes(chunks) { return chunks.reduce((totalBytes, chunk) => { return totalBytes + (chunk.end - chunk.start) }, 0) } /** * * @param {Object} metrics * @param {number} size * @param {number} cachedCount * @param {number} cachedBytes * @param {number} fetchedCount * @param {number} fetchedBytes */ function trackDownloadStats( metrics, { size, cachedCount, cachedBytes, fetchedCount, fetchedBytes } ) { metrics.cachedCount += cachedCount metrics.cachedBytes += cachedBytes metrics.fetchedCount += fetchedCount metrics.fetchedBytes += fetchedBytes metrics.requestedCount++ metrics.requestedBytes += size } /** * @param {Object} metrics * @param {boolean} sizeDiffers * @param {boolean} mismatch * @param {boolean} success */ function trackChunkVerify(metrics, { sizeDiffers, mismatch, success }) { if (sizeDiffers) { metrics.chunkVerifySizeDiffers |= 0 metrics.chunkVerifySizeDiffers += 1 } if (mismatch) { metrics.chunkVerifyMismatch |= 0 metrics.chunkVerifyMismatch += 1 } if (success) { metrics.chunkVerifySuccess |= 0 metrics.chunkVerifySuccess += 1 } } /** * @param chunk * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer * @return {Uint8Array} */ function backFillObjectContext(chunk, arrayBuffer) { if (!chunk.objectId) { // This is a dynamic chunk return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer) } const { start, end, objectId } = chunk const header = Uint8Array.from(objectId) const fullBuffer = new Uint8Array(end - start) fullBuffer.set(header, 0) fullBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer), objectId.length) return fullBuffer } /** * @param {Array} chunks * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @returns {Array} */ function getMatchingChunks(chunks, start, end) { const matchingChunks = [] for (const chunk of chunks) { if (chunk.end <= start) { // no overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | continue } if (chunk.start >= end) { // no overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | break } matchingChunks.push(chunk) } return matchingChunks } /** * @param {Array} potentialChunks * @param {Set} cached * @param {Object} metrics */ function cutRequestAmplification(potentialChunks, cached, metrics) { const chunks = [] const newChunks = [] let tooManyRequests = false for (const chunk of potentialChunks) { if (cached.has(chunk.hash)) { chunks.push(chunk) continue } if (newChunks.length < MAX_SUB_REQUEST_COUNT) { chunks.push(chunk) newChunks.push(chunk) } else { tooManyRequests = true } } if (tooManyRequests) { metrics.tooManyRequestsCount++ } if (cached.size > INCREMENTAL_CACHE_SIZE) { for (const key of cached) { if (cached.size < INCREMENTAL_CACHE_SIZE) { break } // Map keys are stored in insertion order. // We re-insert keys on cache hit, 'cached' is a cheap LRU. cached.delete(key) } } return { chunks, newChunks } } /** * @param {Array} chunks * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @returns {Array} */ function getInterleavingDynamicChunks(chunks, start, end) { const dynamicChunks = [] for (const chunk of chunks) { if (start < chunk.start) { dynamicChunks.push({ start, end: chunk.start }) } start = chunk.end } if (start < end) { dynamicChunks.push({ start, end }) } return dynamicChunks } /** * * @param {Response} response */ function getServerTime(response) { const raw = response.headers.get('Date') if (!raw) return new Date() return new Date(raw) } /** * * @param {Response} response */ function getResponseSize(response) { const raw = response.headers.get('Content-Length') if (!raw) return 0 return parseInt(raw, 10) } /** * * @param {Response} response * @param chunk */ function getMultipartBoundary(response, chunk) { if (!Array.isArray(chunk)) return '' const raw = response.headers.get('Content-Type') if (raw.includes('multipart/byteranges')) { const idx = raw.indexOf('boundary=') if (idx !== -1) return raw.slice(idx + 'boundary='.length) } throw new OError('missing boundary on multipart request', { headers: Object.fromEntries(response.headers.entries()), chunk, }) } /** * @param {Object} response * @param {Object} file * @param {Object} metrics */ function resolveMultiPartResponses(response, file, metrics) { const { chunk: chunks, data, boundary } = response if (!boundary) { return [response] } const responses = [] let offsetStart = 0 for (const chunk of chunks) { const header = `\r\n--${boundary}\r\nContent-Type: application/pdf\r\nContent-Range: bytes ${ chunk.start }-${chunk.end - 1}/${file.size}\r\n\r\n` const headerSize = header.length // Verify header content. A proxy might have tampered with it. const headerRaw = ENCODER.encode(header) if ( !data .subarray(offsetStart, offsetStart + headerSize) .every((v, idx) => v === headerRaw[idx]) ) { metrics.headerVerifyFailure |= 0 metrics.headerVerifyFailure++ throw new OError('multipart response header does not match', { actual: new TextDecoder().decode( data.subarray(offsetStart, offsetStart + headerSize) ), expected: header, }) } offsetStart += headerSize const chunkSize = chunk.end - chunk.start responses.push({ chunk, data: data.subarray(offsetStart, offsetStart + chunkSize), }) offsetStart += chunkSize } return responses } /** * * @param {Response} response */ function checkChunkResponse(response) { if (!(response.status === 206 || response.status === 200)) { throw new OError('non successful response status: ' + response.status) } } /** * * @param {string} url * @param {number} start * @param {number} end */ export function fallbackRequest({ url, start, end }) { return fetch(url, { headers: { Range: `bytes=${start}-${end - 1}` } }).then( response => { checkChunkResponse(response) return response.arrayBuffer() } ) } /** * * @param {string} url * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @param {Object} metrics * @param {Uint8Array} actual */ async function verifyRange({ url, start, end, metrics, actual }) { let expectedRaw try { expectedRaw = await fallbackRequest({ url, start, end }) } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'cannot verify range', { url, start, end }) } const expected = new Uint8Array(expectedRaw) const stats = {} if (actual.byteLength !== expected.byteLength) { stats.sizeDiffers = true } else if (!expected.every((v, idx) => v === actual[idx])) { stats.mismatch = true } else { stats.success = true } trackChunkVerify(metrics, stats) return expected } /** * * @param {string} url * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @param {Object} file * @param {Object} metrics * @param {Set} cached */ export async function fetchRange({ url, start, end, file, metrics, cached }) { file.createdAt = new Date(file.createdAt) backfillEdgeBounds(file) // Check that handling the range request won't trigger excessive sub-requests, // (to avoid unwanted latency compared to the original request). const { chunks, newChunks } = cutRequestAmplification( getMatchingChunks(file.ranges, start, end), cached, metrics ) const dynamicChunks = getInterleavingDynamicChunks(chunks, start, end) const chunksSize = countBytes(newChunks) const size = end - start if (chunks.length === 0 && dynamicChunks.length === 1) { // fall back to the original range request when no chunks are cached. trackDownloadStats(metrics, { size, cachedCount: 0, cachedBytes: 0, fetchedCount: 1, fetchedBytes: size, }) return fallbackRequest({ url, start, end }) } if ( chunksSize > MAX_SUB_REQUEST_BYTES && !(dynamicChunks.length === 0 && newChunks.length <= 1) ) { // fall back to the original range request when a very large amount of // object data would be requested, unless it is the only object in the // request or everything is already cached. metrics.tooLargeOverheadCount++ trackDownloadStats(metrics, { size, cachedCount: 0, cachedBytes: 0, fetchedCount: 1, fetchedBytes: size, }) return fallbackRequest({ url, start, end }) } const byteRanges = dynamicChunks .map(chunk => `${chunk.start}-${chunk.end - 1}`) .join(',') const coalescedDynamicChunks = [] switch (dynamicChunks.length) { case 0: break case 1: coalescedDynamicChunks.push({ chunk: dynamicChunks[0], url, init: { headers: { Range: `bytes=${byteRanges}` } }, }) break default: coalescedDynamicChunks.push({ chunk: dynamicChunks, url, init: { headers: { Range: `bytes=${byteRanges}` } }, }) } const params = new URL(url).searchParams // drop no needed params params.delete('enable_pdf_caching') params.delete('verify_chunks') const query = params.toString() // The schema of `url` is https://domain/project/:id/user/:id/build/... for // authenticated and https://domain/project/:id/build/... for // unauthenticated users. Cut it before /build/. // The path may have an optional /zone/b prefix too. const perUserPrefix = url.slice(0, url.indexOf('/build/')) const requests = chunks .map(chunk => ({ chunk, url: `${perUserPrefix}/content/${file.contentId}/${chunk.hash}?${query}`, })) .concat(coalescedDynamicChunks) let cachedCount = 0 let cachedBytes = 0 let fetchedCount = 0 let fetchedBytes = 0 const reassembledBlob = new Uint8Array(size) const rawResponses = await Promise.all( ({ chunk, url, init }) => { try { const response = await fetch(url, init) checkChunkResponse(response) const boundary = getMultipartBoundary(response, chunk) const blobFetchDate = getServerTime(response) const blobSize = getResponseSize(response) if (blobFetchDate && blobSize) { // Example: 2MB PDF, 1MB image, 128KB PDF.js chunk. // | pdf.js chunk | // | A BIG IMAGE BLOB | // | THE FULL PDF | if (chunk.hash && blobFetchDate < file.createdAt) { const usedChunkSection = Math.min(end, chunk.end) - Math.max(start, chunk.start) cachedCount++ cachedBytes += usedChunkSection // Roll the position of the hash in the Map. cached.delete(chunk.hash) cached.add(chunk.hash) } else { // Blobs are fetched in bulk, record the full size. fetchedCount++ fetchedBytes += blobSize } } return { boundary, chunk, data: backFillObjectContext( chunk, // response.arrayBuffer() yields the first multipart section only. await (await response.blob()).arrayBuffer() ), } } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'cannot fetch chunk', { url }) } }) ) rawResponses .flatMap(r => resolveMultiPartResponses(r, file, metrics)) .forEach(({ chunk, data }) => { // overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | const offsetStart = Math.max(start - chunk.start, 0) // overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | const offsetEnd = Math.max(chunk.end - end, 0) if (offsetStart > 0 || offsetEnd > 0) { // compute index positions for slice to handle case where offsetEnd=0 const chunkSize = chunk.end - chunk.start data = data.subarray(offsetStart, chunkSize - offsetEnd) } const insertPosition = Math.max(chunk.start - start, 0) reassembledBlob.set(data, insertPosition) }) trackDownloadStats(metrics, { size, cachedCount, cachedBytes, fetchedCount, fetchedBytes, }) if (url.includes('verify_chunks=true')) { return await verifyRange({ url, start, end, metrics, actual: reassembledBlob, }) } return reassembledBlob }