import { StateEffect, StateField, TransactionSpec } from '@codemirror/state' import { Decoration, type DecorationSet, EditorView, type PluginValue, ViewPlugin, WidgetType, } from '@codemirror/view' import { AnyOperation, Change, DeleteOperation, } from '../../../../../types/change' import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging' import { isCommentOperation, isDeleteOperation, isInsertOperation, } from '@/utils/operations' import { Ranges } from '@/features/review-panel-new/context/ranges-context' import { Threads } from '@/features/review-panel-new/context/threads-context' import { isSelectionWithinOp } from '@/features/review-panel-new/utils/is-selection-within-op' type RangesData = { ranges: Ranges threads: Threads } const updateRangesEffect = StateEffect.define() const highlightRangesEffect = StateEffect.define() const clearHighlightRangesEffect = StateEffect.define() export const updateRanges = (data: RangesData): TransactionSpec => { return { effects: updateRangesEffect.of(data), } } export const highlightRanges = (op: AnyOperation): TransactionSpec => { return { effects: highlightRangesEffect.of(op), } } export const clearHighlightRanges = (op: AnyOperation): TransactionSpec => { return { effects: clearHighlightRangesEffect.of(op), } } export const rangesDataField = StateField.define({ create() { return null }, update(rangesData, tr) { for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { return effect.value } } return rangesData }, }) /** * A custom extension that initialises the change manager, passes any updates to it, * and produces decorations for tracked changes and comments. */ export const ranges = () => [ rangesDataField, // handle viewportChanged updates ViewPlugin.define(view => { let timer: number return { update(update) { if (update.viewportChanged) { if (timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer) } timer = window.setTimeout(() => { dispatchEvent(new Event('editor:viewport-changed')) }, 25) } }, } }), // draw change decorations ViewPlugin.define< PluginValue & { decorations: DecorationSet } >( () => { return { decorations: Decoration.none, update(update) { for (const transaction of update.transactions) { this.decorations = for (const effect of transaction.effects) { if ( { this.decorations = buildChangeDecorations(effect.value) } else if ( && isDeleteOperation(effect.value) ) { this.decorations = updateDeleteWidgetHighlight( this.decorations, widget => widget.change.op.p === effect.value.p && widget.highlightType !== 'focus', 'highlight' ) } else if ( && isDeleteOperation(effect.value) ) { this.decorations = updateDeleteWidgetHighlight( this.decorations, widget => widget.change.op.p === effect.value.p && widget.highlightType !== 'focus', null ) } } if (transaction.selection) { this.decorations = updateDeleteWidgetHighlight( this.decorations, ({ change }) => isSelectionWithinOp(change.op, update.state.selection.main), 'focus' ) this.decorations = updateDeleteWidgetHighlight( this.decorations, ({ change }) => !isSelectionWithinOp(change.op, update.state.selection.main), null ) } } }, } }, { decorations: value => value.decorations, } ), // draw highlight decorations ViewPlugin.define< PluginValue & { decorations: DecorationSet } >( () => { return { decorations: Decoration.none, update(update) { for (const transaction of update.transactions) { this.decorations = for (const effect of transaction.effects) { if ( { this.decorations = buildHighlightDecorations( 'ol-cm-change-highlight', effect.value ) } else if ( { this.decorations = Decoration.none } } } }, } }, { decorations: value => value.decorations, } ), // draw focus decorations ViewPlugin.define< PluginValue & { decorations: DecorationSet } >( view => { return { decorations: Decoration.none, update(update) { if ( !update.transactions.some( tr => tr.selection || tr.effects.some(effect => ) ) { return } this.decorations = Decoration.none const rangesData = view.state.field(rangesDataField) if (!rangesData?.ranges) { return } const { changes, comments } = rangesData.ranges const unresolvedComments = rangesData.threads ? comments.filter( comment => comment.op.t && rangesData.threads[comment.op.t] && !rangesData.threads[comment.op.t].resolved ) : [] for (const range of [...changes, ...unresolvedComments]) { if (isSelectionWithinOp(range.op, update.state.selection.main)) { this.decorations = buildHighlightDecorations( 'ol-cm-change-focus', range.op ) break } } }, } }, { decorations: value => value.decorations, } ), // styles for change decorations trackChangesTheme, ] const buildChangeDecorations = (data: RangesData) => { if (!data.ranges) { return Decoration.none } const changes = [,] const decorations = [] for (const change of changes) { try { decorations.push(...createChangeRange(change, data)) } catch (error) { // ignore invalid changes debugConsole.debug('invalid change position', error) } } return Decoration.set(decorations, true) } const updateDeleteWidgetHighlight = ( decorations: DecorationSet, predicate: (widget: ChangeDeletedWidget) => boolean, highlightType?: 'focus' | 'highlight' | null ) => { const widgetsToReplace: ChangeDeletedWidget[] = [] const cursor = decorations.iter() while (cursor.value) { const widget = cursor.value.spec?.widget if (widget instanceof ChangeDeletedWidget && predicate(widget)) { widgetsToReplace.push(cursor.value.spec.widget) } } return decorations.update({ filter: (from, to, decoration) => { return !widgetsToReplace.includes(decoration.spec?.widget) }, add:{ change }) => Decoration.widget({ widget: new ChangeDeletedWidget(change, highlightType), side: 1, opType: 'd', id:, metadata: change.metadata, }).range(change.op.p, change.op.p) ), }) } const buildHighlightDecorations = (className: string, op: AnyOperation) => { if (isDeleteOperation(op)) { // delete indicators are handled in change decorations return Decoration.none } const opFrom = op.p const opLength = isInsertOperation(op) ? op.i.length : op.c.length const opType = isInsertOperation(op) ? 'i' : 'c' if (opLength === 0) { return Decoration.none } return Decoration.set( Decoration.mark({ class: `${className} ${className}-${opType}`, }).range(opFrom, opFrom + opLength), true ) } class ChangeDeletedWidget extends WidgetType { constructor( public change: Change, public highlightType: 'highlight' | 'focus' | null = null ) { super() } toDOM() { const widget = document.createElement('span') widget.classList.add('ol-cm-change') widget.classList.add('ol-cm-change-d') if (this.highlightType) { widget.classList.add(`ol-cm-change-d-${this.highlightType}`) } return widget } eq(old: ChangeDeletedWidget) { return old.highlightType === this.highlightType } } const createChangeRange = (change: Change, data: RangesData) => { const { id, metadata, op } = change const from = op.p if (isDeleteOperation(op)) { const opType = 'd' const changeWidget = Decoration.widget({ widget: new ChangeDeletedWidget(change as Change), side: 1, opType, id, metadata, }) return [changeWidget.range(from, from)] } const _isCommentOperation = isCommentOperation(op) if (_isCommentOperation) { const thread = data.threads[op.t] if (!thread || thread.resolved) { return [] } } const opType = _isCommentOperation ? 'c' : 'i' const changedText = _isCommentOperation ? op.c : op.i const to = from + changedText.length // Mark decorations must not be empty if (from === to) { return [] } const changeMark = Decoration.mark({ tagName: 'span', class: `ol-cm-change ol-cm-change-${opType}`, opType, id, metadata, }) return [changeMark.range(from, to)] } const trackChangesTheme = EditorView.baseTheme({ '.ol-cm-change-i, .ol-cm-change-highlight-i, .ol-cm-change-focus-i': { backgroundColor: 'rgba(44, 142, 48, 0.30)', }, '&light .ol-cm-change-c, &light .ol-cm-change-highlight-c, &light .ol-cm-change-focus-c': { backgroundColor: 'rgba(243, 177, 17, 0.30)', }, '&dark .ol-cm-change-c, &dark .ol-cm-change-highlight-c, &dark .ol-cm-change-focus-c': { backgroundColor: 'rgba(194, 93, 11, 0.15)', }, '.ol-cm-change': { padding: 'var(--half-leading, 0) 0', }, '.ol-cm-change-highlight': { padding: 'var(--half-leading, 0) 0', }, '.ol-cm-change-focus': { padding: 'var(--half-leading, 0) 0', }, '&light .ol-cm-change-d': { borderLeft: '2px dotted #c5060b', marginLeft: '-1px', }, '&dark .ol-cm-change-d': { borderLeft: '2px dotted #c5060b', marginLeft: '-1px', }, '&light .ol-cm-change-d-highlight': { borderLeft: '3px solid #c5060b', marginLeft: '-2px', }, '&dark .ol-cm-change-d-highlight': { borderLeft: '3px solid #c5060b', marginLeft: '-2px', }, '&light .ol-cm-change-d-focus': { borderLeft: '3px solid #B83A33', marginLeft: '-2px', }, '&dark .ol-cm-change-d-focus': { borderLeft: '3px solid #B83A33', marginLeft: '-2px', }, })