assert = require("chai").assert sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../app/js/FileController.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "FileController", -> beforeEach -> @PersistorManager = sendStream: sinon.stub() copyFile: sinon.stub() deleteFile:sinon.stub() @settings = s3: buckets: user_files:"user_files" @FileHandler = getFile: sinon.stub() deleteFile: sinon.stub() insertFile: sinon.stub() @LocalFileWriter = {} @controller = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./LocalFileWriter":@LocalFileWriter "./FileHandler": @FileHandler "./PersistorManager":@PersistorManager "settings-sharelatex": @settings "logger-sharelatex": log:-> err:-> @project_id = "project_id" @file_id = "file_id" @bucket = "user_files" @key = "#{@project_id}/#{@file_id}" @req = key:@key bucket:@bucket query:{} params: project_id:@project_id file_id:@file_id @res = header: sinon.stub() @fileStream = {} describe "getFile", -> it "should pipe the stream", (done)-> @FileHandler.getFile.callsArgWith(3, null, @fileStream, @size = 42) @fileStream.pipe = (res)=> res.should.equal @res res.header.calledWith("Content-Length", @size).should.equal true done() @controller.getFile @req, @res it "should send a 200 if the cacheWarm param is true", (done)-> @req.query.cacheWarm = true @FileHandler.getFile.callsArgWith(3, null, @fileStream) @res.send = (statusCode)=> statusCode.should.equal 200 done() @controller.getFile @req, @res it "should send a 500 if there is a problem", (done)-> @FileHandler.getFile.callsArgWith(3, "error") @res.send = (code)=> code.should.equal 500 done() @controller.getFile @req, @res describe "insertFile", -> it "should send bucket name key and res to PersistorManager", (done)-> @FileHandler.insertFile.callsArgWith(3) @res.send = => @FileHandler.insertFile.calledWith(@bucket, @key, @req).should.equal true done() @controller.insertFile @req, @res describe "copyFile", -> beforeEach -> @oldFile_id = "old_file_id" @oldProject_id = "old_project_id" @req.body = source: project_id: @oldProject_id file_id: @oldFile_id it "should send bucket name and both keys to PersistorManager", (done)-> @PersistorManager.copyFile.callsArgWith(3) @res.send = (code)=> code.should.equal 200 @PersistorManager.copyFile.calledWith(@bucket, "#{@oldProject_id}/#{@oldFile_id}", @key).should.equal true done() @controller.copyFile @req, @res it "should send a 500 if there was an error", (done)-> @PersistorManager.copyFile.callsArgWith(3, "error") @res.send = (code)=> code.should.equal 500 done() @controller.copyFile @req, @res describe "delete file", -> it "should tell the file handler", (done)-> @FileHandler.deleteFile.callsArgWith(2) @res.send = (code)=> code.should.equal 204 @FileHandler.deleteFile.calledWith(@bucket, @key).should.equal true done() @controller.deleteFile @req, @res it "should send a 500 if there was an error", (done)-> @FileHandler.deleteFile.callsArgWith(2, "error") @res.send = (code)-> code.should.equal 500 done() @controller.deleteFile @req, @res