import _ from 'lodash' /* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, max-len, no-return-assign, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__ * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: */ import App from '../../../base' App.controller('FileTreeController', function($scope, $modal, ide, $rootScope) { $scope.openNewDocModal = reactBridgeParentFolderId => ${ templateUrl: 'newFileModalTemplate', controller: 'NewFileModalController', size: 'lg', resolve: { parent_folder() { if (reactBridgeParentFolderId) { return { id: reactBridgeParentFolderId } } return ide.fileTreeManager.getCurrentFolder() }, projectFeatures() { return ide.$scope.project.features }, type() { return 'doc' }, userFeatures() { return ide.$scope.user.features } } }) $scope.openNewFolderModal = () => ${ templateUrl: 'newFolderModalTemplate', controller: 'NewFolderModalController', resolve: { parent_folder() { return ide.fileTreeManager.getCurrentFolder() } } }) $scope.openUploadFileModal = reactBridgeParentFolderId => ${ templateUrl: 'newFileModalTemplate', controller: 'NewFileModalController', size: 'lg', resolve: { projectFeatures() { return ide.$scope.project.features }, parent_folder() { if (reactBridgeParentFolderId) { return { id: reactBridgeParentFolderId } } return ide.fileTreeManager.getCurrentFolder() }, type() { return 'upload' }, userFeatures() { return ide.$scope.user.features } } }) if (window.showReactFileTree) { window.addEventListener( 'FileTreeReactBridge.openNewDocModal', ({ detail }) => { if (detail.mode === 'upload') { $scope.openUploadFileModal(detail.parentFolderId) } else { $scope.openNewDocModal(detail.parentFolderId) } } ) } $scope.orderByFoldersFirst = function(entity) { if ((entity != null ? entity.type : undefined) === 'folder') { return '0' } return '1' } $scope.startRenamingSelected = () => $scope.$broadcast('rename:selected') return ($scope.openDeleteModalForSelected = () => $scope.$broadcast('delete:selected')) }) App.controller('NewFolderModalController', function( $scope, ide, $modalInstance, $timeout, parent_folder ) { $scope.inputs = { name: 'name' } $scope.state = { inflight: false } $modalInstance.opened.then(() => $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('open'), 200) ) $scope.create = function() { const { name } = $scope.inputs if (name == null || name.length === 0) { return } $scope.state.inflight = true return ide.fileTreeManager .createFolder(name, $scope.parent_folder) .then(function() { $scope.state.inflight = false return $modalInstance.dismiss('done') }) .catch(function(response) { const { data } = response $scope.error = data return ($scope.state.inflight = false) }) } return ($scope.cancel = () => $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel')) }) App.controller('DuplicateFileModalController', function( $scope, $modalInstance, fileName ) { $scope.fileName = fileName $scope.cancel = () => $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel') }) App.controller('NewFileModalController', function( $scope, ide, type, parent_folder, $modalInstance, eventTracking, projectFeatures, userFeatures ) { $scope.file_count = ide.fileTreeManager.getFullCount() $scope.type = type $scope.parent_folder = parent_folder $scope.state = { inflight: false, valid: true } $scope.cancel = () => $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel') $scope.create = () => $scope.$broadcast('create') const hasMendeleyFeature = (projectFeatures && projectFeatures.references) || (projectFeatures && projectFeatures.mendeley) || (userFeatures && userFeatures.references) || (userFeatures && userFeatures.mendeley) const hasZoteroFeature = (projectFeatures && projectFeatures.references) || (projectFeatures && projectFeatures.zotero) || (userFeatures && userFeatures.references) || (userFeatures && userFeatures.zotero) $scope.$watch('type', function() { if ($scope.type === 'mendeley' && !hasMendeleyFeature) { eventTracking.send( 'subscription-funnel', 'editor-click-feature', $scope.type ) } if ($scope.type === 'zotero' && !hasZoteroFeature) { eventTracking.send( 'subscription-funnel', 'editor-click-feature', $scope.type ) } }) $scope.$on('done', (e, opts = {}) => { const isBibFile = && /^.*\.bib$/.test( if (opts.shouldReindexReferences || isBibFile) { ide.$scope.$emit('references:should-reindex', {}) } $modalInstance.dismiss('done') }) if (window.showReactFileTree) { window.addEventListener( 'FileTreeReactBridge.openNewFileModal', ({ detail }) => { if (detail.done) { ide.$scope.FileTreeReactBridgePromise.resolve() } if (detail.error) { ide.$scope.FileTreeReactBridgePromise.reject(detail) } } ) } }) App.controller('NewDocModalController', function($scope, ide, $timeout) { $scope.inputs = { name: 'name.tex' } $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('open'), 200) return $scope.$on('create', function() { const { name } = $scope.inputs if (name == null || name.length === 0) { return } $scope.state.inflight = true return ide.fileTreeManager .createDoc(name, $scope.parent_folder) .then(function() { $scope.state.inflight = false return $scope.$emit('done') }) .catch(function(response) { const { data } = response $scope.error = data $scope.state.inflight = false }) .finally(function() { if (!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply() } }) }) }) App.controller('UploadFileModalController', function( $scope, $rootScope, ide, $timeout, $window ) { $scope.parent_folder_id = $scope.parent_folder != null ? $ : undefined $scope.project_id = ide.project_id $scope.tooManyFiles = false $scope.rateLimitHit = false $scope.secondsToRedirect = 10 $scope.notLoggedIn = false $scope.conflicts = [] $scope.control = {} const needToLogBackIn = function() { $scope.notLoggedIn = true var decreseTimeout = () => $timeout(function() { if ($scope.secondsToRedirect === 0) { return ($window.location.href = `/login?redir=/project/${ ide.project_id }`) } else { decreseTimeout() return ($scope.secondsToRedirect = $scope.secondsToRedirect - 1) } }, 1000) return decreseTimeout() } $scope.max_files = 40 $scope.onComplete = (error, name, response) => $timeout(function() { uploadCount-- if (response.success) { $rootScope.$broadcast('file:upload:complete', response) } if (uploadCount === 0 && response != null && response.success) { return $scope.$emit('done', { name: name }) } }, 250) $scope.onValidateBatch = function(files) { if (files.length > $scope.max_files) { $timeout(() => ($scope.tooManyFiles = true), 1) return false } else { return true } } $scope.onError = function(id, name, reason) { console.log(id, name, reason) if (reason.indexOf('429') !== -1) { return ($scope.rateLimitHit = true) } else if (reason.indexOf('403') !== -1) { return needToLogBackIn() } } let _uploadTimer = null const uploadIfNoConflicts = function() { if ($scope.conflicts.length === 0) { return $scope.doUpload() } } var uploadCount = 0 $scope.onSubmit = function(id, name) { uploadCount++ if (ide.fileTreeManager.existsInFolder($scope.parent_folder_id, name)) { $scope.conflicts.push(name) $scope.$apply() } if (_uploadTimer == null) { _uploadTimer = setTimeout(function() { _uploadTimer = null return uploadIfNoConflicts() }, 0) } return true } $scope.onCancel = function(id, name) { uploadCount-- const index = $scope.conflicts.indexOf(name) if (index > -1) { $scope.conflicts.splice(index, 1) } $scope.$apply() return uploadIfNoConflicts() } return ($scope.doUpload = () => __guard__($scope.control != null ? $scope.control.q : undefined, x => x.uploadStoredFiles() )) }) App.controller('ProjectLinkedFileModalController', function( $scope, ide, $timeout ) { $ = { projects: null, // or [] selectedProjectId: null, projectEntities: null, // or [] projectOutputFiles: null, // or [] selectedProjectEntity: null, selectedProjectOutputFile: null, buildId: null, name: null } $scope.state.inFlight = { projects: false, entities: false, compile: false } $scope.state.isOutputFilesMode = false $scope.state.error = false $scope.$watch('data.selectedProjectId', function(newVal, oldVal) { if (!newVal) { return } $ = null $ = null if ($scope.state.isOutputFilesMode) { return $scope.compileProjectAndGetOutputFiles( $ ) } else { return $scope.getProjectEntities($ } }) $scope.$watch('state.isOutputFilesMode', function(newVal, oldVal) { if (!newVal && !oldVal) { return } $ = null if (newVal === true) { return $scope.compileProjectAndGetOutputFiles( $ ) } else { return $scope.getProjectEntities($ } }) // auto-set filename based on selected file $scope.$watch('data.selectedProjectEntity', function(newVal, oldVal) { if (!newVal) { return } const fileName = newVal.split('/').reverse()[0] if (fileName) { $ = fileName } }) // auto-set filename based on selected file $scope.$watch('data.selectedProjectOutputFile', function(newVal, oldVal) { if (!newVal) { return } if (newVal === 'output.pdf') { const project = _.find( $, p => p._id === $ ) $ = (project != null ? : undefined) != null ? `${}.pdf` : 'output.pdf' } else { const fileName = newVal.split('/').reverse()[0] if (fileName) { $ = fileName } } }) const _setInFlight = type => ($scope.state.inFlight[type] = true) const _reset = function(opts) { const isError = opts.err === true const { inFlight } = $scope.state inFlight.projects = inFlight.entities = inFlight.compile = false $scope.state.inflight = false return ($scope.state.error = isError) } $scope.toggleOutputFilesMode = function() { if (!$ { return } return ($scope.state.isOutputFilesMode = !$scope.state.isOutputFilesMode) } $scope.shouldEnableProjectSelect = function() { const { state, data } = $scope return !state.inFlight.projects && data.projects } $scope.hasNoProjects = function() { const { state, data } = $scope return ( !state.inFlight.projects && (data.projects == null || data.projects.length === 0) ) } $scope.shouldEnableProjectEntitySelect = function() { const { state, data } = $scope return ( !state.inFlight.projects && !state.inFlight.entities && data.projects && data.selectedProjectId ) } $scope.shouldEnableProjectOutputFileSelect = function() { const { state, data } = $scope return ( !state.inFlight.projects && !state.inFlight.compile && data.projects && data.selectedProjectId ) } const validate = function() { const { state } = $scope const { data } = $scope $scope.state.valid = !state.inFlight.projects && !state.inFlight.entities && data.projects && data.selectedProjectId && ((!$scope.state.isOutputFilesMode && data.projectEntities && data.selectedProjectEntity) || ($scope.state.isOutputFilesMode && data.projectOutputFiles && data.selectedProjectOutputFile)) && } $scope.$watch('state', validate, true) $scope.$watch('data', validate, true) $scope.getUserProjects = function() { _setInFlight('projects') return ide.$http .get('/user/projects', { _csrf: window.csrfToken }) .then(function(resp) { $ = null $ = p => p._id !== ide.project_id ) return _reset({ err: false }) }) .catch(err => _reset({ err: true })) } $scope.getProjectEntities = project_id => { _setInFlight('entities') return ide.$http .get(`/project/${project_id}/entities`, { _csrf: window.csrfToken }) .then(function(resp) { if ($ === { $ = return _reset({ err: false }) } }) .catch(err => _reset({ err: true })) } $scope.compileProjectAndGetOutputFiles = project_id => { _setInFlight('compile') return ide.$http .post(`/project/${project_id}/compile`, { check: 'silent', draft: false, incrementalCompilesEnabled: false, _csrf: window.csrfToken }) .then(function(resp) { if ( === 'success') { const filteredFiles = => f.path.match(/.*\.(pdf|png|jpeg|jpg|gif)/) ) $ = filteredFiles $ = __guard__( filteredFiles != null ? filteredFiles[0] : undefined, x => ) console.log('>> build_id', $ return _reset({ err: false }) } else { $ = null return _reset({ err: true }) } }) .catch(function(err) { console.error(err) return _reset({ err: true }) }) } $scope.init = () => $scope.getUserProjects() $timeout($scope.init, 0) return $scope.$on('create', function() { let payload, provider const projectId = $ const { name } = $ if ($scope.state.isOutputFilesMode) { provider = 'project_output_file' payload = { source_project_id: projectId, source_output_file_path: $, build_id: $ } } else { provider = 'project_file' payload = { source_project_id: projectId, source_entity_path: $ } } _setInFlight('create') ide.fileTreeManager .createLinkedFile(name, $scope.parent_folder, provider, payload) .then(function() { _reset({ err: false }) return $scope.$emit('done', { name: name }) }) .catch(function(response) { const { data } = response $scope.error = data }) .finally(function() { if (!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply() } }) }) }) export default App.controller('UrlLinkedFileModalController', function( $scope, ide, $timeout ) { $scope.inputs = { name: '', url: '' } $scope.nameChangedByUser = false $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('open'), 200) const validate = function() { const { name, url } = $scope.inputs if (name == null || name.length === 0) { return ($scope.state.valid = false) } else if (url == null || url.length === 0) { return ($scope.state.valid = false) } else { return ($scope.state.valid = true) } } $scope.$watch('', validate) $scope.$watch('inputs.url', validate) $scope.$watch('inputs.url', function(url) { if (url != null && url !== '' && !$scope.nameChangedByUser) { url = url.replace('://', '') // Ignore http:// etc const parts = url.split('/').reverse() if (parts.length > 1) { // Wait for at one / return ($ = parts[0]) } } }) return $scope.$on('create', function() { const { name, url } = $scope.inputs if (name == null || name.length === 0) { return } if (url == null || url.length === 0) { return } $scope.state.inflight = true return ide.fileTreeManager .createLinkedFile(name, $scope.parent_folder, 'url', { url }) .then(function() { $scope.state.inflight = false return $scope.$emit('done', { name: name }) }) .catch(function(response) { const { data } = response $scope.error = data return ($scope.state.inflight = false) }) .finally(function() { if (!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply() } }) }) }) function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined }