import App from '../../../base' import { react2angular } from 'react2angular' import FileTreeRoot from '../components/file-tree-root' App.controller('ReactFileTreeController', function( $scope, $timeout, ide, eventTracking ) { $scope.projectId = ide.project_id $scope.rootFolder = null $scope.rootDocId = null $scope.hasWritePermissions = false $scope.$on('project:joined', () => { $scope.rootFolder = $scope.project.rootFolder $scope.rootDocId = $scope.project.rootDoc_id $scope.$emit('file-tree:initialized') }) $scope.$watch('permissions.write', hasWritePermissions => { $scope.hasWritePermissions = hasWritePermissions }) $scope.$watch('editor.open_doc_id', openDocId => { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('editor.openDoc', { detail: openDocId }) ) }) $scope.onInit = () => { // HACK: resize the vertical pane on init after a 0ms timeout. We do not // understand why this is necessary but without this the resized handle is // stuck at the bottom. The vertical resize will soon be migrated to React // so we accept to live with this hack for now. $timeout(() => { $scope.$emit('left-pane-resize-all') }) } $scope.onSelect = selectedEntities => { if (selectedEntities.length === 1) { const selectedEntity = selectedEntities[0] const type = selectedEntity.type === 'fileRef' ? 'file' : selectedEntity.type $scope.$emit('entity:selected', { id: selectedEntity.entity._id, name:, type }) // in the react implementation there is no such concept as "1 // multi-selected entity" so here we pass a count of 0 $scope.$emit('entities:multiSelected', { count: 0 }) } else if (selectedEntities.length > 1) { $scope.$emit('entities:multiSelected', { count: selectedEntities.length }) } } }) App.component('fileTreeRoot', react2angular(FileTreeRoot))