import React, { createContext, useContext, useReducer, useEffect } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import classNames from 'classnames' import { findInTree } from '../util/find-in-tree' import { useFileTreeMutable } from './file-tree-mutable' const FileTreeSelectableContext = createContext(new Set()) const ACTION_TYPES = { SELECT: 'SELECT', MULTI_SELECT: 'MULTI_SELECT', UNSELECT: 'UNSELECT' } function fileTreeSelectableReadWriteReducer(selectedEntityIds, action) { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPES.SELECT: { // reset selection return new Set([]) } case ACTION_TYPES.MULTI_SELECT: { const selectedEntityIdsCopy = new Set(selectedEntityIds) if (selectedEntityIdsCopy.has( { // entity already selected if (selectedEntityIdsCopy.size > 1) { // entity already multi-selected; remove from set selectedEntityIdsCopy.delete( } } else { // entity not selected: add to set selectedEntityIdsCopy.add( } return selectedEntityIdsCopy } case ACTION_TYPES.UNSELECT: { const selectedEntityIdsCopy = new Set(selectedEntityIds) selectedEntityIdsCopy.delete( return selectedEntityIdsCopy } default: throw new Error(`Unknown selectable action type: ${action.type}`) } } function fileTreeSelectableReadOnlyReducer(selectedEntityIds, action) { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPES.SELECT: return new Set([]) case ACTION_TYPES.MULTI_SELECT: case ACTION_TYPES.UNSELECT: return selectedEntityIds default: throw new Error(`Unknown selectable action type: ${action.type}`) } } export function FileTreeSelectableProvider({ hasWritePermissions, initialSelectedEntityId = null, onSelect, children }) { const [selectedEntityIds, dispatch] = useReducer( hasWritePermissions ? fileTreeSelectableReadWriteReducer : fileTreeSelectableReadOnlyReducer, initialSelectedEntityId ? new Set([initialSelectedEntityId]) : new Set() ) const { fileTreeData } = useFileTreeMutable() // calls `onSelect` on entities selection useEffect( () => { const selectedEntities = Array.from(selectedEntityIds).map(id => findInTree(fileTreeData, id) ) onSelect(selectedEntities) }, [fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds] ) useEffect(() => { // listen for `editor.openDoc` and selected that doc function handleOpenDoc(ev) { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SELECT, id: ev.detail }) } window.addEventListener('editor.openDoc', handleOpenDoc) return () => window.removeEventListener('editor.openDoc', handleOpenDoc) }, []) return ( {children} ) } FileTreeSelectableProvider.propTypes = { hasWritePermissions: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, initialSelectedEntityId: PropTypes.string, onSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node ]).isRequired } export function useSelectableEntity(id) { const { selectedEntityIds, dispatch } = useContext(FileTreeSelectableContext) const isSelected = selectedEntityIds.has(id) function selectOrMultiSelectEntity(ev) { const isMultiSelect = ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey const actionType = isMultiSelect ? ACTION_TYPES.MULTI_SELECT : ACTION_TYPES.SELECT dispatch({ type: actionType, id }) } function handleClick(ev) { selectOrMultiSelectEntity(ev) } function handleKeyPress(ev) { if (ev.key === 'Enter' || ev.key === ' ') { selectOrMultiSelectEntity(ev) } } function handleContextMenu(ev) { // make sure the right-clicked entity gets selected if (!selectedEntityIds.has(id)) selectOrMultiSelectEntity(ev) } return { isSelected, props: { className: classNames({ selected: isSelected }), 'aria-selected': isSelected, onClick: handleClick, onContextMenu: handleContextMenu, onKeyPress: handleKeyPress } } } export function useFileTreeSelectable() { const { selectedEntityIds, dispatch } = useContext(FileTreeSelectableContext) function unselect(id) { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.UNSELECT, id }) } return { selectedEntityIds, unselect } }