import { screen } from '@testing-library/react' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { renderWithEditorContext } from '../../../helpers/render-with-context' import FileViewHeader from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/file-view/components/file-view-header' import { USER_ID } from '../../../helpers/editor-providers' import { fileViewFile } from '@/features/ide-react/util/file-view' describe('', function () { const urlFile = { name: 'example.tex', linkedFileData: { url: '', provider: 'url', }, created: new Date(2021, 1, 17, 3, 24).toISOString(), } const projectFile = { name: 'example.tex', linkedFileData: { v1_source_doc_id: 'v1-source-id', source_project_id: 'source-project-id', source_entity_path: '/source-entity-path.ext', provider: 'project_file', importer_id: USER_ID, }, created: new Date(2021, 1, 17, 3, 24).toISOString(), } const projectOutputFile = { name: 'example.pdf', linkedFileData: { v1_source_doc_id: 'v1-source-id', source_output_file_path: '/source-entity-path.ext', provider: 'project_output_file', }, created: new Date(2021, 1, 17, 3, 24).toISOString(), } beforeEach(function () { fetchMock.reset() }) describe('header text', function () { it('Renders the correct text for a file with the url provider', function () { renderWithEditorContext() screen.getByText('Imported from', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('at 3:24 am Wed, 17th Feb 21', { exact: false, }) }) it('Renders the correct text for a file with the project_file provider', function () { renderWithEditorContext() screen.getByText('Imported from', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('Another project', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('/source-entity-path.ext, at 3:24 am Wed, 17th Feb 21', { exact: false, }) }) it('Renders the correct text for a file with the project_output_file provider', function () { renderWithEditorContext( {}} /> ) screen.getByText('Imported from the output of', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('Another project', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('/source-entity-path.ext, at 3:24 am Wed, 17th Feb 21', { exact: false, }) }) }) describe('The download button', function () { it('exists', function () { renderWithEditorContext() screen.getByText('Download', { exact: false }) }) }) it('should use importedAt as timestamp when present in the linked file data', function () { const fileFromServer = { name: 'example.tex', linkedFileData: { v1_source_doc_id: 'v1-source-id', source_project_id: 'source-project-id', source_entity_path: '/source-entity-path.ext', provider: 'project_file', importer_id: USER_ID, importedAt: new Date(2024, 9, 16, 1, 30).getTime(), }, created: new Date(2021, 1, 17, 3, 24).toISOString(), } // FIXME: This should be tested through the component instead const fileShown = fileViewFile(fileFromServer) renderWithEditorContext() screen.getByText('Imported from', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('Another project', { exact: false }) screen.getByText('/source-entity-path.ext, at 1:30 am Wed, 16th Oct 24', { exact: false, }) }) })