request = require("request") Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') RedisManager = require("./RedisManager") rclient = RedisManager.rclient docUpdaterKeys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema async = require("async") ProjectManager = require("./ProjectManager") _ = require("lodash") logger = require("logger-sharelatex") ProjectFlusher = # iterate over keys asynchronously using redis scan (non-blocking) # handle all the cluster nodes or single redis server _getKeys: (pattern, limit, callback) -> nodes = rclient.nodes?('master') || [ rclient ]; doKeyLookupForNode = (node, cb) -> ProjectFlusher._getKeysFromNode node, pattern, limit, cb async.concatSeries nodes, doKeyLookupForNode, callback _getKeysFromNode: (node, pattern, limit = 1000, callback) -> cursor = 0 # redis iterator keySet = {} # use hash to avoid duplicate results batchSize = if limit? then Math.min(limit, 1000) else 1000 # scan over all keys looking for pattern doIteration = (cb) -> node.scan cursor, "MATCH", pattern, "COUNT", batchSize, (error, reply) -> return callback(error) if error? [cursor, keys] = reply for key in keys keySet[key] = true keys = Object.keys(keySet) noResults = cursor == "0" # redis returns string results not numeric limitReached = (limit? && keys.length >= limit) if noResults || limitReached return callback(null, keys) else setTimeout doIteration, 10 # avoid hitting redis too hard doIteration() # extract ids from keys like DocsWithHistoryOps:57fd0b1f53a8396d22b2c24b # or docsInProject:{57fd0b1f53a8396d22b2c24b} (for redis cluster) _extractIds: (keyList) -> ids = for key in keyList m = key.match(/:\{?([0-9a-f]{24})\}?/) # extract object id m[1] return ids flushAllProjects: (options, callback)-> logger.log options:options, "flushing all projects" ProjectFlusher._getKeys docUpdaterKeys.docsInProject({project_id:"*"}), options.limit, (error, project_keys) -> if error? logger.err err:error, "error getting keys for flushing" return callback(error) project_ids = ProjectFlusher._extractIds(project_keys) if options.dryRun return callback(null, project_ids) jobs = project_ids, (project_id)-> return (cb)-> ProjectManager.flushAndDeleteProjectWithLocks project_id, {background:true}, cb async.parallelLimit async.reflectAll(jobs), options.concurrency, (error, results)-> success = [] failure = [] _.each results, (result, i)-> if result.error? failure.push(project_ids[i]) else success.push(project_ids[i]) logger.log success:success, failure:failure, "finished flushing all projects" return callback(error, {success:success, failure:failure}) module.exports = ProjectFlusher