// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 define(function() { var BAD_CROSS_REFERENCE_REGEX, BibLogParser, LINE_SPLITTER_REGEX, MESSAGE_LEVELS, MULTILINE_COMMAND_ERROR_REGEX, MULTILINE_ERROR_REGEX, MULTILINE_WARNING_REGEX, SINGLELINE_WARNING_REGEX, consume, errorParsers, warningParsers; LINE_SPLITTER_REGEX = /^\[(\d+)].*>\s(INFO|WARN|ERROR)\s-\s(.*)$/; MESSAGE_LEVELS = { "INFO": "info", "WARN": "warning", "ERROR": "error" }; BibLogParser = function(text, options) { if (typeof text !== 'string') { throw new Error("BibLogParser Error: text parameter must be a string"); } this.text = text.replace(/(\r\n)|\r/g, '\n'); this.options = options || {}; this.lines = text.split('\n'); }; consume = function(logText, regex, process) { var iterationCount, match, newEntry, re, result, text; text = logText; result = []; re = regex; iterationCount = 0; while (match = re.exec(text)) { iterationCount += 1; newEntry = process(match); // Too many log entries can cause browser crashes // Construct a too many files error from the last match const maxErrors = 100 if (iterationCount >= maxErrors) { const level = newEntry.level + "s" newEntry.message = `Over ${maxErrors} ${level} returned. Download raw logs to see full list`; newEntry.line = undefined; result.unshift(newEntry) return [result, ""]; } result.push(newEntry); text = (match.input.slice(0, match.index)) + (match.input.slice(match.index + match[0].length + 1, match.input.length)); } return [result, text]; }; MULTILINE_WARNING_REGEX = /^Warning--(.+)\n--line (\d+) of file (.+)$/m; SINGLELINE_WARNING_REGEX = /^Warning--(.+)$/m; MULTILINE_ERROR_REGEX = /^(.*)---line (\d+) of file (.*)\n([^]+?)\nI'm skipping whatever remains of this entry$/m; BAD_CROSS_REFERENCE_REGEX = /^(A bad cross reference---entry ".+?"\nrefers to entry.+?, which doesn't exist)$/m; MULTILINE_COMMAND_ERROR_REGEX = /^(.*)\n?---line (\d+) of file (.*)\n([^]+?)\nI'm skipping whatever remains of this command$/m; // Errors hit in BST file have a slightly different format BST_ERROR_REGEX = /^(.*?)\nwhile executing---line (\d+) of file (.*)/m; warningParsers = [ [ MULTILINE_WARNING_REGEX, function(match) { var fileName, fullMatch, lineNumber, message; fullMatch = match[0], message = match[1], lineNumber = match[2], fileName = match[3]; return { file: fileName, level: "warning", message: message, line: lineNumber, raw: fullMatch }; } ], [ SINGLELINE_WARNING_REGEX, function(match) { var fullMatch, message; fullMatch = match[0], message = match[1]; return { file: '', level: "warning", message: message, line: '', raw: fullMatch }; } ] ]; errorParsers = [ [ MULTILINE_ERROR_REGEX, function(match) { var fileName, firstMessage, fullMatch, lineNumber, secondMessage; fullMatch = match[0], firstMessage = match[1], lineNumber = match[2], fileName = match[3], secondMessage = match[4]; return { file: fileName, level: "error", message: firstMessage + '\n' + secondMessage, line: lineNumber, raw: fullMatch }; } ], [ BAD_CROSS_REFERENCE_REGEX, function(match) { var fullMatch, message; fullMatch = match[0], message = match[1]; return { file: '', level: "error", message: message, line: '', raw: fullMatch }; } ], [ MULTILINE_COMMAND_ERROR_REGEX, function(match) { var fileName, firstMessage, fullMatch, lineNumber, secondMessage; fullMatch = match[0], firstMessage = match[1], lineNumber = match[2], fileName = match[3], secondMessage = match[4]; return { file: fileName, level: "error", message: firstMessage + '\n' + secondMessage, line: lineNumber, raw: fullMatch }; } ],[ BST_ERROR_REGEX, function(match) { var fileName, firstMessage, fullMatch, lineNumber, secondMessage; fullMatch = match[0], firstMessage = match[1], lineNumber = match[2], fileName = match[3]; return { file: fileName, level: "error", message: firstMessage, line: lineNumber, raw: fullMatch }; } ] ]; (function() { this.parseBibtex = function() { var allErrors, allWarnings, ref, ref1, remainingText, result; result = { all: [], errors: [], warnings: [], files: [], typesetting: [] }; ref = warningParsers.reduce(function(accumulator, parser) { var _remainingText, currentWarnings, process, ref, regex, text, warnings; currentWarnings = accumulator[0], text = accumulator[1]; regex = parser[0], process = parser[1]; ref = consume(text, regex, process), warnings = ref[0], _remainingText = ref[1]; return [currentWarnings.concat(warnings), _remainingText]; }, [[], this.text]), allWarnings = ref[0], remainingText = ref[1]; ref1 = errorParsers.reduce(function(accumulator, parser) { var _remainingText, currentErrors, errors, process, ref1, regex, text; currentErrors = accumulator[0], text = accumulator[1]; regex = parser[0], process = parser[1]; ref1 = consume(text, regex, process), errors = ref1[0], _remainingText = ref1[1]; return [currentErrors.concat(errors), _remainingText]; }, [[], remainingText]), allErrors = ref1[0], remainingText = ref1[1]; result.warnings = allWarnings; result.errors = allErrors; result.all = allWarnings.concat(allErrors); return result; }; this.parseBiber = function() { var result; result = { all: [], errors: [], warnings: [], files: [], typesetting: [] }; this.lines.forEach(function(line) { var _, fileName, fullLine, lineMatch, lineNumber, match, message, messageType, newEntry, realMessage; match = line.match(LINE_SPLITTER_REGEX); if (match) { fullLine = match[0], lineNumber = match[1], messageType = match[2], message = match[3]; newEntry = { file: '', level: MESSAGE_LEVELS[messageType] || "INFO", message: message, line: '', raw: fullLine }; lineMatch = newEntry.message.match(/^BibTeX subsystem: \/.+\/(\w+\.\w+)_.+, line (\d+), (.+)$/); if (lineMatch && lineMatch.length === 4) { _ = lineMatch[0], fileName = lineMatch[1], lineNumber = lineMatch[2], realMessage = lineMatch[3]; newEntry.file = fileName; newEntry.line = lineNumber; newEntry.message = realMessage; } result.all.push(newEntry); switch (newEntry.level) { case 'error': return result.errors.push(newEntry); case 'warning': return result.warnings.push(newEntry); } } }); return result; }; return this.parse = function() { var firstLine; firstLine = this.lines[0]; if (firstLine.match(/^.*INFO - This is Biber.*$/)) { return this.parseBiber(); } else if (firstLine.match(/^This is BibTeX, Version.+$/)) { return this.parseBibtex(); } else { throw new Error("BibLogParser Error: cannot determine whether text is biber or bibtex output"); } }; }).call(BibLogParser.prototype); BibLogParser.parse = function(text, options) { return new BibLogParser(text, options).parse(); }; return BibLogParser; });