should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') path = require('path') sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = path.join __dirname, "../../../../app/js/Features/BetaProgram/BetaProgramController" expect = require("chai").expect describe "BetaProgramController", -> beforeEach -> @user = _id: @user_id = "a_simple_id" email: "" features: {} betaProgram: false @req = query: {} session: user: @user @BetaProgramController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./BetaProgramHandler": @BetaProgramHandler = { optIn: sinon.stub() optOut: sinon.stub() }, "../User/UserGetter": @UserGetter = { getUser: sinon.stub() }, "settings-sharelatex": @settings = { languages: {} } "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub() err: sinon.stub() error: sinon.stub() } '../Authentication/AuthenticationController': @AuthenticationController = { getLoggedInUserId: sinon.stub().returns(@user._id) } @res = send: sinon.stub() redirect: sinon.stub() render: sinon.stub() @next = sinon.stub() describe "optIn", -> beforeEach -> @BetaProgramHandler.optIn.callsArgWith(1, null) it "should redirect to '/beta/participate'", () -> @BetaProgramController.optIn @req, @res, @next @res.redirect.callCount.should.equal 1 @res.redirect.firstCall.args[0].should.equal "/beta/participate" it "should not call next with an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optIn @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should not call next with an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optIn @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should call BetaProgramHandler.optIn", () -> @BetaProgramController.optIn @req, @res, @next @BetaProgramHandler.optIn.callCount.should.equal 1 describe "when BetaProgramHandler.opIn produces an error", -> beforeEach -> @BetaProgramHandler.optIn.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it "should not redirect to '/beta/participate'", () -> @BetaProgramController.optIn @req, @res, @next @res.redirect.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should produce an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optIn @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 1 @next.firstCall.args[0] Error describe "optOut", -> beforeEach -> @BetaProgramHandler.optOut.callsArgWith(1, null) it "should redirect to '/beta/participate'", () -> @BetaProgramController.optOut @req, @res, @next @res.redirect.callCount.should.equal 1 @res.redirect.firstCall.args[0].should.equal "/beta/participate" it "should not call next with an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optOut @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should not call next with an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optOut @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should call BetaProgramHandler.optOut", () -> @BetaProgramController.optOut @req, @res, @next @BetaProgramHandler.optOut.callCount.should.equal 1 describe "when BetaProgramHandler.optOut produces an error", -> beforeEach -> @BetaProgramHandler.optOut.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it "should not redirect to '/beta/participate'", () -> @BetaProgramController.optOut @req, @res, @next @res.redirect.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should produce an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optOut @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 1 @next.firstCall.args[0] Error describe "optInPage", -> beforeEach -> @UserGetter.getUser.callsArgWith(1, null, @user) it "should render the opt-in page", () -> @BetaProgramController.optInPage @req, @res, @next @res.render.callCount.should.equal 1 args = @res.render.firstCall.args args[0].should.equal 'beta_program/opt_in' describe "when UserGetter.getUser produces an error", -> beforeEach -> @UserGetter.getUser.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it "should not render the opt-in page", () -> @BetaProgramController.optInPage @req, @res, @next @res.render.callCount.should.equal 0 it "should produce an error", () -> @BetaProgramController.optInPage @req, @res, @next @next.callCount.should.equal 1 @next.firstCall.args[0] Error