import React, { createContext, useCallback, useReducer, useContext } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { mapSeries } from '../../../infrastructure/promise' import { syncRename, syncDelete, syncMove, syncCreateEntity } from '../util/sync-mutation' import { findInTreeOrThrow } from '../util/find-in-tree' import { isNameUniqueInFolder } from '../util/is-name-unique-in-folder' import { isBlockedFilename, isCleanFilename } from '../util/safe-path' import { FileTreeMainContext } from './file-tree-main' import { useFileTreeMutable } from './file-tree-mutable' import { useFileTreeSelectable } from './file-tree-selectable' import { InvalidFilenameError, BlockedFilenameError, DuplicateFilenameError, DuplicateFilenameMoveError } from '../errors' const FileTreeActionableContext = createContext() const ACTION_TYPES = { START_RENAME: 'START_RENAME', START_DELETE: 'START_DELETE', DELETING: 'DELETING', START_CREATE_FOLDER: 'START_CREATE_FOLDER', CREATING_FOLDER: 'CREATING_FOLDER', MOVING: 'MOVING', CANCEL: 'CANCEL', CLEAR: 'CLEAR', ERROR: 'ERROR' } const defaultState = { isDeleting: false, isRenaming: false, isCreatingFolder: false, isMoving: false, inFlight: false, actionedEntities: null, error: null } function fileTreeActionableReadOnlyReducer(state) { return state } function fileTreeActionableReducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPES.START_RENAME: return { ...defaultState, isRenaming: true } case ACTION_TYPES.START_DELETE: return { ...defaultState, isDeleting: true, actionedEntities: action.actionedEntities } case ACTION_TYPES.START_CREATE_FOLDER: return { ...defaultState, isCreatingFolder: true } case ACTION_TYPES.CREATING_FOLDER: return { ...defaultState, isCreatingFolder: true, inFlight: true } case ACTION_TYPES.DELETING: // keep `actionedEntities` so the entities list remains displayed in the // delete modal return { ...defaultState, isDeleting: true, inFlight: true, actionedEntities: state.actionedEntities } case ACTION_TYPES.MOVING: return { ...defaultState, isMoving: true, inFlight: true } case ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR: return { ...defaultState } case ACTION_TYPES.CANCEL: if (state.inFlight) return state return { ...defaultState } case ACTION_TYPES.ERROR: return { ...state, inFlight: false, error: action.error } default: throw new Error(`Unknown user action type: ${action.type}`) } } export function FileTreeActionableProvider({ hasWritePermissions, children }) { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer( hasWritePermissions ? fileTreeActionableReducer : fileTreeActionableReadOnlyReducer, defaultState ) return ( {children} ) } FileTreeActionableProvider.propTypes = { hasWritePermissions: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node ]).isRequired } export function useFileTreeActionable() { const { isDeleting, isRenaming, isMoving, isCreatingFolder, inFlight, error, actionedEntities, dispatch } = useContext(FileTreeActionableContext) const { projectId } = useContext(FileTreeMainContext) const { fileTreeData, dispatchRename, dispatchMove } = useFileTreeMutable() const { selectedEntityIds } = useFileTreeSelectable() const startRenaming = useCallback(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.START_RENAME }) }, [dispatch]) // update the entity with the new name immediately in the tree, but revert to // the old name if the sync fails const finishRenaming = useCallback( newName => { const selectedEntityId = Array.from(selectedEntityIds)[0] const found = findInTreeOrThrow(fileTreeData, selectedEntityId) const oldName = if (newName === oldName) { return dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR }) } const error = validateRename(fileTreeData, found, newName) if (error) return dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ERROR, error }) dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR }) dispatchRename(selectedEntityId, newName) return syncRename(projectId, found.type, found.entity._id, newName).catch( error => { dispatchRename(selectedEntityId, oldName) // The state from this error action isn't used anywhere right now // but we need to handle the error for linting dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ERROR, error }) } ) }, [dispatch, dispatchRename, fileTreeData, projectId, selectedEntityIds] ) // init deletion flow (this will open the delete modal). // A copy of the selected entities is set as `actionedEntities` so it is kept // unchanged as the entities are deleted and the selection is updated const startDeleting = useCallback(() => { const actionedEntities = Array.from(selectedEntityIds).map( entityId => findInTreeOrThrow(fileTreeData, entityId).entity ) dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.START_DELETE, actionedEntities }) }, [dispatch, fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds]) // deletes entities in serie. Tree will be updated via the socket event const finishDeleting = useCallback(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.DELETING }) return mapSeries(Array.from(selectedEntityIds), id => { const found = findInTreeOrThrow(fileTreeData, id) return syncDelete(projectId, found.type, found.entity._id).catch( error => { // throw unless 404 if ( !== 404) { throw error } } ) }) .then(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR }) }) .catch(error => { // set an error and allow user to retry dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ERROR, error }) }) }, [dispatch, fileTreeData, projectId, selectedEntityIds]) // moves entities. Tree is updated immediately and data are sync'd after. const finishMoving = useCallback( (toFolderId, draggedEntityIds) => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.MOVING }) // find entities and filter out no-ops const founds = Array.from(draggedEntityIds) .map(draggedEntityId => findInTreeOrThrow(fileTreeData, draggedEntityId) ) .filter(found => found.parentFolderId !== toFolderId) // make sure all entities can be moved, return early otherwise const isMoveToRoot = toFolderId === fileTreeData._id const validationError = founds .map(found => validateMove(fileTreeData, toFolderId, found, isMoveToRoot) ) .find(error => error) if (validationError) { return dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ERROR, error: validationError }) } // dispatch moves immediately founds.forEach(found => dispatchMove(found.entity._id, toFolderId)) // sync dispatched moves after return mapSeries(founds, found => syncMove(projectId, found.type, found.entity._id, toFolderId) ) .then(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR }) }) .catch(error => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ERROR, error }) }) }, [dispatch, dispatchMove, fileTreeData, projectId] ) const startCreatingFolder = useCallback(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.START_CREATE_FOLDER }) }, [dispatch]) const finishCreatingEntity = useCallback( entity => { const parentFolderId = getSelectedParentFolderId( fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds ) // check for duplicates and throw if (isNameUniqueInFolder(fileTreeData, parentFolderId, { return syncCreateEntity(projectId, parentFolderId, entity) } else { return Promise.reject(new DuplicateFilenameError()) } }, [fileTreeData, projectId, selectedEntityIds] ) const finishCreatingFolder = useCallback( name => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CREATING_FOLDER }) return finishCreatingEntity({ endpoint: 'folder', name }) .then(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR }) }) .catch(error => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ERROR, error }) }) }, [dispatch, finishCreatingEntity] ) // bypass React file tree entirely; requesting the Angular new doc or file // modal instead const startCreatingDocOrFile = useCallback(() => { const parentFolderId = getSelectedParentFolderId( fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds ) window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('FileTreeReactBridge.openNewDocModal', { detail: { mode: 'doc', parentFolderId } }) ) }, [fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds]) const startUploadingDocOrFile = useCallback(() => { const parentFolderId = getSelectedParentFolderId( fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds ) window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('FileTreeReactBridge.openNewDocModal', { detail: { mode: 'upload', parentFolderId } }) ) }, [fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds]) const finishCreatingDocOrFile = useCallback( entity => finishCreatingEntity(entity) .then(() => { // dispatch FileTreeReactBridge event to update the Angular modal window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('FileTreeReactBridge.openNewFileModal', { detail: { done: true } }) ) }) .catch(error => { // dispatch FileTreeReactBridge event to update the Angular modal with // an error window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('FileTreeReactBridge.openNewFileModal', { detail: { error: true, data: error.message } }) ) }), [finishCreatingEntity] ) const finishCreatingDoc = useCallback( entity => { entity.endpoint = 'doc' return finishCreatingDocOrFile(entity) }, [finishCreatingDocOrFile] ) const finishCreatingLinkedFile = useCallback( entity => { entity.endpoint = 'linked_file' return finishCreatingDocOrFile(entity) }, [finishCreatingDocOrFile] ) const cancel = useCallback(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CANCEL }) }, [dispatch]) return { canDelete: selectedEntityIds.size > 0, canRename: selectedEntityIds.size === 1, canCreate: selectedEntityIds.size < 2, isDeleting, isMoving, isRenaming, isCreatingFolder, inFlight, actionedEntities, error, startRenaming, finishRenaming, startDeleting, finishDeleting, finishMoving, startCreatingFolder, finishCreatingFolder, startCreatingDocOrFile, startUploadingDocOrFile, finishCreatingDoc, finishCreatingLinkedFile, cancel } } function getSelectedParentFolderId(fileTreeData, selectedEntityIds) { // we expect only one entity to be selected in that case, so we pick the first const selectedEntityId = Array.from(selectedEntityIds)[0] if (!selectedEntityId) { // in some cases no entities are selected. Return the root folder id then. return fileTreeData._id } const found = findInTreeOrThrow(fileTreeData, selectedEntityId) return found.type === 'folder' ? found.entity._id : found.parentFolderId } function validateRename(fileTreeData, found, newName) { if (!isCleanFilename(newName)) { return new InvalidFilenameError() } if (!isNameUniqueInFolder(fileTreeData, found.parentFolderId, newName)) { return new DuplicateFilenameError() } const isTopLevel = found.path.length === 1 const isFolder = found.type === 'folder' if (isTopLevel && !isFolder && isBlockedFilename(newName)) { return new BlockedFilenameError() } } function validateMove(fileTreeData, toFolderId, found, isMoveToRoot) { if (!isNameUniqueInFolder(fileTreeData, toFolderId, { const error = new DuplicateFilenameMoveError() error.entityName = return error } const isFolder = found.type === 'folder' if (isMoveToRoot && !isFolder && isBlockedFilename( { return new BlockedFilenameError() } }