import sinon from 'sinon' import { strict as esmock } from 'esmock' import mongodb from 'mongodb-legacy' const { ObjectId } = mongodb const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/js/HttpController.js' describe('HttpController', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.UpdatesProcessor = { processUpdatesForProject: sinon.stub().yields(), } this.SummarizedUpdatesManager = { getSummarizedProjectUpdates: sinon.stub(), } this.DiffManager = { getDiff: sinon.stub(), } this.HistoryStoreManager = { deleteProject: sinon.stub().yields(), getMostRecentVersion: sinon.stub(), getProjectBlobStream: sinon.stub(), initializeProject: sinon.stub(), } this.SnapshotManager = { getFileSnapshotStream: sinon.stub(), getProjectSnapshot: sinon.stub(), } this.HealthChecker = {} this.SyncManager = { clearResyncState: sinon.stub().yields(), startResync: sinon.stub().yields(), } this.WebApiManager = { getHistoryId: sinon.stub(), } this.RedisManager = { destroyDocUpdatesQueue: sinon.stub().yields(), clearFirstOpTimestamp: sinon.stub().yields(), clearCachedHistoryId: sinon.stub().yields(), } this.ErrorRecorder = { record: sinon.stub().yields(), } this.LabelsManager = { createLabel: sinon.stub(), deleteLabel: sinon.stub().yields(), deleteLabelForUser: sinon.stub().yields(), getLabels: sinon.stub(), } this.HistoryApiManager = { shouldUseProjectHistory: sinon.stub(), } this.RetryManager = {} this.FlushManager = {} this.request = {} this.pipeline = sinon.stub() this.HttpController = await esmock(MODULE_PATH, { request: this.request, stream: { pipeline: this.pipeline }, '../../../../app/js/UpdatesProcessor.js': this.UpdatesProcessor, '../../../../app/js/SummarizedUpdatesManager.js': this.SummarizedUpdatesManager, '../../../../app/js/DiffManager.js': this.DiffManager, '../../../../app/js/HistoryStoreManager.js': this.HistoryStoreManager, '../../../../app/js/SnapshotManager.js': this.SnapshotManager, '../../../../app/js/HealthChecker.js': this.HealthChecker, '../../../../app/js/SyncManager.js': this.SyncManager, '../../../../app/js/WebApiManager.js': this.WebApiManager, '../../../../app/js/RedisManager.js': this.RedisManager, '../../../../app/js/ErrorRecorder.js': this.ErrorRecorder, '../../../../app/js/LabelsManager.js': this.LabelsManager, '../../../../app/js/HistoryApiManager.js': this.HistoryApiManager, '../../../../app/js/RetryManager.js': this.RetryManager, '../../../../app/js/FlushManager.js': this.FlushManager, }) this.pathname = 'doc-id-123' this.projectId = new ObjectId().toString() this.projectOwnerId = new ObjectId().toString() = sinon.stub() this.userId = new ObjectId().toString() = this.res = { json: sinon.stub(), send: sinon.stub(), sendStatus: sinon.stub(), } }) describe('getProjectBlob', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.blobHash = 'abcd' = {} this.HistoryStoreManager.getProjectBlobStream.yields(null, this.HttpController.getProjectBlob( { params: { project_id: this.projectId, hash: this.blobHash } }, this.res, ) }) it('should get a blob stream', function () { this.HistoryStoreManager.getProjectBlobStream .calledWith(this.projectId, this.blobHash) .should.equal(true) this.pipeline.should.have.been.calledWith(, this.res) }) }) describe('initializeProject', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.historyId = new ObjectId().toString() this.req = { body: { historyId: this.historyId } } this.HistoryStoreManager.initializeProject.yields(null, this.historyId) this.HttpController.initializeProject(this.req, this.res, }) it('should initialize the project', function () { this.HistoryStoreManager.initializeProject.calledWith().should.equal(true) }) it('should return the new overleaf id', function () { this.res.json .calledWith({ project: { id: this.historyId } }) .should.equal(true) }) }) describe('flushProject', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, query: {}, } this.HttpController.flushProject(this.req, this.res, }) it('should process the updates', function () { this.UpdatesProcessor.processUpdatesForProject .calledWith(this.projectId) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return a success code', function () { this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(204).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('getDiff', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.from = 42 = 45 this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, query: { pathname: this.pathname, from: this.from, to:, }, } this.diff = [{ u: 'mock-diff' }] this.DiffManager.getDiff.yields(null, this.diff) this.HttpController.getDiff(this.req, this.res, }) it('should get the diff', function () { this.DiffManager.getDiff.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId, this.pathname, this.from, ) }) it('should return the diff', function () { this.res.json.calledWith({ diff: this.diff }).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('getUpdates', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.before = this.nextBeforeTimestamp = this.before - 100 this.min_count = 10 this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, query: { before: this.before, min_count: this.min_count, }, } this.updates = [{ i: 'mock-summarized-updates', p: 10 }] this.SummarizedUpdatesManager.getSummarizedProjectUpdates.yields( null, this.updates, this.nextBeforeTimestamp ) this.HttpController.getUpdates(this.req, this.res, }) it('should get the updates', function () { this.SummarizedUpdatesManager.getSummarizedProjectUpdates.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId, { before: this.before, min_count: this.min_count, } ) }) it('should return the formatted updates', function () { this.res.json.should.have.been.calledWith({ updates: this.updates, nextBeforeTimestamp: this.nextBeforeTimestamp, }) }) }) describe('latestVersion', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.historyId = 1234 this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, } this.version = 99 this.lastChange = { v2Authors: ['1234'], timestamp: '2016-08-16T10:44:40.227Z', } this.versionInfo = { version: this.version, v2Authors: ['1234'], timestamp: '2016-08-16T10:44:40.227Z', } this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId.yields(null, this.historyId) this.HistoryStoreManager.getMostRecentVersion.yields( null, this.version, {}, this.lastChange ) this.HttpController.latestVersion(this.req, this.res, }) it('should process the updates', function () { this.UpdatesProcessor.processUpdatesForProject .calledWith(this.projectId) .should.equal(true) }) it('should get the ol project id', function () { this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId .calledWith(this.projectId) .should.equal(true) }) it('should get the latest version', function () { this.HistoryStoreManager.getMostRecentVersion .calledWith(this.projectId, this.historyId) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return version number', function () { this.res.json.calledWith(this.versionInfo).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('resyncProject', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, query: {}, body: {}, } this.HttpController.resyncProject(this.req, this.res, }) it('should resync the project', function () { this.SyncManager.startResync.calledWith(this.projectId).should.equal(true) }) it('should flush the queue', function () { this.UpdatesProcessor.processUpdatesForProject .calledWith(this.projectId) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return 204', function () { this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(204).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('getFileSnapshot', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.version = 42 this.pathname = 'foo.tex' this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, version: this.version, pathname: this.pathname, }, } this.res = { mock: 'res' } = {} this.SnapshotManager.getFileSnapshotStream.yields(null, this.HttpController.getFileSnapshot(this.req, this.res, }) it('should get the snapshot', function () { this.SnapshotManager.getFileSnapshotStream.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId, this.version, this.pathname ) }) it('should pipe the returned stream into the response', function () { this.pipeline.should.have.been.calledWith(, this.res) }) }) describe('getProjectSnapshot', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.version = 42 this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, version: this.version, }, } this.res = { json: sinon.stub() } this.snapshotData = { one: 1 } this.SnapshotManager.getProjectSnapshot.yields(null, this.snapshotData) this.HttpController.getProjectSnapshot(this.req, this.res, }) it('should get the snapshot', function () { this.SnapshotManager.getProjectSnapshot.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId, this.version ) }) it('should send json response', function () { this.res.json.calledWith(this.snapshotData).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('getLabels', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, } this.labels = ['label-1', 'label-2'] this.LabelsManager.getLabels.yields(null, this.labels) }) describe('project history is enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.HistoryApiManager.shouldUseProjectHistory.yields(null, true) this.HttpController.getLabels(this.req, this.res, }) it('should get the labels for a project', function () { this.LabelsManager.getLabels .calledWith(this.projectId) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return the labels', function () { this.res.json.calledWith(this.labels).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('project history is not enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.HistoryApiManager.shouldUseProjectHistory.yields(null, false) this.HttpController.getLabels(this.req, this.res, }) it('should return 409', function () { this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(409).should.equal(true) }) }) }) describe('createLabel', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, user_id: this.userId, }, body: { version: (this.version = 'label-1'), comment: (this.comment = 'a comment'), created_at: (this.created_at =, validate_exists: true, }, } this.label = { _id: new ObjectId() } this.LabelsManager.createLabel.yields(null, this.label) }) describe('project history is enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.HistoryApiManager.shouldUseProjectHistory.yields(null, true) this.HttpController.createLabel(this.req, this.res, }) it('should create a label for a project', function () { this.LabelsManager.createLabel.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId, this.userId, this.version, this.comment, this.created_at, true ) }) it('should return the label', function () { this.res.json.calledWith(this.label).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('validate_exists = false is passed', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req.body.validate_exists = false this.HistoryApiManager.shouldUseProjectHistory.yields(null, true) this.HttpController.createLabel(this.req, this.res, }) it('should create a label for a project', function () { this.LabelsManager.createLabel .calledWith( this.projectId, this.userId, this.version, this.comment, this.created_at, false ) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return the label', function () { this.res.json.calledWith(this.label).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('project history is not enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.HistoryApiManager.shouldUseProjectHistory.yields(null, false) this.HttpController.createLabel(this.req, this.res, }) it('should return 409', function () { this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(409).should.equal(true) }) }) }) describe('deleteLabelForUser', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, user_id: this.userId, label_id: (this.label_id = new ObjectId()), }, } this.HttpController.deleteLabelForUser(this.req, this.res, }) it('should delete a label for a project', function () { this.LabelsManager.deleteLabelForUser .calledWith(this.projectId, this.userId, this.label_id) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return 204', function () { this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(204).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('deleteLabel', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, label_id: (this.label_id = new ObjectId()), }, } this.HttpController.deleteLabel(this.req, this.res, }) it('should delete a label for a project', function () { this.LabelsManager.deleteLabel .calledWith(this.projectId, this.label_id) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return 204', function () { this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(204).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('deleteProject', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.req = { params: { project_id: this.projectId, }, } this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId .withArgs(this.projectId) .yields(null, this.historyId) this.HttpController.deleteProject(this.req, this.res, }) it('should delete the updates queue', function () { this.RedisManager.destroyDocUpdatesQueue.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId ) }) it('should clear the first op timestamp', function () { this.RedisManager.clearFirstOpTimestamp.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId ) }) it('should clear the cached history id', function () { this.RedisManager.clearCachedHistoryId.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId ) }) it('should clear the resync state', function () { this.SyncManager.clearResyncState.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId ) }) it('should clear any failure record', function () { this.ErrorRecorder.record.should.have.been.calledWith( this.projectId, 0, null ) }) }) })