const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const Docker = require('dockerode') const dockerode = new Docker() const crypto = require('crypto') const async = require('async') const LockManager = require('./DockerLockManager') const fs = require('fs') const Path = require('path') const _ = require('lodash') const ONE_HOUR_IN_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000'using docker runner') function usingSiblingContainers() { return ( Settings != null && Settings.path != null && Settings.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir != null ) } let containerMonitorTimeout let containerMonitorInterval const DockerRunner = { run( projectId, command, directory, image, timeout, environment, compileGroup, callback ) { if (usingSiblingContainers()) { const _newPath = Settings.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir logger.log( { path: _newPath }, 'altering bind path for sibling containers' ) // Server Pro, example: // '/var/lib/sharelatex/data/compiles/' // ... becomes ... // '/opt/sharelatex_data/data/compiles/' directory = Path.join( Settings.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir, Path.basename(directory) ) } const volumes = { [directory]: '/compile' } command = => arg.toString().replace('$COMPILE_DIR', '/compile') ) if (image == null) { image = Settings.clsi.docker.image } if ( Settings.clsi.docker.allowedImages && !Settings.clsi.docker.allowedImages.includes(image) ) { return callback(new Error('image not allowed')) } if (Settings.texliveImageNameOveride != null) { const img = image.split('/') image = `${Settings.texliveImageNameOveride}/${img[2]}` } const options = DockerRunner._getContainerOptions( command, image, volumes, timeout, environment, compileGroup ) const fingerprint = DockerRunner._fingerprintContainer(options) const name = `project-${projectId}-${fingerprint}` = name // logOptions = _.clone(options) // logOptions?.HostConfig?.SecurityOpt = "secomp used, removed in logging" logger.log({ projectId }, 'running docker container') DockerRunner._runAndWaitForContainer( options, volumes, timeout, (error, output) => { if (error && error.statusCode === 500) { logger.log( { err: error, projectId }, 'error running container so destroying and retrying' ) DockerRunner.destroyContainer(name, null, true, error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } DockerRunner._runAndWaitForContainer( options, volumes, timeout, callback ) }) } else { callback(error, output) } } ) // pass back the container name to allow it to be killed return name }, kill(containerId, callback) { logger.log({ containerId }, 'sending kill signal to container') const container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId) container.kill(error => { if ( error != null && error.message != null && error.message.match(/Cannot kill container .* is not running/) ) { logger.warn( { err: error, containerId }, 'container not running, continuing' ) error = null } if (error != null) { logger.error({ err: error, containerId }, 'error killing container') callback(error) } else { callback() } }) }, _runAndWaitForContainer(options, volumes, timeout, _callback) { const callback = _.once(_callback) const { name } = options let streamEnded = false let containerReturned = false let output = {} function callbackIfFinished() { if (streamEnded && containerReturned) { callback(null, output) } } function attachStreamHandler(error, _output) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } output = _output streamEnded = true callbackIfFinished() } DockerRunner.startContainer( options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, (error, containerId) => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } DockerRunner.waitForContainer(name, timeout, (error, exitCode) => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } if (exitCode === 137) { // exit status from kill -9 const err = new Error('terminated') err.terminated = true return callback(err) } if (exitCode === 1) { // exit status from chktex const err = new Error('exited') err.code = exitCode return callback(err) } containerReturned = true if (options != null && options.HostConfig != null) { options.HostConfig.SecurityOpt = null } logger.log({ exitCode, options }, 'docker container has exited') callbackIfFinished() }) } ) }, _getContainerOptions( command, image, volumes, timeout, environment, compileGroup ) { const timeoutInSeconds = timeout / 1000 const dockerVolumes = {} for (const hostVol in volumes) { const dockerVol = volumes[hostVol] dockerVolumes[dockerVol] = {} if (volumes[hostVol].slice(-3).indexOf(':r') === -1) { volumes[hostVol] = `${dockerVol}:rw` } } // merge settings and environment parameter const env = {} for (const src of [Settings.clsi.docker.env, environment || {}]) { for (const key in src) { const value = src[key] env[key] = value } } // set the path based on the image year const match = image.match(/:([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+/) const year = match ? match[1] : '2014' env.PATH = `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/texlive/${year}/bin/x86_64-linux/` const options = { Cmd: command, Image: image, Volumes: dockerVolumes, WorkingDir: '/compile', NetworkDisabled: true, Memory: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, // 1 Gb User: Settings.clsi.docker.user, Env: Object.entries(env).map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`), HostConfig: { Binds: Object.entries(volumes).map( ([hostVol, dockerVol]) => `${hostVol}:${dockerVol}` ), LogConfig: { Type: 'none', Config: {} }, Ulimits: [ { Name: 'cpu', Soft: timeoutInSeconds + 5, Hard: timeoutInSeconds + 10, }, ], CapDrop: 'ALL', SecurityOpt: ['no-new-privileges'], }, } if (Settings.path != null && Settings.path.synctexBinHostPath != null) { options.HostConfig.Binds.push( `${Settings.path.synctexBinHostPath}:/opt/synctex:ro` ) } if (Settings.clsi.docker.seccomp_profile != null) { options.HostConfig.SecurityOpt.push( `seccomp=${Settings.clsi.docker.seccomp_profile}` ) } if (Settings.clsi.docker.apparmor_profile != null) { options.HostConfig.SecurityOpt.push( `apparmor=${Settings.clsi.docker.apparmor_profile}` ) } if (Settings.clsi.docker.runtime) { options.HostConfig.Runtime = Settings.clsi.docker.runtime } if (Settings.clsi.docker.Readonly) { options.HostConfig.ReadonlyRootfs = true options.HostConfig.Tmpfs = { '/tmp': 'rw,noexec,nosuid,size=65536k' } options.Volumes['/home/tex'] = {} } // Allow per-compile group overriding of individual settings if ( Settings.clsi.docker.compileGroupConfig && Settings.clsi.docker.compileGroupConfig[compileGroup] ) { const override = Settings.clsi.docker.compileGroupConfig[compileGroup] for (const key in override) { _.set(options, key, override[key]) } } return options }, _fingerprintContainer(containerOptions) { // Yay, Hashing! const json = JSON.stringify(containerOptions) return crypto.createHash('md5').update(json).digest('hex') }, startContainer(options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, callback) { LockManager.runWithLock(, releaseLock => // Check that volumes exist before starting the container. // When a container is started with volume pointing to a // non-existent directory then docker creates the directory but // with root ownership. DockerRunner._checkVolumes(options, volumes, err => { if (err != null) { return releaseLock(err) } DockerRunner._startContainer( options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, releaseLock ) }), callback ) }, // Check that volumes exist and are directories _checkVolumes(options, volumes, callback) { if (usingSiblingContainers()) { // Server Pro, with sibling-containers active, skip checks return callback(null) } const checkVolume = (path, cb) => fs.stat(path, (err, stats) => { if (err != null) { return cb(err) } if (!stats.isDirectory()) { return cb(new Error('not a directory')) } cb() }) const jobs = [] for (const vol in volumes) { jobs.push(cb => checkVolume(vol, cb)) } async.series(jobs, callback) }, _startContainer(options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, callback) { callback = _.once(callback) const { name } = options logger.log({ container_name: name }, 'starting container') const container = dockerode.getContainer(name) function createAndStartContainer() { dockerode.createContainer(options, (error, container) => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } startExistingContainer() }) } function startExistingContainer() { DockerRunner.attachToContainer(, attachStreamHandler, error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } container.start(error => { if (error != null && error.statusCode !== 304) { callback(error) } else { // already running callback() } }) } ) } container.inspect((error, stats) => { if (error != null && error.statusCode === 404) { createAndStartContainer() } else if (error != null) { logger.err( { container_name: name, error }, 'unable to inspect container to start' ) callback(error) } else { startExistingContainer() } }) }, attachToContainer(containerId, attachStreamHandler, attachStartCallback) { const container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId) container.attach({ stdout: 1, stderr: 1, stream: 1 }, (error, stream) => { if (error != null) { logger.error( { err: error, containerId }, 'error attaching to container' ) return attachStartCallback(error) } else { attachStartCallback() } logger.log({ containerId }, 'attached to container') const MAX_OUTPUT = 1024 * 1024 // limit output to 1MB function createStringOutputStream(name) { return { data: '', overflowed: false, write(data) { if (this.overflowed) { return } if ( < MAX_OUTPUT) { += data } else { logger.error( { containerId, length:, maxLen: MAX_OUTPUT, }, `${name} exceeds max size` ) += `(...truncated at ${MAX_OUTPUT} chars...)` this.overflowed = true } }, // kill container if too much output // docker.containers.kill(containerId, () ->) } } const stdout = createStringOutputStream('stdout') const stderr = createStringOutputStream('stderr') container.modem.demuxStream(stream, stdout, stderr) stream.on('error', err => logger.error( { err, containerId }, 'error reading from container stream' ) ) stream.on('end', () => attachStreamHandler(null, { stdout:, stderr: }) ) }) }, waitForContainer(containerId, timeout, _callback) { const callback = _.once(_callback) const container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId) let timedOut = false const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { timedOut = true logger.log({ containerId }, 'timeout reached, killing container') container.kill(err => { logger.warn({ err, containerId }, 'failed to kill container') }) }, timeout) logger.log({ containerId }, 'waiting for docker container') container.wait((error, res) => { if (error != null) { clearTimeout(timeoutId) logger.error({ err: error, containerId }, 'error waiting for container') return callback(error) } if (timedOut) { logger.log({ containerId }, 'docker container timed out') error = new Error('container timed out') error.timedout = true callback(error) } else { clearTimeout(timeoutId) logger.log( { containerId, exitCode: res.StatusCode }, 'docker container returned' ) callback(null, res.StatusCode) } }) }, destroyContainer(containerName, containerId, shouldForce, callback) { // We want the containerName for the lock and, ideally, the // containerId to delete. There is a bug in the module // where if you delete by name and there is an error, it throws an // async exception, but if you delete by id it just does a normal // error callback. We fall back to deleting by name if no id is // supplied. LockManager.runWithLock( containerName, releaseLock => DockerRunner._destroyContainer( containerId || containerName, shouldForce, releaseLock ), callback ) }, _destroyContainer(containerId, shouldForce, callback) { logger.log({ containerId }, 'destroying docker container') const container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId) container.remove({ force: shouldForce === true, v: true }, error => { if (error != null && error.statusCode === 404) { logger.warn( { err: error, containerId }, 'container not found, continuing' ) error = null } if (error != null) { logger.error({ err: error, containerId }, 'error destroying container') } else { logger.log({ containerId }, 'destroyed container') } callback(error) }) }, // handle expiry of docker containers MAX_CONTAINER_AGE: Settings.clsi.docker.maxContainerAge || ONE_HOUR_IN_MS, examineOldContainer(container, callback) { const name = container.Name || (container.Names && container.Names[0]) const created = container.Created * 1000 // creation time is returned in seconds const now = const age = now - created const maxAge = DockerRunner.MAX_CONTAINER_AGE const ttl = maxAge - age logger.log( { containerName: name, created, now, age, maxAge, ttl }, 'checking whether to destroy container' ) return { name, id: container.Id, ttl } }, destroyOldContainers(callback) { dockerode.listContainers({ all: true }, (error, containers) => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } const jobs = [] for (const container of containers) { const { name, id, ttl } = DockerRunner.examineOldContainer(container) if (name.slice(0, 9) === '/project-' && ttl <= 0) { // strip the / prefix // the LockManager uses the plain container name const plainName = name.slice(1) jobs.push(cb => DockerRunner.destroyContainer(plainName, id, false, () => cb()) ) } } // Ignore errors because some containers get stuck but // will be destroyed next time async.series(jobs, callback) }) }, startContainerMonitor() { logger.log( { maxAge: DockerRunner.MAX_CONTAINER_AGE }, 'starting container expiry' ) // guarantee only one monitor is running DockerRunner.stopContainerMonitor() // randomise the start time const randomDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 * 60 * 1000) containerMonitorTimeout = setTimeout(() => { containerMonitorInterval = setInterval( () => DockerRunner.destroyOldContainers(err => { if (err) { logger.error({ err }, 'failed to destroy old containers') } }), ONE_HOUR_IN_MS ) }, randomDelay) }, stopContainerMonitor() { if (containerMonitorTimeout) { clearTimeout(containerMonitorTimeout) containerMonitorTimeout = undefined } if (containerMonitorInterval) { clearInterval(containerMonitorInterval) containerMonitorInterval = undefined } }, } DockerRunner.startContainerMonitor() module.exports = DockerRunner