import { useEffect } from 'react' import FileTreeModalCreateFile from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/file-tree/components/modals/file-tree-modal-create-file' import { useFileTreeActionable } from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/file-tree/contexts/file-tree-actionable' import { useFileTreeData } from '../../../../../../frontend/js/shared/context/file-tree-data-context' import { EditorProviders } from '../../../../helpers/editor-providers' import { FileTreeProvider } from '../../helpers/file-tree-provider' import getMeta from '@/utils/meta' describe('', function () { it('handles invalid file names', function () { cy.mount( ) cy.findByLabelText('File Name').as('input') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).as('submit') cy.get('@input').should('have.value', 'name.tex') cy.get('@submit').should('') cy.findByRole('alert').should('not.exist') cy.get('@input').clear() cy.get('@submit').should('be.disabled') cy.findByRole('alert').should('contain.text', 'File name is empty') cy.get('@input').type('test.tex') cy.get('@submit').should('') cy.findByRole('alert').should('not.exist') cy.get('@input').type('oops/i/did/it/again') cy.get('@submit').should('be.disabled') cy.findByRole('alert').should('contain.text', 'contains invalid characters') }) it('displays an error when the file limit is reached', function () { getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').maxEntitiesPerProject = 10 const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', name: 'rootFolder', docs: Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, index) => ({ _id: `entity-${index}`, })), fileRefs: [], folders: [], }, ] cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('alert') .invoke('text') .should('match', /This project has reached the \d+ file limit/) }) it('displays a warning when the file limit is nearly reached', function () { getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').maxEntitiesPerProject = 10 const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', name: 'rootFolder', docs: Array.from({ length: 9 }, (_, index) => ({ _id: `entity-${index}`, })), fileRefs: [], folders: [], }, ] cy.mount( ) cy.findByText(/This project is approaching the file limit \(\d+\/\d+\)/) }) it('counts files in nested folders', function () { getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').maxEntitiesPerProject = 10 const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', name: 'rootFolder', docs: [{ _id: 'doc-1' }], fileRefs: [], folders: [ { docs: [{ _id: 'doc-2' }], fileRefs: [], folders: [ { docs: [ { _id: 'doc-3' }, { _id: 'doc-4' }, { _id: 'doc-5' }, { _id: 'doc-6' }, { _id: 'doc-7' }, ], fileRefs: [], folders: [], }, ], }, ], }, ] cy.mount( ) cy.findByText(/This project is approaching the file limit \(\d+\/\d+\)/) }) it('counts folders toward the limit', function () { getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').maxEntitiesPerProject = 10 const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', name: 'rootFolder', docs: [{ _id: 'doc-1' }], fileRefs: [], folders: [ { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, { docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }, ], }, ] cy.mount( ) cy.findByText(/This project is approaching the file limit \(\d+\/\d+\)/) }) it('creates a new file when the form is submitted', function () { cy.intercept('post', '/project/*/doc', { statusCode: 204, }).as('createDoc') cy.mount( ) cy.findByLabelText('File Name').type('test') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).click() cy.wait('@createDoc') cy.get('@createDoc').its('request.body').should('deep.equal', { parent_folder_id: 'root-folder-id', name: 'test.tex', }) }) it('imports a new file from a project', function () { getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').hasLinkedProjectFileFeature = true getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').hasLinkedProjectOutputFileFeature = true cy.intercept('/user/projects', { body: { projects: [ { _id: 'test-project', name: 'This Project', }, { _id: 'project-1', name: 'Project One', }, { _id: 'project-2', name: 'Project Two', }, ], }, }) cy.intercept('/project/*/entities', { body: { entities: [ { path: '/foo.tex', }, { path: '/bar.tex', }, ], }, }) cy.intercept('post', '/project/*/compile', { body: { status: 'success', outputFiles: [ { build: 'test', path: 'baz.jpg', }, { build: 'test', path: 'ball.jpg', }, ], }, }) cy.intercept('post', '/project/*/linked_file', { statusCode: 204, }).as('createLinkedFile') cy.mount( ) // initial state, no project selected cy.findByLabelText('Select a Project').should('') // the submit button should be disabled cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('be.disabled') // the source file selector should be disabled cy.findByLabelText('Select a File').should('be.disabled') cy.findByLabelText('Select an Output File').should('not.exist') // TODO: check for options length, excluding current project // select a project cy.findByLabelText('Select a Project').select('project-2') // wait for the source file selector to be enabled cy.findByLabelText('Select a File').should('') cy.findByLabelText('Select an Output File').should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('be.disabled') // TODO: check for fileInput options length, excluding current project // click on the button to toggle between source and output files cy.findByRole('button', { // NOTE: When changing the label, update the other tests with this label as well. name: 'select from output files', }).click() // wait for the output file selector to be enabled cy.findByLabelText('Select an Output File').should('') cy.findByLabelText('Select a File').should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('be.disabled') // TODO: check for entityInput options length, excluding current project cy.findByLabelText('Select an Output File').select('ball.jpg') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).click() cy.get('@createLinkedFile') .its('request.body') .should('deep.equal', { name: 'ball.jpg', provider: 'project_output_file', parent_folder_id: 'root-folder-id', data: { source_project_id: 'project-2', source_output_file_path: 'ball.jpg', build_id: 'test', }, }) }) describe('when the output files feature is not available', function () { beforeEach(function () { getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').hasLinkedProjectFileFeature = true getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings').hasLinkedProjectOutputFileFeature = false }) it('should not show the import from output file mode', function () { cy.intercept('/user/projects', { body: { projects: [ { _id: 'test-project', name: 'This Project', }, { _id: 'project-1', name: 'Project One', }, { _id: 'project-2', name: 'Project Two', }, ], }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByLabelText('Select a File') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'select from output files', }).should('not.exist') }) }) it('import from a URL when the form is submitted', function () { cy.intercept('/project/*/linked_file', { statusCode: 204, }).as('createLinkedFile') cy.mount( ) cy.findByLabelText('URL to fetch the file from').type( '' ) cy.findByLabelText('File Name In This Project').should( 'have.value', 'example.tex' ) // check that the name can still be edited manually cy.findByLabelText('File Name In This Project').clear() cy.findByLabelText('File Name In This Project').type('test.tex') cy.findByLabelText('File Name In This Project').should( 'have.value', 'test.tex' ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).click() cy.get('@createLinkedFile') .its('request.body') .should('deep.equal', { name: 'test.tex', provider: 'url', parent_folder_id: 'root-folder-id', data: { url: '' }, }) }) it('uploads a dropped file', function () { cy.intercept('post', '/project/*/upload?folder_id=root-folder-id', { statusCode: 204, }).as('uploadFile') cy.mount( ) // the submit button should not be present cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('not.exist') cy.get('input[type=file]') .eq(0) .selectFile( { contents: Cypress.Buffer.from('test'), fileName: 'test.tex', mimeType: 'text/plain', lastModified:, }, { action: 'drag-drop', force: true, // invisible element } ) cy.wait('@uploadFile') }) it('uploads a pasted file', function () { cy.intercept('post', '/project/*/upload?folder_id=root-folder-id', { statusCode: 204, }).as('uploadFile') cy.mount( ) // the submit button should not be present cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('not.exist') cy.wrap(null).then(() => { const clipboardData = new DataTransfer() clipboardData.items.add( new File(['test'], 'test.tex', { type: 'text/plain' }) ) cy.findByLabelText('Uppy Dashboard').trigger('paste', { clipboardData }) }) cy.wait('@uploadFile') }) it('displays upload errors', function () { cy.intercept('post', '/project/*/upload?folder_id=root-folder-id', { statusCode: 422, body: { success: false, error: 'invalid_filename' }, }).as('uploadFile') cy.mount( ) // the submit button should not be present cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).should('not.exist') cy.wrap(null).then(() => { const clipboardData = new DataTransfer() clipboardData.items.add( new File(['test'], 'tes!t.tex', { type: 'text/plain' }) ) cy.findByLabelText('Uppy Dashboard').trigger('paste', { clipboardData }) }) cy.wait('@uploadFile') cy.findByText( `Upload failed: check that the file name doesn’t contain special characters, trailing/leading whitespace or more than 150 characters` ) }) }) function OpenWithMode({ mode }: { mode: string }) { const { newFileCreateMode, startCreatingFile } = useFileTreeActionable() const { fileCount } = useFileTreeData() // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps useEffect(() => startCreatingFile(mode), []) if (!fileCount || !newFileCreateMode) { return null } return }