/* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const chai = require("chai"); const { expect } = chai; chai.should(); const RealTimeClient = require("./helpers/RealTimeClient"); const MockDocUpdaterServer = require("./helpers/MockDocUpdaterServer"); const FixturesManager = require("./helpers/FixturesManager"); const async = require("async"); describe("joinDoc", function() { before(function() { this.lines = ["test", "doc", "lines"]; this.version = 42; this.ops = ["mock", "doc", "ops"]; return this.ranges = {"mock": "ranges"};}); describe("when authorised readAndWrite", function() { before(function(done) { return async.series([ cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject({ privilegeLevel: "readAndWrite" }, (e, {project_id, user_id}) => { this.project_id = project_id; this.user_id = user_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops, ranges: this.ranges}, (e, {doc_id}) => { this.doc_id = doc_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect(); return this.client.on("connectionAccepted", cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinProject", {project_id: this.project_id}, cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, (error, ...rest) => { [...this.returnedArgs] = Array.from(rest); return cb(error); }); } ], done); }); it("should get the doc from the doc updater", function() { return MockDocUpdaterServer.getDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, -1) .should.equal(true); }); it("should return the doc lines, version, ranges and ops", function() { return this.returnedArgs.should.deep.equal([this.lines, this.version, this.ops, this.ranges]); }); return it("should have joined the doc room", function(done) { return RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient(this.client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { expect(Array.from(client.rooms).includes(this.doc_id)).to.equal(true); return done(); }); }); }); describe("when authorised readOnly", function() { before(function(done) { return async.series([ cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject({ privilegeLevel: "readOnly" }, (e, {project_id, user_id}) => { this.project_id = project_id; this.user_id = user_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops, ranges: this.ranges}, (e, {doc_id}) => { this.doc_id = doc_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect(); return this.client.on("connectionAccepted", cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinProject", {project_id: this.project_id}, cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, (error, ...rest) => { [...this.returnedArgs] = Array.from(rest); return cb(error); }); } ], done); }); it("should get the doc from the doc updater", function() { return MockDocUpdaterServer.getDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, -1) .should.equal(true); }); it("should return the doc lines, version, ranges and ops", function() { return this.returnedArgs.should.deep.equal([this.lines, this.version, this.ops, this.ranges]); }); return it("should have joined the doc room", function(done) { return RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient(this.client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { expect(Array.from(client.rooms).includes(this.doc_id)).to.equal(true); return done(); }); }); }); describe("when authorised as owner", function() { before(function(done) { return async.series([ cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject({ privilegeLevel: "owner" }, (e, {project_id, user_id}) => { this.project_id = project_id; this.user_id = user_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops, ranges: this.ranges}, (e, {doc_id}) => { this.doc_id = doc_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect(); return this.client.on("connectionAccepted", cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinProject", {project_id: this.project_id}, cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, (error, ...rest) => { [...this.returnedArgs] = Array.from(rest); return cb(error); }); } ], done); }); it("should get the doc from the doc updater", function() { return MockDocUpdaterServer.getDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, -1) .should.equal(true); }); it("should return the doc lines, version, ranges and ops", function() { return this.returnedArgs.should.deep.equal([this.lines, this.version, this.ops, this.ranges]); }); return it("should have joined the doc room", function(done) { return RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient(this.client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { expect(Array.from(client.rooms).includes(this.doc_id)).to.equal(true); return done(); }); }); }); // It is impossible to write an acceptance test to test joining an unauthorized // project, since joinProject already catches that. If you can join a project, // then you can join a doc in that project. describe("with a fromVersion", function() { before(function(done) { this.fromVersion = 36; return async.series([ cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject({ privilegeLevel: "readAndWrite" }, (e, {project_id, user_id}) => { this.project_id = project_id; this.user_id = user_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops, ranges: this.ranges}, (e, {doc_id}) => { this.doc_id = doc_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect(); return this.client.on("connectionAccepted", cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinProject", {project_id: this.project_id}, cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, this.fromVersion, (error, ...rest) => { [...this.returnedArgs] = Array.from(rest); return cb(error); }); } ], done); }); it("should get the doc from the doc updater with the fromVersion", function() { return MockDocUpdaterServer.getDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.fromVersion) .should.equal(true); }); it("should return the doc lines, version, ranges and ops", function() { return this.returnedArgs.should.deep.equal([this.lines, this.version, this.ops, this.ranges]); }); return it("should have joined the doc room", function(done) { return RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient(this.client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { expect(Array.from(client.rooms).includes(this.doc_id)).to.equal(true); return done(); }); }); }); describe("with options", function() { before(function(done) { this.options = { encodeRanges: true }; return async.series([ cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject({ privilegeLevel: "readAndWrite" }, (e, {project_id, user_id}) => { this.project_id = project_id; this.user_id = user_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops, ranges: this.ranges}, (e, {doc_id}) => { this.doc_id = doc_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect(); return this.client.on("connectionAccepted", cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinProject", {project_id: this.project_id}, cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, this.options, (error, ...rest) => { [...this.returnedArgs] = Array.from(rest); return cb(error); }); } ], done); }); it("should get the doc from the doc updater with the default fromVersion", function() { return MockDocUpdaterServer.getDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, -1) .should.equal(true); }); it("should return the doc lines, version, ranges and ops", function() { return this.returnedArgs.should.deep.equal([this.lines, this.version, this.ops, this.ranges]); }); return it("should have joined the doc room", function(done) { return RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient(this.client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { expect(Array.from(client.rooms).includes(this.doc_id)).to.equal(true); return done(); }); }); }); return describe("with fromVersion and options", function() { before(function(done) { this.fromVersion = 36; this.options = { encodeRanges: true }; return async.series([ cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject({ privilegeLevel: "readAndWrite" }, (e, {project_id, user_id}) => { this.project_id = project_id; this.user_id = user_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops, ranges: this.ranges}, (e, {doc_id}) => { this.doc_id = doc_id; return cb(e); }); }, cb => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect(); return this.client.on("connectionAccepted", cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinProject", {project_id: this.project_id}, cb); }, cb => { return this.client.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, this.fromVersion, this.options, (error, ...rest) => { [...this.returnedArgs] = Array.from(rest); return cb(error); }); } ], done); }); it("should get the doc from the doc updater with the fromVersion", function() { return MockDocUpdaterServer.getDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.fromVersion) .should.equal(true); }); it("should return the doc lines, version, ranges and ops", function() { return this.returnedArgs.should.deep.equal([this.lines, this.version, this.ops, this.ranges]); }); return it("should have joined the doc room", function(done) { return RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient(this.client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { expect(Array.from(client.rooms).includes(this.doc_id)).to.equal(true); return done(); }); }); }); });