chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect sinon = require("sinon") modulePath = "../../../app/js/ChannelManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe 'ChannelManager', -> beforeEach -> @rclient = {} @other_rclient = {} @ChannelManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex": @settings = {} "metrics-sharelatex": @metrics = {inc: sinon.stub(), summary: sinon.stub()} describe "subscribe", -> describe "when there is no existing subscription for this redis client", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done it "should subscribe to the redis channel", -> @rclient.subscribe.calledWithExactly("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal true describe "when there is an existing subscription for this redis client", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done it "should subscribe to the redis channel again", -> @rclient.subscribe.callCount.should.equal 2 describe "when subscribe errors", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub() .onFirstCall().rejects(new Error("some redis error")) .onSecondCall().resolves() p = @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" p.then () -> done(new Error('should not subscribe but fail')) .catch (err) => err.message.should.equal "some redis error" @ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).has("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal false @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" # subscribe is wrapped in Promise, delay other assertions setTimeout done return null it "should have recorded the error", -> expect("subscribe.failed.applied-ops")).to.equal(true) it "should subscribe again", -> @rclient.subscribe.callCount.should.equal 2 it "should cleanup", -> @ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).has("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal false describe "when subscribe errors and the clientChannelMap entry was replaced", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub() .onFirstCall().rejects(new Error("some redis error")) .onSecondCall().resolves() @first = @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" # ignore error @first.catch((()->)) expect(@ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).get("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef")).to.equal @first @rclient.unsubscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.unsubscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" @second = @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" # should get replaced immediately expect(@ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).get("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef")).to.equal @second # let the first subscribe error -> unsubscribe -> subscribe setTimeout done it "should cleanup the second subscribePromise", -> expect(@ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).has("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef")).to.equal false describe "when there is an existing subscription for another redis client but not this one", -> beforeEach (done) -> @other_rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @other_rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() # discard the original stub @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done it "should subscribe to the redis channel on this redis client", -> @rclient.subscribe.calledWithExactly("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal true describe "unsubscribe", -> describe "when there is no existing subscription for this redis client", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.unsubscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.unsubscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done it "should unsubscribe from the redis channel", -> @rclient.unsubscribe.called.should.equal true describe "when there is an existing subscription for this another redis client but not this one", -> beforeEach (done) -> @other_rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @rclient.unsubscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @other_rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" @ChannelManager.unsubscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done it "should still unsubscribe from the redis channel on this client", -> @rclient.unsubscribe.called.should.equal true describe "when unsubscribe errors and completes", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" @rclient.unsubscribe = sinon.stub().rejects(new Error("some redis error")) @ChannelManager.unsubscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done return null it "should have cleaned up", -> @ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).has("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal false it "should not error out when subscribing again", (done) -> p = @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" p.then () -> done() .catch done return null describe "when unsubscribe errors and another client subscribes at the same time", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" rejectSubscribe = undefined @rclient.unsubscribe = () -> return new Promise (resolve, reject) -> rejectSubscribe = reject @ChannelManager.unsubscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout () => # delay, actualUnsubscribe should not see the new subscribe request @ChannelManager.subscribe(@rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef") .then () -> setTimeout done .catch done setTimeout -> # delay, rejectSubscribe is not defined immediately rejectSubscribe(new Error("redis error")) return null it "should have recorded the error", -> expect("unsubscribe.failed.applied-ops")).to.equal(true) it "should have subscribed", -> @rclient.subscribe.called.should.equal true it "should have discarded the finished Promise", -> @ChannelManager.getClientMapEntry(@rclient).has("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal false describe "when there is an existing subscription for this redis client", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @rclient.unsubscribe = sinon.stub().resolves() @ChannelManager.subscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" @ChannelManager.unsubscribe @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef" setTimeout done it "should unsubscribe from the redis channel", -> @rclient.unsubscribe.calledWithExactly("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef").should.equal true describe "publish", -> describe "when the channel is 'all'", -> beforeEach -> @rclient.publish = sinon.stub() @ChannelManager.publish @rclient, "applied-ops", "all", "random-message" it "should publish on the base channel", -> @rclient.publish.calledWithExactly("applied-ops", "random-message").should.equal true describe "when the channel has an specific id", -> describe "when the individual channel setting is false", -> beforeEach -> @rclient.publish = sinon.stub() @settings.publishOnIndividualChannels = false @ChannelManager.publish @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef", "random-message" it "should publish on the per-id channel", -> @rclient.publish.calledWithExactly("applied-ops", "random-message").should.equal true @rclient.publish.calledOnce.should.equal true describe "when the individual channel setting is true", -> beforeEach -> @rclient.publish = sinon.stub() @settings.publishOnIndividualChannels = true @ChannelManager.publish @rclient, "applied-ops", "1234567890abcdef", "random-message" it "should publish on the per-id channel", -> @rclient.publish.calledWithExactly("applied-ops:1234567890abcdef", "random-message").should.equal true @rclient.publish.calledOnce.should.equal true describe "metrics", -> beforeEach -> @rclient.publish = sinon.stub() @ChannelManager.publish @rclient, "applied-ops", "all", "random-message" it "should track the payload size", -> @metrics.summary.calledWithExactly( "redis.publish.applied-ops", "random-message".length ).should.equal true