function functionArgsFilter(j, path) { if (path.get('params') && path.get('params').value[0]) { return ['err', 'error'].includes(path.get('params').value[0].name) } else { return false } } function isReturningFunctionCallWithError(path, errorVarName) { return ( path.value.argument && path.value.argument.arguments && path.value.argument.arguments[0] && path.value.argument.arguments[0].name === errorVarName ) } function expressionIsLoggingError(path) { return ['warn', 'error', 'err'].includes( path.get('callee').get('property') ) } function createTagErrorExpression(j, path, errorVarName) { let message = 'error' if (path.value.arguments.length >= 2) { message = path.value.arguments[1].value || message } let info try { info = j.objectExpression( // add properties from original logger info object to the // OError info object, filtering out the err object itself, // which is typically one of the args when doing intermediate // error logging // TODO: this can fail when the property name does not match // the variable name. e.g. { err: error } so need to check // both in the filter path .get('arguments') .value[0].properties.filter( property => !== errorVarName ) ) } catch (error) { // if info retrieval fails it remains empty } const args = [j.identifier(errorVarName), j.literal(message)] if (info) { args.push(info) } return j.callExpression( j.memberExpression(j.identifier('OError'), j.identifier('tag')), args ) } function functionBodyProcessor(j, path) { // the error variable should be the first parameter to the function const errorVarName = path.get('params').value[0].name j(path) .find(j.IfStatement) // look for if statements .filter(path => j(path) // find returns inside the if statement where the error from // the args is explicitly returned .find(j.ReturnStatement) .some(path => isReturningFunctionCallWithError(path, errorVarName)) ) .forEach(path => { j(path) .find(j.CallExpression, { callee: { object: { name: 'logger' }, }, }) .filter(path => expressionIsLoggingError(path)) .replaceWith(path => { return createTagErrorExpression(j, path, errorVarName) }) }) } export default function transformer(file, api) { const j = api.jscodeshift let source = file.source // apply transformer to declared functions source = j(source) .find(j.FunctionDeclaration) .filter(path => functionArgsFilter(j, path)) .forEach(path => functionBodyProcessor(j, path)) .toSource() // apply transformer to inline-functions source = j(source) .find(j.FunctionExpression) .filter(path => functionArgsFilter(j, path)) .forEach(path => functionBodyProcessor(j, path)) .toSource() // apply transformer to inline-arrow-functions source = j(source) .find(j.ArrowFunctionExpression) .filter(path => functionArgsFilter(j, path)) .forEach(path => functionBodyProcessor(j, path)) .toSource() // do a plain text search to see if OError is used but not imported if (source.includes('OError') && !source.includes('@overleaf/o-error')) { const root = j(source) // assume the first variable declaration is an import // TODO: this should check that there is actually a require/import here // but in most cases it will be const imports = root.find(j.VariableDeclaration) const importOError = "const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error')\n" // if there were imports insert into list, format can re-order if (imports.length) { j( } // otherwise insert at beginning else { root.get().node.program.body.unshift(importOError) } source = root.toSource() } return source }