import classNames from 'classnames' import { FetchError, postJSON } from '../../infrastructure/fetch-json' import { canSkipCaptcha, validateCaptchaV2 } from './captcha' import inputValidator from './input-validator' import { disableElement, enableElement } from '../utils/disableElement' // Form helper(s) to handle: // - Attaching to the relevant form elements // - Listening for submit event // - Validating captcha // - Sending fetch request // - Redirect handling // - Showing errors // - Disabled state function formSubmitHelper(formEl) { formEl.addEventListener('submit', async e => { e.preventDefault() formEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('pending')) const messageBag = [] try { let data try { const captchaResponse = await validateCaptcha(formEl) data = await sendFormRequest(formEl, captchaResponse) } catch (e) { if ( e instanceof FetchError && === 'cannot_verify_user_not_robot' ) { // Trigger captcha unconditionally. const captchaResponse = await validateCaptchaV2() if (!captchaResponse) { throw e } data = await sendFormRequest(formEl, captchaResponse) } else { throw e } } formEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('sent')) // Handle redirects if (data.redir || data.redirect) { window.location = data.redir || data.redirect return } // Show a success message (e.g. used on 2FA page) if (data.message) { messageBag.push({ type: 'message', text: data.message.text || data.message, }) } // Handle reloads if (formEl.hasAttribute('data-ol-reload-on-success')) { window.setTimeout(window.location.reload.bind(window.location), 1000) return } // Let the user re-submit the form. formEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('idle')) } catch (error) { let text = error.message if (error instanceof FetchError) { text = error.getUserFacingMessage() } messageBag.push({ type: 'error', key:, text, hints:, }) // Let the user re-submit the form. formEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('idle')) } finally { showMessages(formEl, messageBag) } }) } async function validateCaptcha(formEl) { let captchaResponse if (formEl.hasAttribute('captcha')) { if ( formEl.getAttribute('action') === '/login' && (await canSkipCaptcha(new FormData(formEl).get('email'))) ) { // The email is present in the deviceHistory, and we can skip the display // of a captcha challenge. // The actual login POST request will be checked against the deviceHistory // again and the server can trigger the display of a captcha if needed by // sending a 400 with errorReason set to 'cannot_verify_user_not_robot'. return '' } captchaResponse = await validateCaptchaV2() } return captchaResponse } async function sendFormRequest(formEl, captchaResponse) { const formData = new FormData(formEl) if (captchaResponse) { formData.set('g-recaptcha-response', captchaResponse) } const body = Object.fromEntries( Array.from(formData.keys(), key => { // forms may have multiple keys with the same name, eg: checkboxes const val = formData.getAll(key) return [key, val.length > 1 ? val : val.pop()] }) ) const url = formEl.getAttribute('action') return postJSON(url, { body }) } function hideFormElements(formEl) { for (const e of formEl.elements) { e.hidden = true } } function showMessages(formEl, messageBag) { const messagesEl = formEl.querySelector('[data-ol-form-messages]') if (!messagesEl) return // Clear content messagesEl.textContent = '' formEl.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-custom-form-message]').forEach(el => { el.hidden = true }) // Render messages messageBag.forEach(message => { if (message.key) { formEl .querySelectorAll(`[data-ol-custom-form-message="${message.key}"]`) .forEach(el => { el.hidden = false }) // Hide the form elements on specific message types const hideOnError = formEl.attributes['data-ol-hide-on-error'] if ( hideOnError && hideOnError.value && hideOnError.value.match(message.key) ) { hideFormElements(formEl) } // Hide any elements with specific `data-ol-hide-on-error-message` message document .querySelectorAll(`[data-ol-hide-on-error-message="${message.key}"]`) .forEach(el => { el.hidden = true }) return } const messageEl = document.createElement('div') messageEl.className = classNames('alert mb-2', { 'alert-danger': message.type === 'error', 'alert-success': message.type !== 'error', }) messageEl.textContent = message.text messageEl.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive') messageEl.setAttribute( 'role', message.type === 'error' ? 'alert' : 'status' ) if (message.hints && message.hints.length) { const listEl = document.createElement('ul') message.hints.forEach(hint => { const listItemEl = document.createElement('li') listItemEl.textContent = hint listEl.append(listItemEl) }) messageEl.append(listEl) } messagesEl.append(messageEl) }) } export function inflightHelper(el) { const disabledInflight = el.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-disabled-inflight]') const showWhenNotInflight = el.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-inflight="idle"]') const showWhenInflight = el.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-inflight="pending"]') el.addEventListener('pending', () => { disabledInflight.forEach(disableElement) toggleDisplay(showWhenNotInflight, showWhenInflight) }) el.addEventListener('idle', () => { disabledInflight.forEach(enableElement) toggleDisplay(showWhenInflight, showWhenNotInflight) }) } function formSentHelper(el) { const showWhenPending = el.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-not-sent]') const showWhenDone = el.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-sent]') if (showWhenDone.length === 0) return el.addEventListener('sent', () => { toggleDisplay(showWhenPending, showWhenDone) }) } function formValidationHelper(el) { el.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(inputEl => { if ( inputEl.willValidate && !inputEl.hasAttribute('data-ol-no-custom-form-validation-messages') ) { inputValidator(inputEl) } }) } function formAutoSubmitHelper(el) { if (el.hasAttribute('data-ol-auto-submit')) { setTimeout(() => { el.querySelector('[type="submit"]').click() }, 0) } } export function toggleDisplay(hide, show) { hide.forEach(el => { el.hidden = true }) show.forEach(el => { el.hidden = false }) } function hydrateAsyncForm(el) { formSubmitHelper(el) inflightHelper(el) formSentHelper(el) formValidationHelper(el) formAutoSubmitHelper(el) } function hydrateRegularForm(el) { inflightHelper(el) formValidationHelper(el) el.addEventListener('submit', () => { el.dispatchEvent(new Event('pending')) }) formAutoSubmitHelper(el) } document.querySelectorAll(`[data-ol-async-form]`).forEach(hydrateAsyncForm) document.querySelectorAll(`[data-ol-regular-form]`).forEach(hydrateRegularForm)