const { waitForDb } = require('../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const minimist = require('minimist') const ThirdPartyIdentityManager = require('../app/src/Features/User/ThirdPartyIdentityManager') const UserGetter = require('../app/src/Features/User/UserGetter') /** * This script is used to remove a linked third party identity from a user account. * * Parameters: * --providerId: the third party identity provider (e.g. google, collabratec) * --userId: the id of the user * --commit: if present, the script will commit the changes to the database. * * Usage: * * - dry run: * node scripts/unlink_third_party_id.js --providerId=google --userId=${SOME_USER_ID} * - commit: * node scripts/unlink_third_party_id.js --providerId=google --userId=${SOME_USER_ID} --commit */ let COMMIT = false let PROVIDER_ID let USER_ID const setup = () => { const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) COMMIT = argv.commit !== undefined PROVIDER_ID = argv.providerId USER_ID = argv.userId if (!COMMIT) { console.warn('Doing dry run. Add --commit to commit changes') } } async function main() { if (!PROVIDER_ID) { throw new Error('No --providerId argument provided') } if (!USER_ID) { throw new Error('No --userId argument provided') } await waitForDb() const auditLog = { initiatorId: undefined, ipAddress: '', extraInfo: { script: true, }, } const user = await UserGetter.promises.getUser(USER_ID, { thirdPartyIdentifiers: 1, }) console.log( `Existing thirdPartyIdentifiers: ${JSON.stringify( user.thirdPartyIdentifiers )}` ) console.log(`Removing third party identifier for provider: ${PROVIDER_ID}`) if (COMMIT) { const updatedUser = await ThirdPartyIdentityManager.promises.unlink( USER_ID, PROVIDER_ID, auditLog ) console.log( `Remaining thirdPartyIdentifiers: ${JSON.stringify( updatedUser.thirdPartyIdentifiers )}` ) } } setup() main() .then(() => { process.exit(0) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })