const minimist = require('minimist') const settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const ProjectDetailsHandler = require('../app/src/Features/Project/ProjectDetailsHandler') const mongodb = require('../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const mongoose = require('../app/src/infrastructure/Mongoose') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const crypto = require('crypto') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const http = require('http') const { ObjectId } = mongodb const _ = require('lodash') // Examples: // // Simple usage: // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --download-zip # download 100 zips from history-v1 // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --create-blob # create 100 blobs in history-v1 // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --fetch-blob # create blob and fetch it 100 times from history-v1 // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --upload-file # upload 100 files to filestore // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --download-file # create file in filestore and download it 100 times // // Delay between requests: // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --download-zip --sleep=0.1 # download 100 zips from history-v1 with 0.1s sleep // // Abort requests at random times: // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 100 --download-zip --abort # download 100 zips from history-v1 with aborts // // Parallel workers: // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 1000 -j 10 --upload-file # upload 1000 files in 10 parallel workers // // Fixed file size: // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 1000 --size 1000000 --upload-file # upload 1000 files of 1MB in 10 parallel workers // // Random file size: // node stress_test.js --project-id=ID -n 1000 --size-min 1024 --size-max 10000000 --upload-file # upload 1000 files of 1KB to 10MB in 10 parallel workers const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['n', 'j', 'project-id', 'sleep', 'size', 'size-min', 'size-max'], boolean: [ 'download-zip', 'create-blob', 'fetch-blob', 'upload-file', 'download-file', 'use-file', 'abort', ], default: { n: 1, j: 1, sleep: 1, size: 100 * 1024, highWaterMark: 64 * 1024, }, }) const projectId = argv['project-id'] if (!projectId) { console.error( 'Usage: node stress_test.js --project-id ID -n COUNT -j CONCURRENCY --sleep T --size BYTES --use-file --[create-blob|fetch-blob|download-zip|upload-file|download-file]' ) process.exit(1) } process.on('exit', () => { log('Exiting') }) async function sleep() { const ms = argv.sleep * 1000 * (0.5 + Math.random()) return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } function log(...args) { const date = new Date() console.log(date.toISOString(), ...args) } let abortTime = 1000 function adjustAbortTime(aborted, dt) { if (!argv.abort) { return } // If the last task was aborted, increase the abort time gradually // Otherwise, reset the abort time to a random fraction of the response time. if (aborted) { abortTime = Math.min(abortTime * 1.5, 10000) } else { abortTime = Math.random() * dt } // Clamp to valid AbortSignal times abortTime = Math.max(1, Math.round(abortTime)) } function abortSignal() { if (!argv.abort) { return } return AbortSignal.timeout(abortTime) } async function stressTest(testCase, numberOfRuns, concurrentJobs) { process.on('SIGINT', () => { log('Caught interrupt signal. Running cleanup...') numberOfRuns = 0 }) let startedTasks = 0 let finishedTasks = 0 let abortedTasks = 0 const periodicLog = _.throttle(log, 1000, { leading: true }) const errors = [] const { action, cleanup } = testCase const executeTask = async () => { startedTasks++ await sleep() const t0 = try { await action(abortSignal()) finishedTasks++ adjustAbortTime(false, - t0) } catch (err) { if ( === 'AbortError') { abortedTasks++ adjustAbortTime(true, - t0) } else { errors.push(err) log(startedTasks, err) } } finally { periodicLog( `Completed ${finishedTasks} / Aborted ${abortedTasks} / Errors ${errors.length}` ) } if (startedTasks < numberOfRuns) { await executeTask() } } const workers = [] for (let i = 0; i < concurrentJobs; i++) { workers.push(executeTask()) } try { await Promise.all(workers) periodicLog.cancel() log( `Completed ${finishedTasks} / Aborted ${abortedTasks} / Errors ${errors.length}` ) log(startedTasks, 'tasks completed') if (cleanup) { log('Cleaning up') try { await cleanup() } catch (err) { log('error cleaning up', err) } } } catch (err) { log('error running stress test', err) } if (errors.length > 0) { log('Errors:', errors.length) throw new Error('Errors') } } function generateRandomBuffer(size) { if (argv['fill-string']) { const buffer = Buffer.alloc(size, argv['fill-string']) // add some randomness at the start to avoid every random buffer being the same buffer.write(crypto.randomUUID()) return buffer } else { return Buffer.alloc(size, crypto.randomUUID()) } } function computeGitHash(buffer) { const byteLength = buffer.byteLength const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1') hash.setEncoding('hex') hash.update('blob ' + byteLength + '\x00') hash.update(buffer) hash.end() return { hashHex:, byteLength } } function computeMD5Hash(buffer) { const hash = crypto.createHash('md5') hash.update(buffer) return hash.digest('hex') } function readableSize(size) { // convert a size in bytes to a human readable string const units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'] let i = 0 while (size > 1024 && i < units.length) { size /= 1024 i++ } return `${size.toFixed(2)} ${units[i]}`.trim() } class SizeGenerator { constructor() { if (argv['size-min'] && argv['size-max']) { this.size_min = parseInt(argv['size-min']) || 0 this.size_max = parseInt(argv['size-max']) || argv.size log( `File size range [${readableSize(this.size_min)}, ${readableSize( this.size_max )}]` ) } else { this.size = parseInt(argv.size) this.fixed = true log('File size', readableSize(this.size)) } } get() { return this.fixed ? this.size : this.size_min + Math.random() * (this.size_max - this.size_min) } } async function createBlob(projectId) { log('Getting history id') const v1Id = await getHistoryId(projectId) // generate a random blob in a buffer and compute the git hash of the buffer log('Creating test blob') const userSize = new SizeGenerator() async function putBlob(abortSignal) { // create a random buffer and compute its hash const buffer = generateRandomBuffer(userSize.get()) const { hashHex, byteLength } = computeGitHash(buffer) // write the buffer to a file for streaming let readStream let filepath if (argv['use-file']) { filepath = path.join('/tmp', `${v1Id}-${hashHex}-${crypto.randomUUID()}`) await fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, buffer) const filestream = fs.createReadStream(filepath, { highWaterMark: argv.highWaterMark, }) readStream = filestream } else { filepath = null readStream = buffer } const putUrl = `${settings.apis.v1_history.url}/projects/${v1Id}/blobs/${hashHex}` const options = { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length': byteLength, Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from( `${settings.apis.v1_history.user}:${settings.apis.v1_history.pass}` ).toString('base64')}`, }, } const req = http.request(putUrl, options) return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { req.on('error', reject) req.on('response', res => { if (res.statusCode !== 201) { reject( new Error( `failed to put blob ${putUrl} status=${res.statusCode} ${res.statusMessage}` ) ) } else { resolve({ hashHex, byteLength }) } }) readStream.pipe(req) }) } return { action: putBlob, description: 'createBlob in history-v1' } } async function fetchBlob(projectId) { log('Getting history id and creating test blob') const v1Id = await getHistoryId(projectId) const { action: putBlob } = await createBlob(projectId) const { hashHex, byteLength } = await putBlob() async function getBlob(abortSignal) { const getUrl = `${settings.apis.v1_history.url}/projects/${v1Id}/blobs/${hashHex}` const response = await historyFetch(getUrl, { signal: abortSignal }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`failed to get blob ${getUrl} status=${response.status}`) } const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer() if (buffer.byteLength !== byteLength) { throw new Error( `unexpected fetch blob length ${buffer.byteLength} vs expected ${byteLength}` ) } } return { action: getBlob, description: 'fetchBlob from history-v1' } } async function getHistoryId(projectId) { const project = await ProjectDetailsHandler.promises.getDetails(projectId) const v1Id = project?.overleaf?.history?.id return v1Id } async function downloadHistoryZip(projectId) { log('Getting history id and latest version') const v1Id = await getHistoryId(projectId) const latestUrl = `${settings.apis.v1_history.url}/projects/${v1Id}/latest/history` let response = await historyFetch(latestUrl) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( `failed to get latest version ${latestUrl} status=${response.status}` ) } const latestBody = await response.json() const version = latestBody.chunk.startVersion + latestBody.chunk.history.changes.length const zipUrl = `${settings.apis.v1_history.url}/projects/${v1Id}/version/${version}/zip` let expectedLength = null async function getZip(abortSignal) { response = await historyFetch(zipUrl, { signal: abortSignal }) const responseBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer() if (expectedLength === null) { expectedLength = responseBuffer.byteLength } else if (responseBuffer.byteLength !== expectedLength) { throw new Error( `unexpected zip download length ${responseBuffer.byteLength} vs expected ${expectedLength}` ) } } return { action: getZip, description: 'download zip from history-v1' } } async function historyFetch(url, options) { const authHeader = { Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from( `${settings.apis.v1_history.user}:${settings.apis.v1_history.pass}` ).toString('base64')}`, } const response = await fetch(url, { ...options, headers: authHeader }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`failed to download url ${url} status=${response.status}`) } return response } async function _deleteFile(url, log) { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'DELETE' }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`failed to delete file status=${response.status}`) } } async function uploadFile(projectId) { // generate a random blob in a buffer and compute the md5 hash of the buffer const userSize = new SizeGenerator() async function upload(abortSignal, deleteFile = true) { const size = userSize.get() const buffer = Buffer.alloc(size, crypto.randomUUID()) const fileId = new ObjectId() const url = `${settings.apis.filestore.url}/project/${projectId}/file/${fileId}` const md5 = computeMD5Hash(buffer) const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: buffer, signal: abortSignal, }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`failed to upload file ${url} status=${response.status}`) } if (deleteFile) { await _deleteFile(url) } return { url, md5 } } return { action: upload, description: 'upload file to filestore' } } async function downloadFile(projectId) { log('Creating test file') const { action: upload } = await uploadFile(projectId) const { url, md5: expectedMd5 } = await upload(null, false) async function download(abortSignal) { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', signal: abortSignal, }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`failed to get file ${url} status=${response.status}`) } const md5 = computeMD5Hash(Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer())) if (md5 !== expectedMd5) { throw new Error(`md5 mismatch`) } } async function cleanup() { log('Deleting test file') await _deleteFile(url) } return { action: download, cleanup, description: 'download file from filestore', } } async function run() { let testCase if (argv['download-zip']) { testCase = await downloadHistoryZip(projectId) } else if (argv['create-blob']) { testCase = await createBlob(projectId) } else if (argv['fetch-blob']) { testCase = await fetchBlob(projectId) } else if (argv['upload-file']) { testCase = await uploadFile(projectId) } else if (argv['download-file']) { testCase = await downloadFile(projectId) } else { throw new Error('unknown command') } log('Running stress test:', testCase.description) await stressTest(testCase, argv.n, argv.j) log('Stress test done') } Promise.all([mongodb.waitForDb(), mongoose.connectionPromise]) .then(() => run()) .then(() => { log('Completed') process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })