#!/bin/bash set -e function upload_with_content_type() { content_type=$1 bucket=$2 shift 2 content_type_options="" if [[ "$content_type" != "-" ]]; then content_type_options="-h Content-Type:${content_type};charset=utf-8" fi # DOCS for gsutil -- it does not have long command line flags! ## global flags # -h NAME:VALUE add header, can occur multiples times # -m upload with multiple threads ## rsync flags # -r traverse into directories recursively # -x Python regex for excluding files from the sync gsutil \ -h "Cache-Control:public, max-age=31536000" \ ${content_type_options} \ -m \ rsync \ -r \ "$@" \ "/tmp/public/" \ "${bucket}/public/" } function upload_into_bucket() { bucket=$1 # stylesheets upload_with_content_type 'text/css' "$bucket" \ -x '.+(?