const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const modulePath = '../../../app/js/FileHandler.js' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') chai.use(require('sinon-chai')) chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')) describe('FileHandler', function() { let PersistorManager, LocalFileWriter, FileConverter, KeyBuilder, ImageOptimiser, FileHandler, fs const settings = { s3: { buckets: { user_files: 'user_files' } } } const bucket = 'my_bucket' const key = `${ObjectId()}/${ObjectId()}` const convertedFolderKey = `${ObjectId()}/${ObjectId()}` const projectKey = `${ObjectId()}/` const sourceStream = 'sourceStream' const convertedKey = 'convertedKey' const readStream = { stream: 'readStream', on: sinon.stub() } beforeEach(function() { PersistorManager = { promises: { getFileStream: sinon.stub().resolves(sourceStream), checkIfFileExists: sinon.stub().resolves(), deleteFile: sinon.stub().resolves(), deleteDirectory: sinon.stub().resolves(), sendStream: sinon.stub().resolves(), insertFile: sinon.stub().resolves(), sendFile: sinon.stub().resolves(), directorySize: sinon.stub().resolves() } } LocalFileWriter = { // the callback style is used for detached cleanup calls deleteFile: sinon.stub().yields(), promises: { writeStream: sinon.stub().resolves(), deleteFile: sinon.stub().resolves() } } FileConverter = { promises: { convert: sinon.stub().resolves(), thumbnail: sinon.stub().resolves(), preview: sinon.stub().resolves() } } KeyBuilder = { addCachingToKey: sinon.stub().returns(convertedKey), getConvertedFolderKey: sinon.stub().returns(convertedFolderKey) } ImageOptimiser = { promises: { compressPng: sinon.stub().resolves() } } fs = { createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns(readStream) } FileHandler = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { 'settings-sharelatex': settings, './PersistorManager': PersistorManager, './LocalFileWriter': LocalFileWriter, './FileConverter': FileConverter, './KeyBuilder': KeyBuilder, './ImageOptimiser': ImageOptimiser, fs: fs }, globals: { console } }) }) describe('insertFile', function() { const stream = 'stream' it('should send file to the filestore', function(done) { FileHandler.insertFile(bucket, key, stream, err => { expect(err) expect(PersistorManager.promises.sendStream).to.have.been.calledWith( bucket, key, stream ) done() }) }) it('should delete the convertedKey folder', function(done) { FileHandler.insertFile(bucket, key, stream, err => { expect(err) expect( PersistorManager.promises.deleteDirectory ).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket, convertedFolderKey) done() }) }) it('should throw an error when the key is in the wrong format', function(done) { KeyBuilder.getConvertedFolderKey.returns('wombat') FileHandler.insertFile(bucket, key, stream, err => { expect(err).to.exist done() }) }) }) describe('deleteFile', function() { it('should tell the filestore manager to delete the file', function(done) { FileHandler.deleteFile(bucket, key, err => { expect(err) expect(PersistorManager.promises.deleteFile).to.have.been.calledWith( bucket, key ) done() }) }) it('should tell the filestore manager to delete the cached folder', function(done) { FileHandler.deleteFile(bucket, key, err => { expect(err) expect( PersistorManager.promises.deleteDirectory ).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket, convertedFolderKey) done() }) }) it('should throw an error when the key is in the wrong format', function(done) { KeyBuilder.getConvertedFolderKey.returns('wombat') FileHandler.deleteFile(bucket, key, err => { expect(err).to.exist done() }) }) }) describe('deleteProject', function() { it('should tell the filestore manager to delete the folder', function(done) { FileHandler.deleteProject(bucket, projectKey, err => { expect(err) expect(PersistorManager.promises.deleteDirectory).to.have.been.calledWith( bucket, projectKey ) done() }) }) it('should throw an error when the key is in the wrong format', function(done) { FileHandler.deleteProject(bucket, 'wombat', err => { expect(err).to.exist done() }) }) }) describe('getFile', function() { it('should return the source stream no format or style are defined', function(done) { FileHandler.getFile(bucket, key, null, (err, stream) => { expect(err) expect(stream).to.equal(sourceStream) done() }) }) it('should pass options through to PersistorManager', function(done) { const options = { start: 0, end: 8 } FileHandler.getFile(bucket, key, options, err => { expect(err) expect(PersistorManager.promises.getFileStream).to.have.been.calledWith( bucket, key, options ) done() }) }) describe('when a format is defined', function() { let result describe('when the file is not cached', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { FileHandler.getFile(bucket, key, { format: 'png' }, (err, stream) => { result = { err, stream } done() }) }) it('should convert the file', function() { expect(FileConverter.promises.convert).to.have.been.called }) it('should compress the converted file', function() { expect(ImageOptimiser.promises.compressPng).to.have.been.called }) it('should return the the converted stream', function() { expect(result.err) expect( expect( PersistorManager.promises.getFileStream ).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket, key) }) }) describe('when the file is cached', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { PersistorManager.promises.checkIfFileExists = sinon .stub() .resolves(true) FileHandler.getFile(bucket, key, { format: 'png' }, (err, stream) => { result = { err, stream } done() }) }) it('should not convert the file', function() { expect(FileConverter.promises.convert) }) it('should not compress the converted file again', function() { expect(ImageOptimiser.promises.compressPng) }) it('should return the cached stream', function() { expect(result.err) expect( expect( PersistorManager.promises.getFileStream ).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket, convertedKey) }) }) }) describe('when a style is defined', function() { it('generates a thumbnail when requested', function(done) { FileHandler.getFile(bucket, key, { style: 'thumbnail' }, err => { expect(err) expect(FileConverter.promises.thumbnail).to.have.been.called expect(FileConverter.promises.preview) done() }) }) it('generates a preview when requested', function(done) { FileHandler.getFile(bucket, key, { style: 'preview' }, err => { expect(err) expect(FileConverter.promises.thumbnail) expect(FileConverter.promises.preview).to.have.been.called done() }) }) }) }) describe('getDirectorySize', function() { it('should call the filestore manager to get directory size', function(done) { FileHandler.getDirectorySize(bucket, key, err => { expect(err) expect(PersistorManager.promises.directorySize).to.have.been.calledWith( bucket, key ) done() }) }) }) })