# Delete Orphaned Docs Because of the large numbers of documents and projects it is necessary to detect orphaned docs using bulk exports of the raw data. ## Exporting Data Files Follow the directions in `google-ops/README.md` for exporting data from mongo and copying the files to your local machine. ### Exporting docs Run the following doc export command to export all doc ids and their associated project ids in batches of 10,000,000. ``` mongoexport --uri $READ_ONLY_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING --collection docs --fields '_id,project_id' --skip 0 --limit 10000000 --type=csv --out docs.00000000.csv ``` This will produce files like: ``` _id,project_id ObjectId(5babb6f864c952737a9a4c32),ObjectId(5b98bba5e2f38b7c88f6a625) ObjectId(4eecaffcbffa66588e000007),ObjectId(4eecaffcbffa66588e00000d) ``` Concatenate these into a single file: `cat docs.*csv > all-docs-doc_id-project_id.csv` For object ids the script will accept either plain hex strings or the `ObjectId(...)` format used by mongoexport. ### Exporting Projects Export project ids from all `projects` and `deletedProjects` ``` mongoexport --uri $READ_ONLY_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING --collection projects --fields '_id' --type=csv --out projects.csv mongoexport --uri $READ_ONLY_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING --collection deletedProjects --fields 'project._id' --type=csv --out deleted-projects.csv ``` Concatenate these: `cat projects.csv deleted-projects.csv > all-projects-project_id.csv` ## Processing Exported Data ### Create a unique sorted list of project ids from docs ``` cut -d, -f 2 all-docs-doc_id-project_id.csv | sort | uniq > all-docs-project_ids.sorted.uniq.csv ``` ### Create a unique sorted list of projects ids from projects ``` sort all-projects-project_id.csv | uniq > all-projects-project_id.sorted.uniq.csv ``` ### Create list of project ids in docs but not in projects ``` comm --check-order -23 all-docs-project_ids.sorted.uniq.csv all-projects-project_id.sorted.uniq.csv > orphaned-doc-project_ids.csv ``` ### Create list of docs ids with project ids not in projects ``` grep -F -f orphaned-doc-project_ids.csv all-docs-doc_id-project_id.csv > orphaned-doc-doc_id-project_id.csv ``` ## Run doc deleter ``` node delete-orphaned-docs orphaned-doc-doc_id-project_id.csv ``` ### Commit Changes By default the script will only print the list of project ids and docs ids to be deleted. In order to actually delete docs run with the `--commit` argument. ### Selecting Input Lines to Process The `--limit` and `--offset` arguments can be used to specify which lines to process. There is one doc per line so a single project will often have multiple lines, but deletion is based on project id, so if one doc for a project is deleted all will be deleted, even if all of the input lines are not processed.