#!/usr/bin/env node // To run in dev: // // docker compose run --rm project-history scripts/clear_deleted.js // // In production: // // docker run --rm $(docker ps -lq) scripts/clear_deleted.js import async from 'async' import logger from '@overleaf/logger' import Settings from '@overleaf/settings' import redis from '@overleaf/redis-wrapper' import { db, ObjectId } from '../app/js/mongodb.js' logger.logger.level('fatal') const rclient = redis.createClient(Settings.redis.project_history) const Keys = Settings.redis.project_history.key_schema const argv = process.argv.slice(2) const limit = parseInt(argv[0], 10) || null const force = argv[1] === 'force' || false let projectNotFoundErrors = 0 let projectImportedFromV1Errors = 0 const projectsNotFound = [] const projectsImportedFromV1 = [] let projectWithHistoryIdErrors = 0 const projectsWithHistoryId = [] function checkAndClear(project, callback) { const projectId = project.project_id console.log('checking project', projectId) function checkDeleted(cb) { db.projects.findOne( { _id: new ObjectId(projectId) }, { projection: { overleaf: true } }, (err, result) => { console.log( '1. looking in mongo projects collection: err', err, 'result', JSON.stringify(result) ) if (err) { return cb(err) } if (!result) { return cb(new Error('project not found in mongo')) } if ( result && result.overleaf && !result.overleaf.id && result.overleaf.history && !result.overleaf.history.id && result.overleaf.history.deleted_id ) { console.log( ' - project is not imported from v1 and has a deleted_id - ok to clear' ) return cb() } else if (result && result.overleaf && result.overleaf.id) { console.log(' - project is imported from v1') return cb( new Error('project is imported from v1 - will not clear it') ) } else if ( result && result.overleaf && result.overleaf.history && result.overleaf.history.id ) { console.log(' - project has a history id') return cb(new Error('project has a history id - will not clear it')) } else { console.log(' - project state not recognised') return cb(new Error('project state not recognised')) } } ) } function clearRedisQueue(cb) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: projectId }) if (force) { console.log('deleting redis key', key) rclient.del(key, err => { cb(err) }) } else { console.log('dry run, would deleted key', key) cb() } } function clearMongoEntry(cb) { if (force) { console.log('deleting key in mongo projectHistoryFailures', projectId) db.projectHistoryFailures.deleteOne( { project_id: projectId }, (err, result) => { console.log('got result from remove', err, result) cb(err) } ) } else { console.log('would delete failure record for', projectId, 'from mongo') cb() } } // do the checks and deletions async.waterfall([checkDeleted, clearRedisQueue, clearMongoEntry], err => { if (!err) { if (force) { return setTimeout(callback, 100) } // include a 1 second delay return callback() } else if (err.message === 'project not found in mongo') { projectNotFoundErrors++ projectsNotFound.push(projectId) return callback() } else if (err.message === 'project has a history id - will not clear it') { projectWithHistoryIdErrors++ projectsWithHistoryId.push(projectId) return callback() } else if ( err.message === 'project is imported from v1 - will not clear it' ) { projectImportedFromV1Errors++ projectsImportedFromV1.push(projectId) return callback() } else { console.log('error:', err) return callback(err) } }) } // find all the broken projects from the failure records async function main() { const results = await db.projectHistoryFailures .find({ error: /history store a non-success status code: 422/ }) .toArray() console.log('number of queues without history store 442 =', results.length) // now check if the project is truly deleted in mongo async.eachSeries(results.slice(0, limit), checkAndClear, err => { console.log('Final error status', err) console.log( 'Project not found errors', projectNotFoundErrors, projectsNotFound ) console.log( 'Project with history id errors', projectWithHistoryIdErrors, projectsWithHistoryId ) console.log( 'Project imported from V1 errors', projectImportedFromV1Errors, projectsImportedFromV1 ) process.exit() }) } main().catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })