import { expect } from 'chai' import sinon from 'sinon' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { screen, fireEvent, waitFor, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react' import PdfPreview from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/pdf-preview/components/pdf-preview' import { renderWithEditorContext } from '../../../helpers/render-with-context' import nock from 'nock' import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' const examplePDF = path.join(__dirname, '../fixtures/test-example.pdf') const corruptPDF = path.join(__dirname, '../fixtures/test-example-corrupt.pdf') const outputFiles = [ { path: 'output.pdf', build: '123', url: '/build/output.pdf', type: 'pdf', }, { path: 'output.bbl', build: '123', url: '/build/output.bbl', type: 'bbl', }, { path: 'output.bib', build: '123', url: '/build/output.bib', type: 'bib', }, { path: 'example.txt', build: '123', url: '/build/example.txt', type: 'txt', }, { path: 'output.log', build: '123', url: '/build/output.log', type: 'log', }, { path: 'output.blg', build: '123', url: '/build/output.blg', type: 'blg', }, ] const mockCompile = () =>'express:/project/:projectId/compile', { body: { status: 'success', clsiServerId: 'foo', compileGroup: 'priority', pdfDownloadDomain: '', outputFiles: cloneDeep(outputFiles), }, }) const mockCompileError = status =>'express:/project/:projectId/compile', { body: { status, clsiServerId: 'foo', compileGroup: 'priority', }, }) const mockValidationProblems = validationProblems =>'express:/project/:projectId/compile', { body: { status: 'validation-problems', validationProblems, clsiServerId: 'foo', compileGroup: 'priority', }, }) const mockClearCache = () => fetchMock.delete('express:/project/:projectId/output', 204) const mockValidPdf = () => { nock('') .get(/^\/build\/output\.pdf/) .replyWithFile(200, examplePDF) } const defaultFileResponses = { '/build/output.pdf': () => fs.createReadStream(examplePDF), '/build/output.blg': 'This is BibTeX, Version 4.0', // FIXME '/build/output.log': ` The LaTeX compiler output * With a lot of details Wrapped in an HTML
element with preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as written in the HTML file (whitespace included™) The text is typically rendered using a non-proportional ("monospace") font. LaTeX Font Info: External font \`cmex10' loaded for size (Font) <7> on input line 18. LaTeX Font Info: External font \`cmex10' loaded for size (Font) <5> on input line 18. ! Undefined control sequence.\\Zlpha main.tex, line 23 `, } const mockBuildFile = (responses = defaultFileResponses) => { fetchMock.get('begin:', _url => { const url = new URL(_url, '') if (url.pathname in responses) { return responses[url.pathname] } return 404 }) fetchMock.get('express:/build/:file', (_url, options, request) => { const url = new URL(_url, '') if (url.pathname in responses) { return responses[url.pathname] } return 404 }) } const storeAndFireEvent = (key, value) => { localStorage.setItem(key, value) fireEvent(window, new StorageEvent('storage', { key })) } const scope = { settings: { syntaxValidation: false, }, editor: { sharejs_doc: { doc_id: 'test-doc', getSnapshot: () => 'some doc content', }, }, } describe(' ', function () { let clock beforeEach(function () { window.showNewPdfPreview = true clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({ shouldAdvanceTime: true, now:, }) nock.cleanAll() }) afterEach(function () { window.showNewPdfPreview = undefined clock.runAll() clock.restore() fetchMock.reset() localStorage.clear() sinon.restore() }) it('renders the PDF preview', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) }) it('runs a compile when the Recompile button is pressed', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) mockValidPdf() // press the Recompile button => compile const button = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(6) }) it('runs a compile on doc change if autocompile is enabled', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) // switch on auto compile storeAndFireEvent('autocompile_enabled:project123', true) mockValidPdf() // fire a doc:changed event => compile fireEvent(window, new CustomEvent('doc:changed')) clock.tick(2000) // AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(6) }) it('does not run a compile on doc change if autocompile is disabled', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) // make sure auto compile is switched off storeAndFireEvent('autocompile_enabled:project123', false) // fire a doc:changed event => no compile fireEvent(window, new CustomEvent('doc:changed')) clock.tick(2000) // AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(3) }) it('does not run a compile on doc change if autocompile is blocked by syntax check', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope: { ...scope, 'settings.syntaxValidation': true, // enable linting in the editor hasLintingError: true, // mock a linting error }, }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) // switch on auto compile and syntax checking storeAndFireEvent('autocompile_enabled:project123', true) storeAndFireEvent('stop_on_validation_error:project123', true) // fire a doc:changed event => no compile fireEvent(window, new CustomEvent('doc:changed')) clock.tick(2000) // AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) await screen.findByText('Code check failed') expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(3) }) describe('displays error messages', function () { const compileErrorStatuses = { 'clear-cache': 'Sorry, something went wrong and your project could not be compiled. Please try again in a few moments.', 'clsi-maintenance': 'The compile servers are down for maintenance, and will be back shortly.', 'compile-in-progress': 'A previous compile is still running. Please wait a minute and try compiling again.', exited: 'Server Error', failure: 'No PDF', generic: 'Server Error', 'project-too-large': 'Project too large', 'rate-limited': 'Compile rate limit hit', terminated: 'Compilation cancelled', timedout: 'Timed out', 'too-recently-compiled': 'This project was compiled very recently, so this compile has been skipped.', unavailable: 'Sorry, the compile server for your project was temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few moments.', foo: 'Sorry, something went wrong and your project could not be compiled. Please try again in a few moments.', } for (const [status, message] of Object.entries(compileErrorStatuses)) { it(`displays error message for '${status}' status`, async function () { cleanup() fetchMock.restore() mockCompileError(status) renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) screen.getByText(message) }) } }) it('displays expandable raw logs', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() // pretend that the content is large enough to trigger a "collapse" // (in jsdom these values are always zero) sinon.stub(HTMLElement.prototype, 'scrollHeight').value(500) sinon.stub(HTMLElement.prototype, 'scrollWidth').value(500) renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) const logsButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'View logs' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'View PDF' }) // expand the log const [expandButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Expand' }) // collapse the log const [collapseButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Collapse' }) }) it('displays error messages if there were validation problems', async function () { const validationProblems = { sizeCheck: { resources: [ { path: 'foo/bar', kbSize: 76221 }, { path: 'bar/baz', kbSize: 2342 }, ], }, mainFile: true, conflictedPaths: [ { path: 'foo/bar', }, { path: 'foo/baz', }, ], } mockValidationProblems(validationProblems) renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) screen.getByText('Project too large') screen.getByText('Unknown main document') screen.getByText('Conflicting Paths Found') expect(fetchMock.called('express:/project/:projectId/compile')) // TODO: auto_compile query param expect(fetchMock.called('begin:')) .false // TODO: actual path }) it('sends a clear cache request when the button is pressed', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) const logsButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'View logs', }) const clearCacheButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Clear cached files', }) expect(clearCacheButton.hasAttribute('disabled')) mockClearCache() // click the button expect(clearCacheButton.hasAttribute('disabled')) await waitFor(() => { expect(clearCacheButton.hasAttribute('disabled')) }) expect(fetchMock.called('express:/project/:projectId/compile')) // TODO: auto_compile query param expect(fetchMock.called('begin:')) // TODO: actual path }) it('handle "recompile from scratch"', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() mockValidPdf() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) // wait for "compile on load" to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) // show the logs UI const logsButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'View logs', }) const clearCacheButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Clear cached files', }) expect(clearCacheButton.hasAttribute('disabled')) mockValidPdf() mockClearCache() const recompileFromScratch = screen.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Recompile from scratch', hidden: true, }) expect(clearCacheButton.hasAttribute('disabled')) // wait for compile to finish await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Compiling…' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Recompile' }) expect(fetchMock.called('express:/project/:projectId/compile')) // TODO: auto_compile query param expect(fetchMock.called('express:/project/:projectId/output')) expect(fetchMock.called('begin:')) // TODO: actual path }) it('shows an error for an invalid URL', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() nock('') .get(/^\/build\/output.pdf/) .replyWithError({ message: 'something awful happened', code: 'AWFUL_ERROR', }) const { rerender } = renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) await screen.findByText('Something went wrong while rendering this PDF.') expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Page 1')).to.not.exist expect(nock.isDone()) mockValidPdf() rerender( ) await screen.findByLabelText('Page 1') expect(screen.queryByText('Something went wrong while rendering this PDF.')) .to.not.exist }) it('shows an error for a corrupt PDF', async function () { mockCompile() mockBuildFile() nock('') .get(/^\/build\/output.pdf/) .replyWithFile(200, corruptPDF) const { rerender } = renderWithEditorContext( , { scope }) await screen.findByText('Something went wrong while rendering this PDF.') expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Page 1')).to.not.exist expect(nock.isDone()) mockValidPdf() rerender( ) await screen.findByLabelText('Page 1') expect(screen.queryByText('Something went wrong while rendering this PDF.')) .to.not.exist }) })