import { expect } from 'chai' import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react' import Pagination from '../../../../frontend/js/shared/components/pagination' describe('<Pagination />', function () { it('renders with current page handled', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={6} totalPages={10} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) await screen.findByLabelText('Page 6, Current Page') }) it('renders with nearby page buttons and prev/next button', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={2} totalPages={4} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) await screen.findByLabelText('Page 2, Current Page') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to page 1') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to page 3') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to page 4') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to Previous Page') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to Next Page') }) it('does not render the prev button when expected', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={1} totalPages={2} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) await screen.findByLabelText('Page 1, Current Page') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to Next Page') expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Go to Prev Page')) }) it('does not render the next button when expected', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={2} totalPages={2} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) await screen.findByLabelText('Page 2, Current Page') await screen.findByLabelText('Go to Previous Page') expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Go to Next Page')) }) it('renders 1 ellipses when there are more pages than buttons and on first page', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={1} totalPages={10} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) const ellipses = await screen.findAllByText('…') expect(ellipses.length).to.equal(1) }) it('renders 1 ellipses when on last page and there are more previous pages than buttons', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={10} totalPages={10} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) const ellipses = await screen.findAllByText('…') expect(ellipses.length).to.equal(1) }) it('renders 2 ellipses when there are more pages than buttons', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={5} totalPages={10} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) const ellipses = await screen.findAllByText('…') expect(ellipses.length).to.equal(2) }) it('only renders the number of page buttons set by maxOtherPageButtons', async function () { render( <Pagination currentPage={1} totalPages={100} handlePageClick={() => {}} /> ) const items = document.querySelectorAll('button') expect(items.length).to.equal(6) // 5 page buttons + next button }) })