/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ let ShareJsUpdateManager const ShareJsModel = require('./sharejs/server/model') const ShareJsDB = require('./ShareJsDB') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const Keys = require('./UpdateKeys') const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const util = require('util') const RealTimeRedisManager = require('./RealTimeRedisManager') const crypto = require('crypto') const metrics = require('./Metrics') const Errors = require('./Errors') ShareJsModel.prototype = {} util.inherits(ShareJsModel, EventEmitter) const MAX_AGE_OF_OP = 80 module.exports = ShareJsUpdateManager = { getNewShareJsModel(project_id, doc_id, lines, version) { const db = new ShareJsDB(project_id, doc_id, lines, version) const model = new ShareJsModel(db, { maxDocLength: Settings.max_doc_length, maximumAge: MAX_AGE_OF_OP, }) model.db = db return model }, applyUpdate(project_id, doc_id, update, lines, version, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, updatedDocLines) {} } logger.debug({ project_id, doc_id, update }, 'applying sharejs updates') const jobs = [] // record the update version before it is modified const incomingUpdateVersion = update.v // We could use a global model for all docs, but we're hitting issues with the // internal state of ShareJS not being accessible for clearing caches, and // getting stuck due to queued callbacks (line 260 of sharejs/server/model.coffee) // This adds a small but hopefully acceptable overhead (~12ms per 1000 updates on // my 2009 MBP). const model = this.getNewShareJsModel(project_id, doc_id, lines, version) this._listenForOps(model) const doc_key = Keys.combineProjectIdAndDocId(project_id, doc_id) return model.applyOp(doc_key, update, function (error) { if (error != null) { if (error === 'Op already submitted') { metrics.inc('sharejs.already-submitted') logger.debug( { project_id, doc_id, update }, 'op has already been submitted' ) update.dup = true ShareJsUpdateManager._sendOp(project_id, doc_id, update) } else if (/^Delete component/.test(error)) { metrics.inc('sharejs.delete-mismatch') logger.debug( { project_id, doc_id, update, shareJsErr: error }, 'sharejs delete does not match' ) error = new Errors.DeleteMismatchError( 'Delete component does not match' ) return callback(error) } else { metrics.inc('sharejs.other-error') return callback(error) } } logger.debug({ project_id, doc_id, error }, 'applied update') return model.getSnapshot(doc_key, (error, data) => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } const docSizeAfter = data.snapshot.length if (docSizeAfter > Settings.max_doc_length) { const docSizeBefore = lines.join('\n').length const err = new Error( 'blocking persistence of ShareJs update: doc size exceeds limits' ) logger.error( { project_id, doc_id, err, docSizeBefore, docSizeAfter }, err.message ) metrics.inc('sharejs.other-error') const publicError = 'Update takes doc over max doc size' return callback(publicError) } // only check hash when present and no other updates have been applied if (update.hash != null && incomingUpdateVersion === version) { const ourHash = ShareJsUpdateManager._computeHash(data.snapshot) if (ourHash !== update.hash) { metrics.inc('sharejs.hash-fail') return callback(new Error('Invalid hash')) } else { metrics.inc('sharejs.hash-pass', 0.001) } } const docLines = data.snapshot.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/) return callback( null, docLines, data.v, model.db.appliedOps[doc_key] || [] ) }) }) }, _listenForOps(model) { return model.on('applyOp', function (doc_key, opData) { const [project_id, doc_id] = Array.from( Keys.splitProjectIdAndDocId(doc_key) ) return ShareJsUpdateManager._sendOp(project_id, doc_id, opData) }) }, _sendOp(project_id, doc_id, op) { return RealTimeRedisManager.sendData({ project_id, doc_id, op }) }, _computeHash(content) { return crypto .createHash('sha1') .update('blob ' + content.length + '\x00') .update(content, 'utf8') .digest('hex') }, }