extends ../layout mixin printPlan(plan) -if (!plan.hideFromUsers) tr td strong #{plan.name} td -if (plan.annual) | $#{plan.price / 100} / year -else | $#{plan.price / 100} / month td -if (subscription.state == "free-trial") a(href="/user/subscription/new?planCode=#{plan.planCode}").btn.btn-success Subscribe to this plan -else if (plan.planCode == subscription.planCode) button.btn.disabled Your plan -else form(action="/user/subscription/update",method="post") input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken) input(type="hidden",name="plan_code",value="#{plan.planCode}") input(type="submit",value="Change to this plan").btn.btn-success mixin printPlans(plans) -each plan in plans mixin printPlan(plan) block content .content.content-alt .container .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 .card .page-header h1 Your Subscription case subscription.state when "free-trial" p You are currently using a free trial which expires on #{subscription.expiresAt}. p Choose a plan below to subscribe to. when "active" p You are currently subscribed to the #{subscription.name} plan. a(href, ng-click="changePlan = true") Change Plan. p The next payment of #{subscription.price} will be collected on #{subscription.nextPaymentDueAt} p.pull-right p: form(action="/user/subscription/cancel",method="post") input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken) a(href="/user/subscription/billing-details/edit").btn.btn-info Update your billing details |   input(type="submit", value="Cancel your subscription").btn.btn-primary#cancelSubscription when "canceled" p You are currently subscribed to the #{subscription.name} plan. p Your subscription has been canceled and will terminate on #{subscription.nextPaymentDueAt}. No further payments will be taken. p: form(action="/user/subscription/reactivate",method="post") input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken) input(type="submit",value="Reactivate your subscription").btn.btn-success when "expired" p Your subscription has expired. a(href="/user/subscription/plans") Create New Subscription default p There is a problem with your subscription. Please contact us for more information. -if(subscription.groupPlan) a(href="/subscription/group").btn.btn-success Manage Group div(ng-show="changePlan", ng-cloak) hr h2 Change plan p: table.table tr th Name th Price th mixin printPlans(plans.studentAccounts) mixin printPlans(plans.individualMonthlyPlans) mixin printPlans(plans.individualAnnualPlans) script(type="text/javascript"). $('#cancelSubscription').on("click", function() { ga('send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'cancelation') })