/* eslint-disable camelcase, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const sinon = require('sinon') const async = require('async') const MockWebApi = require('./helpers/MockWebApi') const DocUpdaterClient = require('./helpers/DocUpdaterClient') const DocUpdaterApp = require('./helpers/DocUpdaterApp') describe('Flushing a project', function () { before(function (done) { let doc_id0, doc_id1 this.project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() this.docs = [ { id: (doc_id0 = DocUpdaterClient.randomId()), lines: ['one', 'two', 'three'], update: { doc: doc_id0, op: [ { i: 'one and a half\n', p: 4, }, ], v: 0, }, updatedLines: ['one', 'one and a half', 'two', 'three'], }, { id: (doc_id1 = DocUpdaterClient.randomId()), lines: ['four', 'five', 'six'], update: { doc: doc_id1, op: [ { i: 'four and a half\n', p: 5, }, ], v: 0, }, updatedLines: ['four', 'four and a half', 'five', 'six'], }, ] for (const doc of Array.from(this.docs)) { MockWebApi.insertDoc(this.project_id, doc.id, { lines: doc.lines, version: doc.update.v, }) } return DocUpdaterApp.ensureRunning(done) }) return describe('with documents which have been updated', function () { before(function (done) { sinon.spy(MockWebApi, 'setDocument') return async.series( this.docs.map(doc => { return callback => { return DocUpdaterClient.preloadDoc( this.project_id, doc.id, error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate( this.project_id, doc.id, doc.update, error => { return callback(error) } ) } ) } }), error => { if (error != null) { throw error } return setTimeout(() => { return DocUpdaterClient.flushProject( this.project_id, (error, res, body) => { if (error) return done(error) this.statusCode = res.statusCode return done() } ) }, 200) } ) }) after(function () { return MockWebApi.setDocument.restore() }) it('should return a 204 status code', function () { return this.statusCode.should.equal(204) }) it('should send each document to the web api', function () { return Array.from(this.docs).map(doc => MockWebApi.setDocument .calledWith(this.project_id, doc.id, doc.updatedLines) .should.equal(true) ) }) return it('should update the lines in the doc updater', function (done) { return async.series( this.docs.map(doc => { return callback => { return DocUpdaterClient.getDoc( this.project_id, doc.id, (error, res, returnedDoc) => { if (error) return done(error) returnedDoc.lines.should.deep.equal(doc.updatedLines) return callback() } ) } }), done ) }) }) })