const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const modulePath = '../../../app/js/KeyBuilder.js' describe('LocalFileWriter', function() { let KeyBuilder const key = 'wombat/potato' beforeEach(function() { KeyBuilder = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { 'logger-sharelatex': { log() {}, err() {} } } }) }) describe('cachedKey', function() { it('should add the format to the key', function() { const opts = { format: 'png' } const newKey = KeyBuilder.addCachingToKey(key, opts) newKey.should.equal(`${key}-converted-cache/format-png`) }) it('should add the style to the key', function() { const opts = { style: 'thumbnail' } const newKey = KeyBuilder.addCachingToKey(key, opts) newKey.should.equal(`${key}-converted-cache/style-thumbnail`) }) it('should add format first, then style', function() { const opts = { style: 'thumbnail', format: 'png' } const newKey = KeyBuilder.addCachingToKey(key, opts) newKey.should.equal(`${key}-converted-cache/format-png-style-thumbnail`) }) }) })