import { ensureUserExists, login } from './helpers/login' import { createProject } from './helpers/project' import { isExcludedBySharding, startWith } from './helpers/config' import { throttledRecompile } from './helpers/compile' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { waitUntilScrollingFinished } from './helpers/waitUntilScrollingFinished' import { beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry } from './helpers/beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry' const LABEL_TEX_LIVE_VERSION = 'TeX Live version' describe('SandboxedCompiles', function () { const enabledVars = { DOCKER_RUNNER: 'true', SANDBOXED_COMPILES: 'true', SANDBOXED_COMPILES_SIBLING_CONTAINERS: 'true', ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMES: '2023,2022', } describe('enabled in Server Pro', function () { if (isExcludedBySharding('PRO_CUSTOM_2')) return startWith({ pro: true, vars: enabledVars, resetData: true, }) ensureUserExists({ email: '' }) beforeEach(function () { login('') }) it('should offer TexLive images and switch the compiler', function () { cy.visit('/project') createProject('sandboxed') const recompile = throttledRecompile() cy.log('wait for compile') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').should('contain.text', 'sandboxed') cy.log('Check which compiler version was used, expect 2023') cy.get('[aria-label="View logs"]').click() cy.findByText(/This is pdfTeX, Version .+ \(TeX Live 2023\) /) cy.log('Switch TeXLive version from 2023 to 2022') cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText(LABEL_TEX_LIVE_VERSION) .parent() .findByText('2023') .parent() .select('2022') cy.get('#left-menu-modal').click() cy.log('Trigger compile with other TeX Live version') recompile() cy.log('Check which compiler version was used, expect 2022') cy.get('[aria-label="View logs"]').click() cy.findByText(/This is pdfTeX, Version .+ \(TeX Live 2022\) /) }) checkSyncTeX() checkXeTeX() checkRecompilesAfterErrors() }) function checkSyncTeX() { describe('SyncTeX', function () { let projectName: string beforeEach(function () { projectName = `Project ${uuid()}` cy.visit('/project') createProject(projectName) const recompile = throttledRecompile() cy.findByText('\\maketitle').parent().click() cy.findByText('\\maketitle') .parent() .type( `\n\\pagebreak\n\\section{{}Section A}\n\\pagebreak\n\\section{{}Section B}\n\\pagebreak` ) recompile() cy.log('wait for pdf-rendering') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').within(() => { cy.findByText(projectName) }) }) it('should sync to code', function () { cy.log('navigate to \\maketitle using double click in PDF') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').within(() => { cy.findByText(projectName).dblclick() }) cy.get('.cm-activeLine').should('have.text', '\\maketitle') cy.log('navigate to Section A using double click in PDF') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').within(() => { cy.findByText('Section A').dblclick() }) cy.get('.cm-activeLine').should('have.text', '\\section{Section A}') cy.log('navigate to Section B using arrow button') cy.get('.pdfjs-viewer-inner') .should('have.prop', 'scrollTop') .as('start') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').within(() => { cy.findByText('Section B').scrollIntoView() }) cy.get('@start').then((start: any) => { waitUntilScrollingFinished('.pdfjs-viewer-inner', start) }) // The sync button is swapped as the position in the PDF changes. // Cypress appears to click on a button that references a stale position. // Adding a cy.wait() statement is the most reliable "fix" so far :/ cy.wait(1000) cy.get('[aria-label^="Go to PDF location in code"]').click() cy.get('.cm-activeLine').should('have.text', '\\section{Section B}') }) it('should sync to pdf', function () { cy.log('zoom in') cy.findByText('45%').click() cy.findByText('400%').click() cy.log('scroll to top') cy.get('.pdfjs-viewer-inner').scrollTo('top') waitUntilScrollingFinished('.pdfjs-viewer-inner', -1).as('start') cy.log('navigate to title') cy.findByText('\\maketitle').parent().click() cy.get('[aria-label="Go to code location in PDF"]').click() cy.get('@start').then((start: any) => { waitUntilScrollingFinished('.pdfjs-viewer-inner', start) .as('title') .should('be.greaterThan', start) }) cy.log('navigate to Section A') cy.get('.cm-content').within(() => cy.findByText('Section A').click()) cy.get('[aria-label="Go to code location in PDF"]').click() cy.get('@title').then((title: any) => { waitUntilScrollingFinished('.pdfjs-viewer-inner', title) .as('sectionA') .should('be.greaterThan', title) }) cy.log('navigate to Section B') cy.get('.cm-content').within(() => cy.findByText('Section B').click()) cy.get('[aria-label="Go to code location in PDF"]').click() cy.get('@sectionA').then((title: any) => { waitUntilScrollingFinished('.pdfjs-viewer-inner', title) .as('sectionB') .should('be.greaterThan', title) }) }) }) } function checkRecompilesAfterErrors() { it('recompiles even if there are Latex errors', function () { login('') cy.visit('/project') createProject('test-project') const recompile = throttledRecompile() cy.findByText('\\maketitle').parent().click() cy.findByText('\\maketitle') .parent() .type('\n\\fakeCommand{} \n\\section{{}Test Section}') recompile() recompile() cy.get('.pdf-viewer').should('contain.text', 'Test Section') cy.get('.logs-pane').should('not.contain.text', 'No PDF') }) } function checkXeTeX() { it('should be able to use XeLaTeX', function () { cy.visit('/project') createProject('XeLaTeX') const recompile = throttledRecompile() cy.log('wait for compile') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').should('contain.text', 'XeLaTeX') cy.log('Check which compiler was used, expect pdfLaTeX') cy.get('[aria-label="View logs"]').click() cy.findByText(/This is pdfTeX/) cy.log('Switch compiler to from pdfLaTeX to XeLaTeX') cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText('Compiler') .parent() .findByText('pdfLaTeX') .parent() .select('XeLaTeX') cy.get('#left-menu-modal').click() cy.log('Trigger compile with other compiler') recompile() cy.log('Check which compiler was used, expect XeLaTeX') cy.get('[aria-label="View logs"]').click() cy.findByText(/This is XeTeX/) }) } function checkUsesDefaultCompiler() { beforeEach(function () { login('') }) it('should not offer TexLive images and use default compiler', function () { cy.visit('/project') createProject('sandboxed') cy.log('wait for compile') cy.get('.pdf-viewer').should('contain.text', 'sandboxed') cy.log('Check which compiler version was used, expect 2024') cy.get('[aria-label="View logs"]').click() cy.findByText(/This is pdfTeX, Version .+ \(TeX Live 2024\) /) cy.log('Check that there is no TeX Live version toggle') cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText('Word Count') // wait for lazy loading cy.findByText(LABEL_TEX_LIVE_VERSION).should('not.exist') }) } describe('disabled in Server Pro', function () { if (isExcludedBySharding('PRO_DEFAULT_2')) return startWith({ pro: true }) ensureUserExists({ email: '' }) beforeEach(function () { login('') }) checkUsesDefaultCompiler() checkSyncTeX() checkXeTeX() checkRecompilesAfterErrors() }) describe.skip('unavailable in CE', function () { if (isExcludedBySharding('CE_CUSTOM_1')) return startWith({ pro: false, vars: enabledVars, resetData: true }) ensureUserExists({ email: '' }) beforeEach(function () { login('') }) checkUsesDefaultCompiler() checkSyncTeX() checkXeTeX() checkRecompilesAfterErrors() }) })