Path = require('path') http = require('http') http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300 # Make time interval config easier. seconds = 1000 minutes = 60 * seconds # These credentials are used for authenticating api requests # between services that may need to go over public channels httpAuthUser = "sharelatex" httpAuthPass = "password" httpAuthUsers = {} httpAuthUsers[httpAuthUser] = httpAuthPass sessionSecret = "secret-please-change" v1Api = url: "http://#{process.env['V1_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:5000" user: 'overleaf' pass: 'password' module.exports = settings = allowAnonymousReadAndWriteSharing: process.env['SHARELATEX_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING'] == 'true' # File storage # ------------ # # ShareLaTeX stores binary files like images in S3. # Fill in your Amazon S3 credential below. s3: key: "" secret: "" bucketName : "" # Databases # --------- mongo: url : process.env['MONGO_URL'] || "mongodb://#{process.env['MONGO_HOST'] or ''}/sharelatex" redis: web: host: process.env['REDIS_HOST'] || "localhost" port: process.env['REDIS_PORT'] || "6379" password: "" # websessions: # cluster: [ # {host: 'localhost', port: 7000} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7001} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7002} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7003} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7004} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7005} # ] # ratelimiter: # cluster: [ # {host: 'localhost', port: 7000} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7001} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7002} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7003} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7004} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7005} # ] # cooldown: # cluster: [ # {host: 'localhost', port: 7000} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7001} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7002} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7003} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7004} # {host: 'localhost', port: 7005} # ] api: host: process.env['REDIS_HOST'] || "localhost" port: process.env['REDIS_PORT'] || "6379" password: "" # Service locations # ----------------- # Configure which ports to run each service on. Generally you # can leave these as they are unless you have some other services # running which conflict, or want to run the web process on port 80. internal: web: port: webPort = process.env['WEB_PORT'] or 3000 host: process.env['LISTEN_ADDRESS'] or 'localhost' documentupdater: port: docUpdaterPort = 3003 gitBridgePublicBaseUrl: "http://#{process.env['GIT_BRIDGE_HOST'] || 'localhost'}:8000" # Tell each service where to find the other services. If everything # is running locally then this is easy, but they exist as separate config # options incase you want to run some services on remote hosts. apis: web: url: "http://#{process.env['WEB_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:#{webPort}" user: httpAuthUser pass: httpAuthPass documentupdater: url : "http://#{process.env['DOCUPDATER_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:#{docUpdaterPort}" thirdPartyDataStore: url : "http://#{process.env['TPDS_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3002" emptyProjectFlushDelayMiliseconds: 5 * seconds tags: url :"http://#{process.env['TAGS_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3012" spelling: url : "http://#{process.env['SPELLING_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3005" trackchanges: url : "http://#{process.env['TRACK_CHANGES_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3015" project_history: sendProjectStructureOps: process.env.PROJECT_HISTORY_ENABLED == 'true' or false initializeHistoryForNewProjects: process.env.PROJECT_HISTORY_ENABLED == 'true' or false displayHistoryForNewProjects: process.env.PROJECT_HISTORY_ENABLED == 'true' or false url : "http://#{process.env['PROJECT_HISTORY_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3054" docstore: url : "http://#{process.env['DOCSTORE_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3016" pubUrl: "http://#{process.env['DOCSTORE_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3016" chat: url: "http://#{process.env['CHAT_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3010" internal_url: "http://#{process.env['CHAT_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3010" blog: url: "http://localhost:3008" port: 3008 university: url: "http://localhost:3011" filestore: url: "http://#{process.env['FILESTORE_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3009" clsi: url: "http://#{process.env['CLSI_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3013" # url: "http://#{process.env['CLSI_LB_HOST']}:3014" backendGroupName: undefined templates: url: "http://#{process.env['TEMPLATES_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3007" githubSync: url: "http://#{process.env['GITHUB_SYNC_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3022" recurly: privateKey: "" apiKey: "" subdomain: "" geoIpLookup: url: "http://#{process.env['GEOIP_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:8080/json/" realTime: url: "http://#{process.env['REALTIME_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3026" contacts: url: "http://#{process.env['CONTACTS_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3036" sixpack: url: "" references: url: "http://#{process.env['REFERENCES_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3040" notifications: url: "http://#{process.env['NOTIFICATIONS_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3042" analytics: url: "http://#{process.env['ANALYTICS_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3050" linkedUrlProxy: url: process.env['LINKED_URL_PROXY'] thirdpartyreferences: url: "http://#{process.env['THIRD_PARTY_REFERENCES_HOST'] or 'localhost'}:3046" v1: url: v1Api.url user: v1Api.user pass: v1Api.pass v1_history: url: "http://#{process.env['V1_HISTORY_HOST'] or "localhost"}:3100/api" user: 'staging' pass: 'password' templates: user_id: process.env.TEMPLATES_USER_ID or "5395eb7aad1f29a88756c7f2" showSocialButtons: false showComments: false # cdn: # web: # host:"" # darkHost:"" # Where your instance of ShareLaTeX can be found publically. Used in emails # that are sent out, generated links, etc. siteUrl : siteUrl = process.env['PUBLIC_URL'] or 'http://localhost:3000' # Optional separate location for websocket connections, if unset defaults to siteUrl. wsUrl: process.env['WEBSOCKET_URL'] # cookie domain # use full domain for cookies to only be accessible from that domain, # replace subdomain with dot to have them accessible on all subdomains # cookieDomain: "" cookieName: "sharelatex.sid" # this is only used if cookies are used for clsi backend #clsiCookieKey: "clsiserver" # Same, but with http auth credentials. httpAuthSiteUrl: 'http://#{httpAuthUser}:#{httpAuthPass}@#{siteUrl}' maxEntitiesPerProject: 2000 # Security # -------- security: sessionSecret: sessionSecret bcryptRounds: 12 # number of rounds used to hash user passwords (raised to power 2) httpAuthUsers: httpAuthUsers # Default features # ---------------- # # You can select the features that are enabled by default for new # new users. defaultFeatures: defaultFeatures = collaborators: -1 dropbox: true github: true gitBridge: true versioning: true compileTimeout: 180 compileGroup: "standard" references: true templates: true trackChanges: true features: personal: defaultFeatures plans: plans = [{ planCode: "personal" name: "Personal" price: 0 features: defaultFeatures }] enableSubscriptions:false enabledLinkedFileTypes: (process.env['ENABLED_LINKED_FILE_TYPES'] or '').split(',') # i18n # ------ # i18n: subdomainLang: www: {lngCode:"en", url: siteUrl} defaultLng: "en" # Spelling languages # ------------------ # # You must have the corresponding aspell package installed to # be able to use a language. languages: [ {name: "English", code: "en"}, {name: "French", code: "fr"} ] # Password Settings # ----------- # These restrict the passwords users can use when registering # opts are from # passwordStrengthOptions: # pattern: "aA$3" # length: # min: 6 # max: 128 # Email support # ------------- # # ShareLaTeX uses nodemailer ( to send transactional emails. # To see the range of transport and options they support, see #email: # fromAddress: "" # replyTo: "" # lifecycle: false ## Example transport and parameter settings for Amazon SES # transport: "SES" # parameters: # AWSAccessKeyID: "" # AWSSecretKey: "" # Third party services # -------------------- # # ShareLaTeX's regular newsletter is managed by mailchimp. Add your # credentials here to integrate with this. # mailchimp: # api_key: "" # list_id: "" # # Fill in your unique token from various analytics services to enable # them. # analytics: # ga: # token: "" # # ShareLaTeX's help desk is provided by # tenderUrl: "" # # Client-side error logging is provided by # sentry: # src: "" # publicDSN: "" # # src should be either a remote url like # //,native/raven.min.js # or a local file in the js/libs directory. # The publicDSN is the token for the client-side getSentry service. # Production Settings # ------------------- # Should javascript assets be served minified or not. Note that you will # need to run `grunt compile:minify` within the web-sharelatex directory # to generate these. useMinifiedJs: process.env['MINIFIED_JS'] == 'true' or false # Should static assets be sent with a header to tell the browser to cache # them. cacheStaticAssets: false # If you are running ShareLaTeX over https, set this to true to send the # cookie with a secure flag (recommended). secureCookie: false # If you are running ShareLaTeX behind a proxy (like Apache, Nginx, etc) # then set this to true to allow it to correctly detect the forwarded IP # address and http/https protocol information. behindProxy: false # Cookie max age (in milliseconds). Set to false for a browser session. cookieSessionLength: 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # 5 days # When true, only allow invites to be sent to email addresses that # already have user accounts restrictInvitesToExistingAccounts: false # Should we allow access to any page without logging in? This includes # public projects, /learn, /templates, about pages, etc. allowPublicAccess: if process.env["SHARELATEX_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS"] == 'true' then true else false # editor should be open by default editorIsOpen: if process.env["EDITOR_OPEN"] == 'false' then false else true # site should be open by default siteIsOpen: if process.env["SITE_OPEN"] == 'false' then false else true # Use a single compile directory for all users in a project # (otherwise each user has their own directory) # disablePerUserCompiles: true # Domain the client (pdfjs) should download the compiled pdf from # pdfDownloadDomain: "http://clsi-lb:3014" # Maximum size of text documents in the real-time editing system. max_doc_length: 2 * 1024 * 1024 # 2mb # Internal configs # ---------------- path: # If we ever need to write something to disk (e.g. incoming requests # that need processing but may be too big for memory, then write # them to disk here). dumpFolder: Path.resolve __dirname + "/../data/dumpFolder" uploadFolder: Path.resolve __dirname + "/../data/uploads" # Automatic Snapshots # ------------------- automaticSnapshots: # How long should we wait after the user last edited to # take a snapshot? waitTimeAfterLastEdit: 5 * minutes # Even if edits are still taking place, this is maximum # time to wait before taking another snapshot. maxTimeBetweenSnapshots: 30 * minutes # Smoke test # ---------- # Provide log in credentials and a project to be able to run # some basic smoke tests to check the core functionality. # # smokeTest: # user: "" # password: "" # projectId: "" appName: "ShareLaTeX (Community Edition)" adminEmail: "" brandPrefix: "" # Set to 'ol-' for overleaf styles nav: title: "ShareLaTeX Community Edition" left_footer: [{ text: "Powered by ShareLaTeX © 2016" }] right_footer: [{ text: " Fork on Github!" url: "" }] showSubscriptionLink: false header_extras: [] # Example: # header_extras: [{text: "Some Page", url: "", class: "subdued"}] customisation: {} # templates: [{ # name : "cv_or_resume", # url : "/templates/cv" # }, { # name : "cover_letter", # url : "/templates/cover-letters" # }, { # name : "journal_article", # url : "/templates/journals" # }, { # name : "presentation", # url : "/templates/presentations" # }, { # name : "thesis", # url : "/templates/thesis" # }, { # name : "bibliographies", # url : "/templates/bibliographies" # }, { # name : "view_all", # url : "/templates" # }] redirects: "/templates/index": "/templates/" reloadModuleViewsOnEachRequest: process.env['NODE_ENV'] != 'production' domainLicences: [ ] sixpack: domain:"" # ShareLaTeX Server Pro options ( # ---------- # LDAP # ---------- # Settings below use a working LDAP test server kindly provided by # When testing with use username = einstein and password = password # ldap : # host: 'ldap://' # dn: 'uid=:userKey,dc=example,dc=com' # baseSearch: 'dc=example,dc=com' # filter: "(uid=:userKey)" # failMessage: 'LDAP User Fail' # fieldName: 'LDAP User' # placeholder: '' # emailAtt: 'mail' # anonymous: false # adminDN: 'cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com' # adminPW: 'password' # starttls: true # tlsOptions: # rejectUnauthorized: false # ca: ['/etc/ldap/ca_certs.pem'] #templateLinks: [{ # name : "CV projects", # url : "/templates/cv" #},{ # name : "all projects", # url: "/templates/all" #}] rateLimits: autoCompile: everyone: 100 standard: 25 # currentImage: "texlive-full:2017.1" # imageRoot: "" # without any trailing slash compileBodySizeLimitMb: process.env['COMPILE_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT_MB'] or 5 # allowedImageNames: [ # {imageName: 'texlive-full:2017.1', imageDesc: 'TeXLive 2017'} # {imageName: 'wl_texlive:2018.1', imageDesc: 'Legacy OL TeXLive 2015'} # {imageName: 'texlive-full:2016.1', imageDesc: 'Legacy SL TeXLive 2016'} # {imageName: 'texlive-full:2015.1', imageDesc: 'Legacy SL TeXLive 2015'} # {imageName: 'texlive-full:2014.2', imageDesc: 'Legacy SL TeXLive 2014.2'} # ] # module options # ---------- modules: sanitize: options: allowedTags: [ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'p', 'a', 'ul', 'ol', 'nl', 'li', 'b', 'i', 'strong', 'em', 'strike', 'code', 'hr', 'br', 'div', 'table', 'thead', 'col', 'caption', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'tfoot', 'pre', 'iframe', 'img', 'figure', 'figcaption', 'span', 'source', 'video', 'del' ] allowedAttributes: 'a': [ 'href', 'name', 'target', 'class', 'event-tracking', 'event-tracking-ga', 'event-tracking-label', 'event-tracking-trigger' ] 'div': [ 'class', 'id', 'style' ] 'h1': [ 'class', 'id' ] 'h2': [ 'class', 'id' ] 'h3': [ 'class', 'id' ] 'h4': [ 'class', 'id' ] 'h5': [ 'class', 'id' ] 'h6': [ 'class', 'id' ] 'col': [ 'width' ] 'figure': [ 'class', 'id', 'style'] 'figcaption': [ 'class', 'id', 'style'] 'i': [ 'aria-hidden', 'aria-label', 'class', 'id' ] 'iframe': [ 'allowfullscreen', 'frameborder', 'height', 'src', 'style', 'width' ] 'img': [ 'alt', 'class', 'src', 'style' ] 'source': [ 'src', 'type' ] 'span': [ 'class', 'id', 'style' ] 'table': [ 'border', 'class', 'id', 'style' ] 'td': [ 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'headers' ] 'th': [ 'abbr', 'headers', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'scope', 'sorted' ] 'video': [ 'alt', 'class', 'controls', 'height', 'width' ]