/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__ * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ let HttpController const DocumentManager = require('./DocumentManager') const HistoryManager = require('./HistoryManager') const ProjectManager = require('./ProjectManager') const Errors = require('./Errors') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const Metrics = require('./Metrics') const ProjectFlusher = require('./ProjectFlusher') const DeleteQueueManager = require('./DeleteQueueManager') const async = require('async') const TWO_MEGABYTES = 2 * 1024 * 1024 module.exports = HttpController = { getDoc(req, res, next) { let fromVersion if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { doc_id } = req.params const { project_id } = req.params logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'getting doc via http') const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.getDoc') if ((req.query != null ? req.query.fromVersion : undefined) != null) { fromVersion = parseInt(req.query.fromVersion, 10) } else { fromVersion = -1 } return DocumentManager.getDocAndRecentOpsWithLock( project_id, doc_id, fromVersion, function (error, lines, version, ops, ranges, pathname) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'got doc via http') if (lines == null || version == null) { return next(new Errors.NotFoundError('document not found')) } return res.json({ id: doc_id, lines, version, ops, ranges, pathname }) } ) }, _getTotalSizeOfLines(lines) { let size = 0 for (const line of Array.from(lines)) { size += line.length + 1 } return size }, getProjectDocsAndFlushIfOld(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id } = req.params const projectStateHash = req.query != null ? req.query.state : undefined // exclude is string of existing docs "id:version,id:version,..." const excludeItems = __guard__(req.query != null ? req.query.exclude : undefined, (x) => x.split(',') ) || [] logger.log({ project_id, exclude: excludeItems }, 'getting docs via http') const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.getAllDocs') const excludeVersions = {} for (const item of Array.from(excludeItems)) { const [id, version] = Array.from( item != null ? item.split(':') : undefined ) excludeVersions[id] = version } logger.log( { project_id, projectStateHash, excludeVersions }, 'excluding versions' ) return ProjectManager.getProjectDocsAndFlushIfOld( project_id, projectStateHash, excludeVersions, function (error, result) { timer.done() if (error instanceof Errors.ProjectStateChangedError) { return res.sendStatus(409) // conflict } else if (error != null) { return next(error) } else { logger.log( { project_id, result: Array.from(result).map((doc) => `${doc._id}:${doc.v}`) }, 'got docs via http' ) return res.send(result) } } ) }, clearProjectState(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id } = req.params const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.clearProjectState') logger.log({ project_id }, 'clearing project state via http') return ProjectManager.clearProjectState(project_id, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } else { return res.sendStatus(200) } }) }, setDoc(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { doc_id } = req.params const { project_id } = req.params const { lines, source, user_id, undoing } = req.body const lineSize = HttpController._getTotalSizeOfLines(lines) if (lineSize > TWO_MEGABYTES) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, source, lineSize, user_id }, 'document too large, returning 406 response' ) return res.sendStatus(406) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, lines, source, user_id, undoing }, 'setting doc via http' ) const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.setDoc') return DocumentManager.setDocWithLock( project_id, doc_id, lines, source, user_id, undoing, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'set doc via http') return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content flushDocIfLoaded(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { doc_id } = req.params const { project_id } = req.params logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'flushing doc via http') const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.flushDoc') return DocumentManager.flushDocIfLoadedWithLock( project_id, doc_id, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'flushed doc via http') return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content deleteDoc(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { doc_id } = req.params const { project_id } = req.params const ignoreFlushErrors = req.query.ignore_flush_errors === 'true' const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.deleteDoc') logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'deleting doc via http') return DocumentManager.flushAndDeleteDocWithLock( project_id, doc_id, { ignoreFlushErrors }, function (error) { timer.done() // There is no harm in flushing project history if the previous call // failed and sometimes it is required HistoryManager.flushProjectChangesAsync(project_id) if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'deleted doc via http') return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content flushProject(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id } = req.params logger.log({ project_id }, 'flushing project via http') const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.flushProject') return ProjectManager.flushProjectWithLocks(project_id, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id }, 'flushed project via http') return res.sendStatus(204) }) }, // No Content deleteProject(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id } = req.params logger.log({ project_id }, 'deleting project via http') const options = {} if (req.query != null ? req.query.background : undefined) { options.background = true } // allow non-urgent flushes to be queued if (req.query != null ? req.query.shutdown : undefined) { options.skip_history_flush = true } // don't flush history when realtime shuts down if (req.query != null ? req.query.background : undefined) { return ProjectManager.queueFlushAndDeleteProject(project_id, function ( error ) { if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id }, 'queue delete of project via http') return res.sendStatus(204) }) // No Content } else { const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.deleteProject') return ProjectManager.flushAndDeleteProjectWithLocks( project_id, options, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id }, 'deleted project via http') return res.sendStatus(204) } ) } }, // No Content deleteMultipleProjects(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const project_ids = (req.body != null ? req.body.project_ids : undefined) || [] logger.log({ project_ids }, 'deleting multiple projects via http') return async.eachSeries( project_ids, function (project_id, cb) { logger.log({ project_id }, 'queue delete of project via http') return ProjectManager.queueFlushAndDeleteProject(project_id, cb) }, function (error) { if (error != null) { return next(error) } return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content acceptChanges(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id, doc_id } = req.params let change_ids = req.body != null ? req.body.change_ids : undefined if (change_ids == null) { change_ids = [req.params.change_id] } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id }, `accepting ${change_ids.length} changes via http` ) const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.acceptChanges') return DocumentManager.acceptChangesWithLock( project_id, doc_id, change_ids, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id }, `accepted ${change_ids.length} changes via http` ) return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content deleteComment(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id, doc_id, comment_id } = req.params logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, comment_id }, 'deleting comment via http') const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.deleteComment') return DocumentManager.deleteCommentWithLock( project_id, doc_id, comment_id, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, comment_id }, 'deleted comment via http' ) return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content updateProject(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const timer = new Metrics.Timer('http.updateProject') const { project_id } = req.params const { projectHistoryId, userId, docUpdates, fileUpdates, version } = req.body logger.log( { project_id, docUpdates, fileUpdates, version }, 'updating project via http' ) return ProjectManager.updateProjectWithLocks( project_id, projectHistoryId, userId, docUpdates, fileUpdates, version, function (error) { timer.done() if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id }, 'updated project via http') return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, // No Content resyncProjectHistory(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } const { project_id } = req.params const { projectHistoryId, docs, files } = req.body logger.log( { project_id, docs, files }, 'queuing project history resync via http' ) return HistoryManager.resyncProjectHistory( project_id, projectHistoryId, docs, files, function (error) { if (error != null) { return next(error) } logger.log({ project_id }, 'queued project history resync via http') return res.sendStatus(204) } ) }, flushAllProjects(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } res.setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000) const options = { limit: req.query.limit || 1000, concurrency: req.query.concurrency || 5, dryRun: req.query.dryRun || false } return ProjectFlusher.flushAllProjects(options, function ( err, project_ids ) { if (err != null) { logger.err({ err }, 'error bulk flushing projects') return res.sendStatus(500) } else { return res.send(project_ids) } }) }, flushQueuedProjects(req, res, next) { if (next == null) { next = function (error) {} } res.setTimeout(10 * 60 * 1000) const options = { limit: req.query.limit || 1000, timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000, min_delete_age: req.query.min_delete_age || 5 * 60 * 1000 } return DeleteQueueManager.flushAndDeleteOldProjects(options, function ( err, flushed ) { if (err != null) { logger.err({ err }, 'error flushing old projects') return res.sendStatus(500) } else { logger.log({ flushed }, 'flush of queued projects completed') return res.send({ flushed }) } }) } } function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined }