/* eslint-disable */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ import App from '../base' import qq from 'fineuploader' export default App.directive('fineUpload', $timeout => ({ scope: { multiple: '=', endpoint: '@', templateId: '@', sizeLimit: '@', allowedExtensions: '=', onCompleteCallback: '=', onUploadCallback: '=', onValidateBatch: '=', onErrorCallback: '=', onSubmitCallback: '=', onCancelCallback: '=', autoUpload: '=', params: '=', control: '=' }, link(scope, element, attrs) { let autoUpload, validation const multiple = scope.multiple || false const { endpoint } = scope const { templateId } = scope if (scope.allowedExtensions != null) { validation = { allowedExtensions: scope.allowedExtensions } } else { validation = {} } if (scope.sizeLimit) { validation.sizeLimit = scope.sizeLimit } const maxConnections = scope.maxConnections || 1 const onComplete = scope.onCompleteCallback || function() {} const onUpload = scope.onUploadCallback || function() {} const onError = scope.onErrorCallback || function() {} const onValidateBatch = scope.onValidateBatch || function() {} const onSubmit = scope.onSubmitCallback || function() {} const onCancel = scope.onCancelCallback || function() {} if (scope.autoUpload == null) { autoUpload = true } else { ;({ autoUpload } = scope) } const params = scope.params || {} params._csrf = window.csrfToken const q = new qq.FineUploader({ element: element[0], multiple, autoUpload, disabledCancelForFormUploads: true, validation, maxConnections, request: { endpoint, forceMultipart: true, params, paramsInBody: false }, callbacks: { onComplete, onUpload, onValidateBatch, onError, onSubmit, onCancel }, template: templateId, failedUploadTextDisplay: { mode: 'custom', responseProperty: 'error' } }) window.q = q if (scope.control != null) { scope.control.q = q } return q } }))