define [ "libs/md5" ], () -> class OnlineUsersManager constructor: (@ide, @$scope) -> @$scope.onlineUsers = {} @$scope.onlineUserCursorHighlights = {} @$scope.$watch "editor.cursorPosition", (position) => if position? @sendCursorPositionUpdate() @ide.socket.on "clientTracking.clientUpdated", (client) => if != @ide.socket.socket.sessionid # Check it's not me! @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.onlineUsers[] = client @updateCursorHighlights() @ide.socket.on "clientTracking.clientDisconnected", (client_id) => @$scope.$apply () => delete @$scope.onlineUsers[client_id] @updateCursorHighlights() updateCursorHighlights: () -> @$scope.onlineUserCursorHighlights = {} for client_id, client of @$scope.onlineUsers doc_id = client.doc_id continue if !doc_id? @$scope.onlineUserCursorHighlights[doc_id] ||= [] @$scope.onlineUserCursorHighlights[doc_id].push { label: cursor: row: client.row column: client.column hue: @getHueForUserId(client.user_id) } UPDATE_INTERVAL: 500 sendCursorPositionUpdate: () -> if !@cursorUpdateTimeout? @cursorUpdateTimeout = setTimeout ()=> position = @$scope.editor.cursorPosition doc_id = @$scope.editor.open_doc_id @ide.socket.emit "clientTracking.updatePosition", { row: position.row column: position.column doc_id: doc_id } delete @cursorUpdateTimeout , @UPDATE_INTERVAL OWN_HUE: 200 # We will always appear as this color to ourselves ANONYMOUS_HUE: 100 getHueForUserId: (user_id) -> if !user_id? or user_id == "anonymous-user" return @ANONYMOUS_HUE if == user_id return @OWN_HUE hash = CryptoJS.MD5(user_id) hue = parseInt(hash.toString().slice(0,8), 16) % 320 # Avoid 20 degrees either side of the personal hue if hue > @OWNER_HUE - 20 hue = hue + 40 return hue