define [ "base" "../../libs/algolia" ], (App, algolia)-> app.factory "Institutions", -> new AlgoliaSearch(window.algolia.institutions.app_id, window.algolia.institutions.api_key).initIndex("institutions") App.controller "UserProfileController", ($scope, $modal, $http)-> $scope.institutions = [] $http.get("/user/personal_info").success (data)-> $scope.userInfoForm = first_name: data.first_name || "" last_name: data.last_name || "" role: data.role || "" institution: data.institution || "" _csrf : window.csrfToken $scope.showForm = -> $scope.formVisable = true $scope.getPercentComplete = -> results = _.filter $scope.userInfoForm, (value)-> !value? or value?.length != 0 results.length * 20 $scope.$watch "userInfoForm", (value) -> if value? $scope.percentComplete = $scope.getPercentComplete() , true $scope.openUserProfileModal = () -> $ { templateUrl: "userProfileModalTemplate" controller: "UserProfileModalController" scope: $scope } App.controller "UserProfileModalController", ($scope, $modalInstance, $http, Institutions) -> $scope.roles = ["Student", "Post-graduate student", "Post-doctoral researcher", "Lecturer", "Professor"] $scope.sendUpdate = -> request = $ "/user/settings", $scope.userInfoForm request.success (data, status)-> request.error (data, status)-> console.log "the request failed" $scope.updateInstitutionsList = (inputVal)-> # this is a little hack to use until we change auto compelete lib with redesign and can # listen for blur events on institution field to send the post if inputVal?.indexOf("(") != -1 and inputVal?.indexOf(")") != -1 $scope.sendUpdate() $scope.userInfoForm.institution, (err, response)-> $scope.institutions = response.hits, (institution)-> "#{} (#{institution.domain})" $scope.done = () -> $modalInstance.close()