define [ "base", "directives/creditCards" "libs/recurly-4.8.5" ], (App)-> App.controller "NewSubscriptionController", ($scope, MultiCurrencyPricing, abTestManager, $http, sixpack, event_tracking, ccUtils)-> throw new Error("Recurly API Library Missing.") if typeof recurly is "undefined" $scope.currencyCode = MultiCurrencyPricing.currencyCode $scope.plans = MultiCurrencyPricing.plans $scope.switchToStudent = ()-> currentPlanCode = window.plan_code planCode = currentPlanCode.replace('collaborator', 'student') event_tracking.sendMB 'subscription-form-switch-to-student', { plan: window.plan_code } window.location = "/user/subscription/new?planCode=#{planCode}¤cy=#{$scope.currencyCode}&cc=#{$}" event_tracking.sendMB "subscription-form", { plan : window.plan_code } $scope.paymentMethod = value: "credit_card" $ = first_name: "" last_name: "" postal_code: "" address1 : "" address2 : "" state:"" city:"" country:window.countryCode coupon: window.couponCode $scope.validation = {} $scope.processing = false recurly.configure publicKey: window.recurlyApiKey style: all: fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif', fontSize: '16px', fontColor: '#7a7a7a' month: placeholder: 'MM' year: placeholder: 'YY' cvv: placeholder: 'CVV' pricing = recurly.Pricing() window.pricing = pricing initialPricing = pricing .plan(window.plan_code, { quantity: 1 }) .address({country: $}) .tax({tax_code: 'digital', vat_number: ''}) .currency($scope.currencyCode) .coupon($ .done() pricing.on "change", => $scope.planName = $scope.price = pricing.price $scope.trialLength = pricing.items.plan.trial?.length $scope.monthlyBilling = pricing.items.plan.period.length == 1 if pricing.items?.coupon?.discount?.type == "percent" basePrice = parseInt(pricing.price.base.plan.unit) $scope.normalPrice = basePrice if > 0 and and $scope.discountMonths = $scope.discountRate = * 100 if pricing.price?.taxes[0]?.rate? $scope.normalPrice += (basePrice * pricing.price.taxes[0].rate) $scope.$apply() $scope.applyCoupon = ->$ $scope.applyVatNumber = ->{tax_code: 'digital', vat_number: $}).done() $scope.changeCurrency = (newCurrency)-> $scope.currencyCode = newCurrency pricing.currency(newCurrency).done() $scope.inputHasError = inputHasError = (formItem) -> if !formItem? return false return (formItem.$touched && formItem.$invalid) $scope.isFormValid = isFormValid = (form) -> if $scope.paymentMethod.value == 'paypal' return $ != "" else return form.$valid $scope.updateCountry = -> pricing.address({country:$}).done() $scope.setPaymentMethod = setPaymentMethod = (method) -> $scope.paymentMethod.value = method; $scope.validation.errorFields = {} $scope.genericError = "" completeSubscription = (err, recurly_token_id) -> $scope.validation.errorFields = {} if err? event_tracking.sendMB "subscription-error", err # We may or may not be in a digest loop here depending on # whether recurly could do validation locally, so do it async $scope.$evalAsync () -> $scope.processing = false $scope.genericError = err.message _.each err.fields, (field)-> $scope.validation.errorFields[field] = true else postData = _csrf: window.csrfToken subscriptionDetails: currencyCode:pricing.items.currency plan_code:pricing.items.plan.code coupon_code:pricing.items?.coupon?.code || "" isPaypal: $scope.paymentMethod.value == 'paypal' address: address1: $ address2: $ country: $ state: $ postal_code: $ event_tracking.sendMB "subscription-form-submitted", { currencyCode : postData.subscriptionDetails.currencyCode, plan_code : postData.subscriptionDetails.plan_code, coupon_code : postData.subscriptionDetails.coupon_code, isPaypal : postData.subscriptionDetails.isPaypal } $"/user/subscription/create", postData) .then ()-> event_tracking.sendMB "subscription-submission-success" window.location.href = "/user/subscription/thank-you" .catch ()-> $scope.processing = false $scope.genericError = "Something went wrong processing the request" $scope.submit = -> $scope.processing = true if $scope.paymentMethod.value == 'paypal' opts = { description: $scope.planName } recurly.paypal opts, completeSubscription else recurly.token $, completeSubscription