import { expect } from 'chai' import { fireEvent, screen, render } from '@testing-library/react' import { LeaversSurveyAlert } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/settings/components/leavers-survey-alert' describe('', function () { it('should render before the expiration date', function () { const tomorrow = + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 localStorage.setItem( 'showInstitutionalLeaversSurveyUntil', tomorrow.toString() ) render() screen.getByRole('alert') screen.getByText(/Provide some quick feedback/) screen.getByRole('link', { name: 'Take a short survey' }) }) it('should not render after the expiration date', function () { const yesterday = - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 localStorage.setItem( 'showInstitutionalLeaversSurveyUntil', yesterday.toString() ) render() expect(screen.queryByRole('alert')) }) it('should reset the expiration date when it is closed', function () { const tomorrow = + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 localStorage.setItem( 'showInstitutionalLeaversSurveyUntil', tomorrow.toString() ) render() screen.getByRole('alert')'button')) expect(screen.queryByRole('alert')) expect(localStorage.getItem('showInstitutionalLeaversSurveyUntil')) .null }) })