define [ "base" "ace/ace" "ide/human-readable-logs/HumanReadableLogs" "libs/bib-log-parser" ], (App, Ace, HumanReadableLogs, BibLogParser) -> App.controller "PdfController", ($scope, $http, ide, $modal, synctex, event_tracking, localStorage) -> # enable per-user containers by default perUserCompile = true autoCompile = true # pdf.view = uncompiled | pdf | errors $scope.pdf.view = if $scope?.pdf?.url then 'pdf' else 'uncompiled' $scope.shouldShowLogs = false $scope.wikiEnabled = window.wikiEnabled; # view logic to check whether the files dropdown should "drop up" or "drop down" $scope.shouldDropUp = false logsContainerEl = document.querySelector ".pdf-logs" filesDropdownEl = logsContainerEl?.querySelector ".files-dropdown" # get the top coordinate of the files dropdown as a ratio (to the logs container height) # logs container supports scrollable content, so it's possible that ratio > 1. getFilesDropdownTopCoordAsRatio = () -> filesDropdownEl?.getBoundingClientRect().top / logsContainerEl?.getBoundingClientRect().height $scope.$watch "shouldShowLogs", (shouldShow) -> if shouldShow $scope.$applyAsync () -> $scope.shouldDropUp = getFilesDropdownTopCoordAsRatio() > 0.65 # log hints tracking $scope.trackLogHintsLearnMore = () -> event_tracking.sendCountly "logs-hints-learn-more" trackLogHintsFeedback = (isPositive, hintId) -> event_tracking.send "log-hints", (if isPositive then "feedback-positive" else "feedback-negative"), hintId event_tracking.sendCountly (if isPositive then "log-hints-feedback-positive" else "log-hints-feedback-negative"), { hintId } $scope.trackLogHintsPositiveFeedback = (hintId) -> trackLogHintsFeedback true, hintId $scope.trackLogHintsNegativeFeedback = (hintId) -> trackLogHintsFeedback false, hintId if ace.require("ace/lib/useragent").isMac $scope.modifierKey = "Cmd" else $scope.modifierKey = "Ctrl" # utility for making a query string from a hash, could use jquery $.param createQueryString = (args) -> qs_args = ("#{k}=#{v}" for k, v of args) if qs_args.length then "?" + qs_args.join("&") else "" $scope.stripHTMLFromString = (htmlStr) -> tmp = document.createElement("DIV") tmp.innerHTML = htmlStr return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "" $scope.$on "project:joined", () -> return if !autoCompile autoCompile = false $scope.recompile(isAutoCompile: true) $scope.hasPremiumCompile = $scope.project.features.compileGroup == "priority" $scope.$on "pdf:error:display", () -> $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' $scope.pdf.renderingError = true $scope.draft = localStorage("draft:#{$scope.project_id}") or false $scope.$watch "draft", (new_value, old_value) -> if new_value? and old_value != new_value localStorage("draft:#{$scope.project_id}", new_value) sendCompileRequest = (options = {}) -> url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/compile" params = {} if options.isAutoCompile params["auto_compile"]=true return $ url, { rootDoc_id: options.rootDocOverride_id or null draft: $scope.draft _csrf: window.csrfToken }, {params: params} parseCompileResponse = (response) -> # Reset everything $scope.pdf.error = false $scope.pdf.timedout = false $scope.pdf.failure = false $scope.pdf.url = null $scope.pdf.clsiMaintenance = false $scope.pdf.tooRecentlyCompiled = false $scope.pdf.renderingError = false $scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = false # make a cache to look up files by name fileByPath = {} if response?.outputFiles? for file in response?.outputFiles fileByPath[file.path] = file if response.status == "timedout" $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' $scope.pdf.timedout = true else if response.status == "autocompile-backoff" $scope.pdf.view = 'uncompiled' else if response.status == "project-too-large" $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' $scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = true else if response.status == "failure" $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' $scope.pdf.failure = true $scope.shouldShowLogs = true fetchLogs(fileByPath['output.log'], fileByPath['output.blg']) else if response.status == 'clsi-maintenance' $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' $scope.pdf.clsiMaintenance = true else if response.status == "too-recently-compiled" $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' $scope.pdf.tooRecentlyCompiled = true else if response.status == "validation-problems" $scope.pdf.view = "validation-problems" $scope.pdf.validation = response.validationProblems else if response.status == "success" $scope.pdf.view = 'pdf' $scope.shouldShowLogs = false # prepare query string qs = {} # define the base url. if the pdf file has a build number, pass it to the clsi in the url if fileByPath['output.pdf']?.url? $scope.pdf.url = fileByPath['output.pdf'].url else if fileByPath['output.pdf']?.build? build = fileByPath['output.pdf'].build $scope.pdf.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/build/#{build}/output/output.pdf" else $scope.pdf.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.pdf" # check if we need to bust cache (build id is unique so don't need it in that case) if not fileByPath['output.pdf']?.build? qs.cache_bust = "#{}" # add a query string parameter for the compile group if response.compileGroup? $scope.pdf.compileGroup = response.compileGroup qs.compileGroup = "#{$scope.pdf.compileGroup}" if response.clsiServerId? qs.clsiserverid = response.clsiServerId ide.clsiServerId = response.clsiServerId # convert the qs hash into a query string and append it $scope.pdf.qs = createQueryString qs $scope.pdf.url += $scope.pdf.qs # Save all downloads as files qs.popupDownload = true $scope.pdf.downloadUrl = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.pdf" + createQueryString(qs) fetchLogs(fileByPath['output.log'], fileByPath['output.blg']) IGNORE_FILES = ["output.fls", "output.fdb_latexmk"] $scope.pdf.outputFiles = [] if !response.outputFiles? return # prepare list of output files for download dropdown qs = {} if response.clsiServerId? qs.clsiserverid = response.clsiServerId for file in response.outputFiles if IGNORE_FILES.indexOf(file.path) == -1 $scope.pdf.outputFiles.push { # Turn 'output.blg' into 'blg file'. name: if file.path.match(/^output\./) then "#{file.path.replace(/^output\./, "")} file" else file.path url: "/project/#{project_id}/output/#{file.path}" + createQueryString qs } fetchLogs = (logFile, blgFile) -> getFile = (name, file) -> opts = method:"GET" params: clsiserverid:ide.clsiServerId if file?.url? # FIXME clean this up when we have file.urls out consistently opts.url = file.url else if file?.build? opts.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/build/#{}/output/#{name}" else opts.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/#{name}" return $http(opts) # accumulate the log entries logEntries = all: [] errors: [] warnings: [] accumulateResults = (newEntries) -> for key in ['all', 'errors', 'warnings'] logEntries[key] = logEntries[key].concat newEntries[key] # use the parsers for each file type processLog = (log) -> $scope.pdf.rawLog = log {errors, warnings, typesetting} = HumanReadableLogs.parse(log, ignoreDuplicates: true) all = [].concat errors, warnings, typesetting accumulateResults {all, errors, warnings} processBiber = (log) -> {errors, warnings} = BibLogParser.parse(log, {}) all = [].concat errors, warnings accumulateResults {all, errors, warnings} # output the results handleError = () -> $scope.pdf.logEntries = [] $scope.pdf.rawLog = "" annotateFiles = () -> $scope.pdf.logEntries = logEntries $scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations = {} for entry in logEntries.all if entry.file? entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file) entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file) if entity? $scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[] ||= [] $scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[].push { row: entry.line - 1 type: if entry.level == "error" then "error" else "warning" text: entry.message } # retrieve the logfile and process it response = getFile('output.log', logFile) .success processLog .error handleError if blgFile? # retrieve the blg file if present response.success () -> getFile('output.blg', blgFile) # ignore errors in biber file .success processBiber # display the combined result .then annotateFiles else # otherwise just display the result response.success annotateFiles getRootDocOverride_id = () -> doc = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocValue() return null if !doc? for line in doc.split("\n") match = line.match /^[^%]*\\documentclass/ if match return ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId() return null normalizeFilePath = (path) -> path = path.replace(/^(.*)\/compiles\/[0-9a-f]{24}(-[0-9a-f]{24})?\/(\.\/)?/, "") path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, "") rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname() if rootDocDirname? path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDirname + "/") return path $scope.recompile = (options = {}) -> return if $scope.pdf.compiling event_tracking.sendCountlySampled "editor-recompile-sampled", options $scope.pdf.compiling = true ide.$scope.$broadcast("flush-changes") options.rootDocOverride_id = getRootDocOverride_id() sendCompileRequest(options) .success (data) -> $scope.pdf.view = "pdf" $scope.pdf.compiling = false parseCompileResponse(data) .error () -> $scope.pdf.compiling = false $scope.pdf.renderingError = false $scope.pdf.error = true $scope.pdf.view = 'errors' # This needs to be public. ide.$scope.recompile = $scope.recompile # This method is a simply wrapper and exists only for tracking purposes. ide.$scope.recompileViaKey = () -> $scope.recompile { keyShortcut: true } $scope.clearCache = () -> $http { url: "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output" method: "DELETE" params: clsiserverid:ide.clsiServerId headers: "X-Csrf-Token": window.csrfToken } $scope.toggleLogs = () -> $scope.shouldShowLogs = !$scope.shouldShowLogs event_tracking.sendCountly "ide-open-logs" if $scope.shouldShowLogs $scope.showPdf = () -> $scope.pdf.view = "pdf" $scope.shouldShowLogs = false $scope.toggleRawLog = () -> $scope.pdf.showRawLog = !$scope.pdf.showRawLog event_tracking.sendCountly "logs-view-raw" if $scope.pdf.showRawLog $scope.openClearCacheModal = () -> modalInstance = $ templateUrl: "clearCacheModalTemplate" controller: "ClearCacheModalController" scope: $scope ) $scope.syncToCode = (position) -> synctex .syncToCode(position) .then (data) -> {doc, line} = data ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line) $scope.switchToFlatLayout = () -> $scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'flat' $scope.ui.view = 'pdf' ide.localStorage "pdf.layout", "flat" $scope.switchToSideBySideLayout = () -> $scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'sideBySide' $scope.ui.view = 'editor' localStorage "pdf.layout", "split" if pdfLayout = localStorage("pdf.layout") $scope.switchToSideBySideLayout() if pdfLayout == "split" $scope.switchToFlatLayout() if pdfLayout == "flat" else $scope.switchToSideBySideLayout() $scope.startFreeTrial = (source) -> ga?('send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'compile-timeout', source) event_tracking.sendCountly "subscription-start-trial", { source }"/user/subscription/new?planCode=student_free_trial_7_days") $scope.startedFreeTrial = true App.factory "synctex", ["ide", "$http", "$q", (ide, $http, $q) -> # enable per-user containers by default perUserCompile = true synctex = syncToPdf: (cursorPosition) -> deferred = $q.defer() doc_id = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId() if !doc_id? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id) if !doc? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise path = ide.fileTreeManager.getEntityPath(doc) if !path? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise # If the root file is folder/main.tex, then synctex sees the # path as folder/./main.tex rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname() if rootDocDirname? and rootDocDirname != "" path = path.replace(RegExp("^#{rootDocDirname}"), "#{rootDocDirname}/.") {row, column} = cursorPosition $http({ url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/code", method: "GET", params: { file: path line: row + 1 column: column clsiserverid:ide.clsiServerId } }) .success (data) -> deferred.resolve(data.pdf or []) .error (error) -> deferred.reject(error) return deferred.promise syncToCode: (position, options = {}) -> deferred = $q.defer() if !position? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise # FIXME: this actually works better if it's halfway across the # page (or the visible part of the page). Synctex doesn't # always find the right place in the file when the point is at # the edge of the page, it sometimes returns the start of the # next paragraph instead. h = position.offset.left # Compute the vertical position to pass to synctex, which # works with coordinates increasing from the top of the page # down. This matches the browser's DOM coordinate of the # click point, but the pdf position is measured from the # bottom of the page so we need to invert it. if options.fromPdfPosition and position.pageSize?.height? v = (position.pageSize.height - or 0 # measure from pdf point (inverted) else v = or 0 # measure from html click position # It's not clear exactly where we should sync to if it wasn't directly # clicked on, but a little bit down from the very top seems best. if options.includeVisualOffset v += 72 # use the same value as in pdfViewer highlighting visual offset $http({ url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/pdf", method: "GET", params: { page: + 1 h: h.toFixed(2) v: v.toFixed(2) clsiserverid:ide.clsiServerId } }) .success (data) -> if data.code? and data.code.length > 0 doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(data.code[0].file) return if !doc? deferred.resolve({doc: doc, line: data.code[0].line}) .error (error) -> deferred.reject(error) return deferred.promise return synctex ] App.controller "PdfSynctexController", ["$scope", "synctex", "ide", ($scope, synctex, ide) -> @cursorPosition = null ide.$scope.$on "cursor:editor:update", (event, @cursorPosition) => $scope.syncToPdf = () => return if !@cursorPosition? synctex .syncToPdf(@cursorPosition) .then (highlights) -> $scope.pdf.highlights = highlights $scope.syncToCode = () -> synctex .syncToCode($scope.pdf.position, includeVisualOffset: true, fromPdfPosition: true) .then (data) -> {doc, line} = data ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line) ] App.controller "PdfLogEntryController", ["$scope", "ide", "event_tracking", ($scope, ide, event_tracking) -> $scope.openInEditor = (entry) -> event_tracking.sendCountly 'logs-jump-to-location' entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file) return if !entity? or entity.type != "doc" if entry.line? line = entry.line ide.editorManager.openDoc(entity, gotoLine: line) ] App.controller 'ClearCacheModalController', ["$scope", "$modalInstance", ($scope, $modalInstance) -> $scope.state = inflight: false $scope.clear = () -> $scope.state.inflight = true $scope .clearCache() .then () -> $scope.state.inflight = false $modalInstance.close() $scope.cancel = () -> $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel') ]