import { useRef, useEffect, type FC } from 'react' import Linkify from 'react-linkify' import useIsMounted from '../../../shared/hooks/use-is-mounted' import { loadMathJax } from '../../mathjax/load-mathjax' import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging' const MessageContent: FC<{ content: string }> = ({ content }) => { const root = useRef(null) const mounted = useIsMounted() useEffect(() => { if (root.current) { // adds attributes to all the links generated by , required due to for (const a of root.current.getElementsByTagName('a')) { a.setAttribute('target', '_blank') a.setAttribute('rel', 'noreferrer noopener') } // MathJax v3 typesetting loadMathJax() .then(MathJax => { if (mounted.current) { MathJax.typesetPromise([root.current]).catch(debugConsole.error) } }) .catch(debugConsole.error) } }, [content, mounted]) return (


) } export default MessageContent