import { db, READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY, waitForDb, ObjectId, } from '../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb.js' import minimist from 'minimist' import InstitutionHubsController from '../modules/metrics/app/src/InstitutionHubsController.mjs' function usage() { console.log( `Usage: node export_institution_chat.js --institution --from --to [--pretty] [--help] --institution=ID The V1 institution ID --from=DATE The start of the report period. Specified as an ISO 8601 date string (e.g. 2024-08-01T00:00:00.000Z) --to=DATE The end of the report period. Specified as an ISO 8601 date string (e.g. 2024-09-01T00:00:00.000Z) --help Prints this help page\n` ) } function parseArgs() { const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['institution', 'from', 'to'], bool: ['help'], default: { help: false, }, }) if ( { usage() process.exit(0) } if (!argv.institution || !argv.from || ! { usage() process.exit(1) } const institutionId = parseInt(argv.institution, 10) const from = new Date(argv.from).getTime() const to = new Date( if (to < from) { console.error('The end date must be after the start date.') process.exit(1) } return { institutionId, from, to } } async function fetchInstitutionAndAffiliations(institutionId) { const { json: affiliations } = await InstitutionHubsController.promises.v1InstitutionsApi( institutionId, 'csv_affiliations' ) return affiliations.filter(({ license }) => license === 'pro_plus') } function getUserMappings(affiliations) { const entries ={ user_id: userId, email }) => [ userId, email, ]) return new Map(entries) } async function main() { const args = parseArgs() await waitForDb() const affiliations = await fetchInstitutionAndAffiliations(args.institutionId) const userMappings = getUserMappings(affiliations) const projectRecords = [] for (const [userId, email] of userMappings.entries()) { projectRecords.push(...(await processUser(userId, email, args))) } console.log(JSON.stringify(projectRecords, null, 2)) } async function processUser(userId, email, args) { const projectsOwnedByUser = db.projects.find( { owner_ref: new ObjectId(userId) }, { projection: { name: 1 }, readPreference: READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY } ) const projectRecords = [] for await (const project of projectsOwnedByUser) { const hasMessages = await processProject(project, args) if (hasMessages) { projectRecords.push({ projectId: project._id, owner: email, }) } } return projectRecords } async function processProject(project, args) { const { _id: projectId } = project const globalRoom = await db.rooms.findOne( { project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), thread_id: { $exists: false }, }, { readPreference: READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY } ) if (!globalRoom) { return null } const messages = await db.messages .find( { room_id: globalRoom._id, timestamp: { $gte: args.from, $lte: }, }, { projection: { user_id: 1, timestamp: 1, }, readPreference: READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY, } ) .sort({ timestamp: 1 }) .toArray() return messages.length > 0 } try { await main() process.exit(0) } catch (err) { console.error(err) process.exit(1) }