should = require('chai').should() expect = require('chai').expect sinon = require 'sinon' crypto = require 'crypto' querystring = require 'querystring' modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Subscription/RecurlyWrapper" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') tk = require("timekeeper") fixtures = "subscriptions/44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<subscription href=\"\">" + " <account href=\"\"/>" + " <plan href=\"\">" + " <plan_code>gold</plan_code>" + " <name>Gold plan</name>" + " </plan>" + " <uuid>44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96</uuid>" + " <state>active</state>" + " <unit_amount_in_cents type=\"integer\">800</unit_amount_in_cents>" + " <currency>EUR</currency>" + " <quantity type=\"integer\">1</quantity>" + " <activated_at type=\"datetime\">2011-05-27T07:00:00Z</activated_at>" + " <canceled_at nil=\"nil\"></canceled_at>" + " <expires_at nil=\"nil\"></expires_at>" + " <current_period_started_at type=\"datetime\">2011-06-27T07:00:00Z</current_period_started_at>" + " <current_period_ends_at type=\"datetime\">2011-07-27T07:00:00Z</current_period_ends_at>" + " <trial_started_at nil=\"nil\"></trial_started_at>" + " <trial_ends_at nil=\"nil\"></trial_ends_at>" + " <subscription_add_ons type=\"array\">" + " <subscription_add_on>" + " <add_on_code>ipaddresses</add_on_code>" + " <quantity>10</quantity>" + " <unit_amount_in_cents>150</unit_amount_in_cents>" + " </subscription_add_on>" + " </subscription_add_ons>" + " <a name=\"cancel\" href=\"\" method=\"put\"/>" + " <a name=\"terminate\" href=\"\" method=\"put\"/>" + " <a name=\"postpone\" href=\"\" method=\"put\"/>" + "</subscription>" "recurly_js/result/70db44b10f5f4b238669480c9903f6f5": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<subscription href=\"\">" + " <account href=\"\"/>" + " <plan href=\"\">" + " <plan_code>gold</plan_code>" + " <name>Gold plan</name>" + " </plan>" + " <uuid>44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96</uuid>" + " <state>active</state>" + " <unit_amount_in_cents type=\"integer\">800</unit_amount_in_cents>" + " <currency>EUR</currency>" + " <quantity type=\"integer\">1</quantity>" + " <activated_at type=\"datetime\">2011-05-27T07:00:00Z</activated_at>" + " <canceled_at nil=\"nil\"></canceled_at>" + " <expires_at nil=\"nil\"></expires_at>" + " <current_period_started_at type=\"datetime\">2011-06-27T07:00:00Z</current_period_started_at>" + " <current_period_ends_at type=\"datetime\">2011-07-27T07:00:00Z</current_period_ends_at>" + " <trial_started_at nil=\"nil\"></trial_started_at>" + " <trial_ends_at nil=\"nil\"></trial_ends_at>" + " <subscription_add_ons type=\"array\">" + " <subscription_add_on>" + " <add_on_code>ipaddresses</add_on_code>" + " <quantity>10</quantity>" + " <unit_amount_in_cents>150</unit_amount_in_cents>" + " </subscription_add_on>" + " </subscription_add_ons>" + " <a name=\"cancel\" href=\"\" method=\"put\"/>" + " <a name=\"terminate\" href=\"\" method=\"put\"/>" + " <a name=\"postpone\" href=\"\" method=\"put\"/>" + "</subscription>" "accounts/104": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<account href=\"\">" + " <adjustments href=\"\"/>" + " <billing_info href=\"\"/>" + " <invoices href=\"\"/>" + " <redemption href=\"\"/>" + " <subscriptions href=\"\"/>" + " <transactions href=\"\"/>" + " <account_code>104</account_code>" + " <state>active</state>" + " <username nil=\"nil\"></username>" + " <email></email>" + " <first_name>Verena</first_name>" + " <last_name>Example</last_name>" + " <accept_language nil=\"nil\"></accept_language>" + " <hosted_login_token>a92468579e9c4231a6c0031c4716c01d</hosted_login_token>" + " <created_at type=\"datetime\">2011-10-25T12:00:00</created_at>" + "</account>" mockApiRequest = (options, callback) -> if fixtures[options.url] callback(null, {statusCode : 200}, fixtures[options.url]) else callback("Not found", {statusCode : 404}) describe "RecurlyWrapper", -> before -> @settings = plans: [{ planCode: "collaborator" name: "Collaborator" features: collaborators: -1 versioning: true }] defaultPlanCode: collaborators: 0 versioning: false apis: recurly: apiKey: 'nonsense' privateKey: 'private_nonsense' @RecurlyWrapper = RecurlyWrapper = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex": @settings "logger-sharelatex": err: sinon.stub() error: sinon.stub() log: sinon.stub() "request": sinon.stub() describe "sign", -> before (done) -> tk.freeze # freeze the time for these tests @RecurlyWrapper.sign({ subscription : plan_code : "gold" name : "$$$" }, (error, signature) => @signature = signature done() ) after -> tk.reset() it "should be signed correctly", -> signed = @signature.split("|")[0] query = @signature.split("|")[1] crypto.createHmac("sha1", @settings.apis.recurly.privateKey).update(query).digest("hex").should.equal signed it "should be url escaped", -> query = @signature.split("|")[1] should.equal query.match(/\[/), null query.match(/\%5B/).should.not.equal null it "should contain the passed data", -> query = querystring.parse @signature.split("|")[1] query["subscription[plan_code]"].should.equal "gold" query["subscription[name]"].should.equal "$$$" it "should contain a nonce", -> query = querystring.parse @signature.split("|")[1] should.exist query["nonce"] it "should contain a timestamp", -> query = querystring.parse @signature.split("|")[1] query["timestamp"].should.equal Math.round( / 1000) + "" describe "_parseXml", -> it "should convert different data types into correct representations", (done) -> xml = """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <subscription href=""> <account href=""/> <plan href=""> <plan_code>gold</plan_code> <name>Gold plan</name> </plan> <uuid>44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96</uuid> <state>active</state> <unit_amount_in_cents type="integer">800</unit_amount_in_cents> <currency>EUR</currency> <quantity type="integer">1</quantity> <activated_at type="datetime">2011-05-27T07:00:00Z</activated_at> <canceled_at nil="nil"></canceled_at> <expires_at nil="nil"></expires_at> <current_period_started_at type="datetime">2011-06-27T07:00:00Z</current_period_started_at> <current_period_ends_at type="datetime">2011-07-27T07:00:00Z</current_period_ends_at> <trial_started_at nil="nil"></trial_started_at> <trial_ends_at nil="nil"></trial_ends_at> <subscription_add_ons type="array"> <subscription_add_on> <add_on_code>ipaddresses</add_on_code> <quantity>10</quantity> <unit_amount_in_cents>150</unit_amount_in_cents> </subscription_add_on> </subscription_add_ons> <a name="cancel" href="" method="put"/> <a name="terminate" href="" method="put"/> <a name="postpone" href="" method="put"/> </subscription> """ @RecurlyWrapper._parseXml xml, (error, data) -> data.subscription.plan.plan_code.should.equal "gold" "Gold plan" data.subscription.uuid.should.equal "44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96" data.subscription.state.should.equal "active" data.subscription.unit_amount_in_cents.should.equal 800 data.subscription.currency.should.equal "EUR" data.subscription.quantity.should.equal 1 data.subscription.activated_at.should.deep.equal new Date("2011-05-27T07:00:00Z") should.equal data.subscription.canceled_at, null should.equal data.subscription.expires_at, null data.subscription.current_period_started_at.should.deep.equal new Date("2011-06-27T07:00:00Z") data.subscription.current_period_ends_at.should.deep.equal new Date("2011-07-27T07:00:00Z") should.equal data.subscription.trial_started_at, null should.equal data.subscription.trial_ends_at, null data.subscription.subscription_add_ons[0].should.deep.equal { add_on_code: "ipaddresses" quantity: "10" unit_amount_in_cents: "150" } data.subscription.account.url.should.equal "" data.subscription.url.should.equal "" data.subscription.plan.url.should.equal "" done() describe "getSubscription", -> describe "with proper subscription id", -> before -> @apiRequest = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", mockApiRequest) @RecurlyWrapper.getSubscription "44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96", (error, recurlySubscription) => @recurlySubscription = recurlySubscription after -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should look up the subscription at the normal API end point", -> @apiRequest.args[0][0].url.should.equal "subscriptions/44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96" it "should return the subscription", -> @recurlySubscription.uuid.should.equal "44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96" describe "with ReculyJS token", -> before -> @apiRequest = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", mockApiRequest) @RecurlyWrapper.getSubscription "70db44b10f5f4b238669480c9903f6f5", {recurlyJsResult: true}, (error, recurlySubscription) => @recurlySubscription = recurlySubscription after -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should return the subscription", -> @recurlySubscription.uuid.should.equal "44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96" it "should look up the subscription at the RecurlyJS API end point", -> @apiRequest.args[0][0].url.should.equal "recurly_js/result/70db44b10f5f4b238669480c9903f6f5" describe "with includeAccount", -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", mockApiRequest) @RecurlyWrapper.getSubscription "44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96", {includeAccount: true}, (error, recurlySubscription) => @recurlySubscription = recurlySubscription afterEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should request the account from the API", -> @apiRequest.args[1][0].url.should.equal "accounts/104" it "should populate the account attribute", -> @recurlySubscription.account.account_code.should.equal "104" describe "updateSubscription", -> beforeEach (done) -> @recurlySubscriptionId = "subscription-id-123" @apiRequest = sinon.stub @RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", (options, callback) => @requestOptions = options callback null, {}, fixtures["subscriptions/44f83d7cba354d5b84812419f923ea96"] @RecurlyWrapper.updateSubscription @recurlySubscriptionId, { plan_code : "silver", timeframe: "now" }, (error, recurlySubscription) => @recurlySubscription = recurlySubscription done() afterEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should send an update request to the API", -> @apiRequest.called.should.equal true @requestOptions.body.should.equal """ <subscription> <plan_code>silver</plan_code> <timeframe>now</timeframe> </subscription> """ @requestOptions.url.should.equal "subscriptions/#{@recurlySubscriptionId}" @requestOptions.method.should.equal "put" it "should return the updated subscription", -> should.exist @recurlySubscription @recurlySubscription.plan.plan_code.should.equal "gold" describe "cancelSubscription", -> beforeEach (done) -> @recurlySubscriptionId = "subscription-id-123" @apiRequest = sinon.stub @RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", (options, callback) => options.url.should.equal "subscriptions/#{@recurlySubscriptionId}/cancel" options.method.should.equal "put" callback() @RecurlyWrapper.cancelSubscription(@recurlySubscriptionId, done) afterEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should send a cancel request to the API", -> @apiRequest.called.should.equal true describe 'when the subscription is already cancelled', -> beforeEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() @recurlySubscriptionId = "subscription-id-123" @apiRequest = sinon.stub @RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", (options, callback) => callback(new Error('woops'), {}, "<error><description>A canceled subscription can't transition to canceled</description></error>") it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @RecurlyWrapper.cancelSubscription @recurlySubscriptionId, (err) => expect(err).to.equal null done() describe "reactivateSubscription", -> beforeEach (done) -> @recurlySubscriptionId = "subscription-id-123" @apiRequest = sinon.stub @RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", (options, callback) => options.url.should.equal "subscriptions/#{@recurlySubscriptionId}/reactivate" options.method.should.equal "put" callback() @RecurlyWrapper.reactivateSubscription(@recurlySubscriptionId, done) afterEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should send a cancel request to the API", -> @apiRequest.called.should.equal true describe "redeemCoupon", -> beforeEach (done) -> @recurlyAccountId = "account-id-123" @coupon_code = "312321312" @apiRequest = sinon.stub @RecurlyWrapper, "apiRequest", (options, callback) => options.url.should.equal "coupons/#{@coupon_code}/redeem" options.body.indexOf("<account_code>#{@recurlyAccountId}</account_code>").should.not.equal -1 options.body.indexOf("<currency>USD</currency>").should.not.equal -1 options.method.should.equal "post" callback() @RecurlyWrapper.redeemCoupon(@recurlyAccountId, @coupon_code, done) afterEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest.restore() it "should send the request to redem the coupon", -> @apiRequest.called.should.equal true describe "_addressToXml", -> beforeEach -> @address = address1: "addr_one" address2: "addr_two" country: "some_country" state: "some_state" postal_code: "some_zip" nonsenseKey: "rubbish" it 'should generate the correct xml', () -> result = @RecurlyWrapper._addressToXml @address should.equal( result, """ <billing_info> <address1>addr_one</address1> <address2 nil="nil">addr_two</address2> <country>some_country</country> <state>some_state</state> <zip>some_zip</zip> </billing_info>\n """ ) describe 'createSubscription', -> beforeEach -> @user = _id: 'some_id' email: '' @subscriptionDetails = currencyCode: "EUR" plan_code: "some_plan_code" coupon_code: "" isPaypal: true address: address1: "addr_one" address2: "addr_two" country: "some_country" state: "some_state" zip: "some_zip" @subscription = {} @recurly_token_id = "a-token-id" @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper.createSubscription(@user, @subscriptionDetails, @recurly_token_id, callback) describe 'when paypal', -> beforeEach -> @subscriptionDetails.isPaypal = true @_createPaypalSubscription = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, '_createPaypalSubscription') @_createPaypalSubscription.callsArgWith(3, null, @subscription) afterEach -> @_createPaypalSubscription.restore() it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err).to.equal null expect(err) Error done() it 'should produce a subscription object', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(sub).to.deep.equal @subscription done() it 'should call _createPaypalSubscription', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @_createPaypalSubscription.callCount.should.equal 1 done() describe "when _createPaypalSubscription produces an error", -> beforeEach -> @_createPaypalSubscription.callsArgWith(3, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error done() describe 'when not paypal', -> beforeEach -> @subscriptionDetails.isPaypal = false @_createCreditCardSubscription = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, '_createCreditCardSubscription') @_createCreditCardSubscription.callsArgWith(3, null, @subscription) afterEach -> @_createCreditCardSubscription.restore() it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err).to.equal null expect(err) Error done() it 'should produce a subscription object', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(sub).to.deep.equal @subscription done() it 'should call _createCreditCardSubscription', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @_createCreditCardSubscription.callCount.should.equal 1 done() describe "when _createCreditCardSubscription produces an error", -> beforeEach -> @_createCreditCardSubscription.callsArgWith(3, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error done() describe '_createCreditCardSubscription', -> beforeEach -> @user = _id: 'some_id' email: '' @subscriptionDetails = currencyCode: "EUR" plan_code: "some_plan_code" coupon_code: "" isPaypal: true address: address1: "addr_one" address2: "addr_two" country: "some_country" state: "some_state" zip: "some_zip" @subscription = {} @recurly_token_id = "a-token-id" @apiRequest = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, 'apiRequest') @response = statusCode: 200 @body = "<xml>is_bad</xml>" @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, @response, @body) @_parseSubscriptionXml = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, '_parseSubscriptionXml') @_parseSubscriptionXml.callsArgWith(1, null, @subscription) @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._createCreditCardSubscription(@user, @subscriptionDetails, @recurly_token_id, callback) afterEach -> @apiRequest.restore() @_parseSubscriptionXml.restore() it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should produce a subscription', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(sub).to.equal @subscription done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should call _parseSubscriptionXml', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @_parseSubscriptionXml.callCount.should.equal 1 done() describe 'when api request produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should not _parseSubscriptionXml', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @_parseSubscriptionXml.callCount.should.equal 0 done() describe 'when parse xml produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @_parseSubscriptionXml.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error done() describe '_createPaypalSubscription', -> beforeEach -> @checkAccountExists = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper._paypal, 'checkAccountExists') @createAccount = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper._paypal, 'createAccount') @createBillingInfo = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper._paypal, 'createBillingInfo') @setAddress = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper._paypal, 'setAddress') @createSubscription = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper._paypal, 'createSubscription') @user = _id: 'some_id' email: '' @subscriptionDetails = currencyCode: "EUR" plan_code: "some_plan_code" coupon_code: "" isPaypal: true address: address1: "addr_one" address2: "addr_two" country: "some_country" state: "some_state" zip: "some_zip" @subscription = {} @recurly_token_id = "a-token-id" # set up data callbacks user = @user subscriptionDetails = @subscriptionDetails recurly_token_id = @recurly_token_id @checkAccountExists.callsArgWith(1, null, {user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, userExists: false, account: {accountCode: 'xx'}} ) @createAccount.callsArgWith(1, null, {user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, userExists: false, account: {accountCode: 'xx'}} ) @createBillingInfo.callsArgWith(1, null, {user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, userExists: false, account: {accountCode: 'xx'}, billingInfo: {token_id: 'abc'}} ) @setAddress.callsArgWith(1, null, {user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, userExists: false, account: {accountCode: 'xx'}, billingInfo: {token_id: 'abc'}} ) @createSubscription.callsArgWith(1, null, {user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, userExists: false, account: {accountCode: 'xx'}, billingInfo: {token_id: 'abc'}, subscription: @subscription} ) @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._createPaypalSubscription @user, @subscriptionDetails, @recurly_token_id, callback afterEach -> @checkAccountExists.restore() @createAccount.restore() @createBillingInfo.restore() @setAddress.restore() @createSubscription.restore() it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should produce a subscription object', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(sub).to.not.equal null expect(sub).to.equal @subscription done() it 'should call each of the paypal stages', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @checkAccountExists.callCount.should.equal 1 @createAccount.callCount.should.equal 1 @createBillingInfo.callCount.should.equal 1 @setAddress.callCount.should.equal 1 @createSubscription.callCount.should.equal 1 done() describe 'when one of the paypal stages produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @createAccount.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should stop calling the paypal stages after the error', (done) -> @call (err, sub) => @checkAccountExists.callCount.should.equal 1 @createAccount.callCount.should.equal 1 @createBillingInfo.callCount.should.equal 0 @setAddress.callCount.should.equal 0 @createSubscription.callCount.should.equal 0 done() describe 'paypal actions', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest = sinon.stub(@RecurlyWrapper, 'apiRequest') @_parseAccountXml = sinon.spy(@RecurlyWrapper, '_parseAccountXml') @_parseBillingInfoXml = sinon.spy(@RecurlyWrapper, '_parseBillingInfoXml') @_parseSubscriptionXml = sinon.spy(@RecurlyWrapper, '_parseSubscriptionXml') @cache = user: @user = {_id: 'some_id'} recurly_token_id: @recurly_token_id = "some_token" subscriptionDetails: @subscriptionDetails = currencyCode: "EUR" plan_code: "some_plan_code" coupon_code: "" isPaypal: true address: address1: "addr_one" address2: "addr_two" country: "some_country" state: "some_state" zip: "some_zip" afterEach -> @apiRequest.restore() @_parseAccountXml.restore() @_parseBillingInfoXml.restore() @_parseSubscriptionXml.restore() describe '_paypal.checkAccountExists', -> beforeEach -> @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._paypal.checkAccountExists @cache, callback describe 'when the account exists', -> beforeEach -> resultXml = '<account><account_code>abc</account_code></account>' @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, resultXml) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should call _parseAccountXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseAccountXml.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should add the account to the cumulative result', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.account).to.not.equal null expect(result.account).to.not.equal undefined expect(result.account).to.deep.equal { account_code: 'abc' } done() it 'should set userExists to true', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.userExists).to.equal true done() describe 'when the account does not exist', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 404}, '') it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 @apiRequest.firstCall.args[0].method.should.equal 'GET' done() it 'should not call _parseAccountXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseAccountXml.callCount.should.equal 0 done() it 'should not add the account to result', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.account).to.equal undefined done() it 'should set userExists to false', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.userExists).to.equal false done() describe 'when apiRequest produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops'), {statusCode: 500}) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe '_paypal.createAccount', -> beforeEach -> @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._paypal.createAccount @cache, callback describe 'when address is missing from subscriptionDetails', -> beforeEach -> @cache.subscriptionDetails.address = null it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe 'when account already exists', -> beforeEach -> @cache.userExists = true @cache.account = account_code: 'abc' it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should produce cache object', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result).to.deep.equal @cache expect(result.account).to.deep.equal { account_code: 'abc' } done() it 'should not call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 0 done() it 'should not call _parseAccountXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseAccountXml.callCount.should.equal 0 done() describe 'when account does not exist', -> beforeEach -> @cache.userExists = false resultXml = '<account><account_code>abc</account_code></account>' @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, resultXml) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 @apiRequest.firstCall.args[0].method.should.equal 'POST' done() it 'should call _parseAccountXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseAccountXml.callCount.should.equal 1 done() describe 'when apiRequest produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops'), {statusCode: 500}) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe '_paypal.createBillingInfo', -> beforeEach -> @cache.account = account_code: 'abc' @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._paypal.createBillingInfo @cache, callback describe 'when account_code is missing from cache', -> beforeEach -> @cache.account.account_code = null it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe 'when all goes well', -> beforeEach -> resultXml = '<billing_info><a>1</a></billing_info>' @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, resultXml) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 @apiRequest.firstCall.args[0].method.should.equal 'POST' done() it 'should call _parseBillingInfoXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseBillingInfoXml.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should set billingInfo on cache', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.billingInfo).to.deep.equal { a: "1" } done() describe 'when apiRequest produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops'), {statusCode: 500}) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe '_paypal.setAddress', -> beforeEach -> @cache.account = account_code: 'abc' @cache.billingInfo = {} @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._paypal.setAddress @cache, callback describe 'when account_code is missing from cache', -> beforeEach -> @cache.account.account_code = null it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe 'when address is missing from subscriptionDetails', -> beforeEach -> @cache.subscriptionDetails.address = null it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe 'when all goes well', -> beforeEach -> resultXml = '<billing_info><city>London</city></billing_info>' @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, resultXml) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 @apiRequest.firstCall.args[0].method.should.equal 'PUT' done() it 'should call _parseBillingInfoXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseBillingInfoXml.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should set billingInfo on cache', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.billingInfo).to.deep.equal { city: 'London' } done() describe 'when apiRequest produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops'), {statusCode: 500}) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe '_paypal.createSubscription', -> beforeEach -> @cache.account = account_code: 'abc' @cache.billingInfo = {} @call = (callback) => @RecurlyWrapper._paypal.createSubscription @cache, callback describe 'when all goes well', -> beforeEach -> resultXml = '<subscription><a>1</a></subscription>' @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, resultXml) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() it 'should call apiRequest', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @apiRequest.callCount.should.equal 1 @apiRequest.firstCall.args[0].method.should.equal 'POST' done() it 'should call _parseSubscriptionXml', (done) -> @call (err, result) => @RecurlyWrapper._parseSubscriptionXml.callCount.should.equal 1 done() it 'should set subscription on cache', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(result.subscription).to.deep.equal { a: "1" } done() describe 'when apiRequest produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @apiRequest.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops'), {statusCode: 500}) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, result) => expect(err) Error done() describe "listAccountActiveSubscriptions", -> beforeEach -> @user_id = "mock-user-id" @callback = sinon.stub() @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest = sinon.stub().yields(null, @response = {"mock": "response"}, @body = "<mock body/>") @RecurlyWrapper._parseSubscriptionsXml = sinon.stub().yields(null, @subscriptions = ["mock", "subscriptions"]) describe "with an account", -> beforeEach -> @RecurlyWrapper.listAccountActiveSubscriptions @user_id, @callback it "should send a request to Recurly", -> @RecurlyWrapper.apiRequest .calledWith({ url: "accounts/#{@user_id}/subscriptions" qs: state: "active" expect404: true }) .should.equal true it "should return the subscriptions", -> @callback.calledWith(null, @subscriptions).should.equal true describe "without an account", -> beforeEach -> @response.statusCode = 404 @RecurlyWrapper.listAccountActiveSubscriptions @user_id, @callback it "should return an empty array of subscriptions", -> @callback.calledWith(null, []).should.equal true