const { expect } = require('chai') const Async = require('async') const User = require('./helpers/User') const settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const CollaboratorsEmailHandler = require('../../../app/src/Features/Collaborators/CollaboratorsEmailHandler') const Features = require('../../../app/src/infrastructure/Features') const cheerio = require('cheerio') const createInvite = (sendingUser, projectId, email, callback) => { sendingUser.getCsrfToken(err => { if (err) { return callback(err) } { uri: `/project/${projectId}/invite`, json: { email, privileges: 'readAndWrite', }, }, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(body.error).to.not.exist expect(body.invite).to.exist callback(null, body.invite) } ) }) } const createProject = (owner, projectName, callback) => { owner.createProject(projectName, (err, projectId) => { if (err) { throw err } const fakeProject = { _id: projectId, name: projectName, owner_ref: owner, } callback(err, projectId, fakeProject) }) } const createProjectAndInvite = (owner, projectName, email, callback) => { createProject(owner, projectName, (err, projectId, project) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } createInvite(owner, projectId, email, (err, invite) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } const link = CollaboratorsEmailHandler._buildInviteUrl(project, invite) callback(null, project, invite, link) }) }) } const revokeInvite = (sendingUser, projectId, inviteId, callback) => { sendingUser.getCsrfToken(err => { if (err) { return callback(err) } sendingUser.request.delete( { uri: `/project/${projectId}/invite/${inviteId}`, }, err => { if (err) { return callback(err) } callback() } ) }) } // Actions const tryFollowInviteLink = (user, link, callback) => { user.request.get( { uri: link, baseUrl: null, }, callback ) } const tryAcceptInvite = (user, invite, callback) => { user.getCsrfToken(err => { if (err) { return callback(err) } { uri: `/project/${invite.projectId}/invite/token/${invite.token}/accept`, json: { token: invite.token, }, }, callback ) }) } const tryFollowLoginLink = (user, loginLink, callback) => { user.getCsrfToken(error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } user.request.get(loginLink, callback) }) } const tryLoginUser = (user, callback) => { user.getCsrfToken(error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } { url: '/login', json: { email:, password: user.password, 'g-recaptcha-response': 'valid', }, }, callback ) }) } const tryGetInviteList = (user, projectId, callback) => { user.getCsrfToken(error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } user.request.get( { url: `/project/${projectId}/invites`, json: true, }, callback ) }) } const tryJoinProject = (user, projectId, callback) => { return user.getCsrfToken(error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } { url: `/project/${projectId}/join`, auth: { user: settings.apis.web.user, pass: settings.apis.web.pass, sendImmediately: true, }, json: { userId: user._id }, jar: false, }, callback ) }) } // Expectations const expectProjectAccess = (user, projectId, callback) => { // should have access to project user.openProject(projectId, err => { expect(err) callback() }) } const expectNoProjectAccess = (user, projectId, callback) => { // should not have access to project page user.openProject(projectId, err => { expect(err) callback() }) } const expectInvitePage = (user, link, callback) => { // view invite tryFollowInviteLink(user, link, (err, response, body) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(body).to.match(/Project Invite - .*<\/title>/) callback() }) } const expectInvalidInvitePage = (user, link, callback) => { // view invalid invite tryFollowInviteLink(user, link, (err, response, body) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(404) expect(body).to.match(/<title>Invalid Invite - .*<\/title>/) callback() }) } const expectInviteRedirectToRegister = (user, link, callback) => { // view invite, redirect to `/register` tryFollowInviteLink(user, link, (err, response) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(302) expect(response.headers.location).to.match(/^\/register.*$/) user.getSession((err, session) => { if (err) return callback(err) expect(session.sharedProjectData).deep.equals({ project_name: PROJECT_NAME, user_first_name: OWNER_NAME, }) callback() }) }) } const expectLoginPage = (user, callback) => { tryFollowLoginLink(user, '/login', (err, response, body) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(body).to.match(/<title>(Login|Log in to Overleaf) - .*<\/title>/) callback() }) } const expectLoginRedirectToInvite = (user, link, callback) => { tryLoginUser(user, (err, response) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) callback() }) } const expectRegistrationRedirectToInvite = (user, link, callback) => { user.register((err, _user, response) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) if (response.body.redir === '/registration/try-premium') { user.request.get('/registration/onboarding', (err, response) => { if (err) return callback(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) const dom = cheerio.load(response.body) const skipUrl = dom('meta[name="ol-skipUrl"]')[0].attribs.content expect(new URL(skipUrl, settings.siteUrl).href).to.equal( new URL(link, settings.siteUrl).href ) callback() }) } else { expect(response.body.redir).to.equal(link) callback() } }) } const expectInviteRedirectToProject = (user, link, invite, callback) => { // view invite, redirect straight to project tryFollowInviteLink(user, link, (err, response) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(302) expect(response.headers.location).to.equal(`/project/${invite.projectId}`) callback() }) } const expectAcceptInviteAndRedirect = (user, invite, callback) => { // should accept the invite and redirect to project tryAcceptInvite(user, invite, (err, response) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(302) expect(response.headers.location).to.equal(`/project/${invite.projectId}`) callback() }) } const expectInviteListCount = (user, projectId, count, callback) => { tryGetInviteList(user, projectId, (err, response, body) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(body).to.have.all.keys(['invites']) expect(body.invites.length).to.equal(count) callback() }) } const expectInvitesInJoinProjectCount = (user, projectId, count, callback) => { tryJoinProject(user, projectId, (err, response, body) => { expect(err) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(body.project).to.contain.keys(['invites']) expect(body.project.invites.length).to.equal(count) callback() }) } const PROJECT_NAME = 'project name for sharing test' const OWNER_NAME = 'sending user name' describe('ProjectInviteTests', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.sendingUser = new User() this.user = new User() this.site_admin = new User({ email: `admin+${Math.random()}` }) = `smoketestuser+${Math.random()}` Async.series( [ cb => this.sendingUser.login(cb), cb => this.sendingUser.setFeatures({ collaborators: 10 }, cb), cb => this.sendingUser.mongoUpdate( { $set: { first_name: OWNER_NAME }, }, cb ), cb => this.sendingUser.setFeaturesOverride( { note: 'ProjectInviteTests acceptance tests', features: { collaborators: 10 }, }, cb ), ], done ) }) describe('creating invites', function () { describe('creating two invites', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { createProject( this.sendingUser, PROJECT_NAME, (err, projectId, project) => { expect(err) this.projectId = projectId this.fakeProject = project done() } ) }) it('should allow the project owner to create and remove invites', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectProjectAccess(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, cb), cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 0, cb), // create invite, check invite list count cb => { createInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId,, (err, invite) => { if (err) { return cb(err) } this.invite = invite cb() } ) }, cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 1, cb), cb => revokeInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, this.invite._id, cb ), cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 0, cb), // and a second time cb => { createInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId,, (err, invite) => { if (err) { return cb(err) } this.invite = invite cb() } ) }, cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 1, cb), // check the joinProject view cb => expectInvitesInJoinProjectCount( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 1, cb ), // revoke invite cb => revokeInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, this.invite._id, cb ), cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 0, cb), cb => expectInvitesInJoinProjectCount( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 0, cb ), ], done ) }) it('should allow the project owner to create many invites at once', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectProjectAccess(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, cb), cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 0, cb), // create first invite cb => { createInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId,, (err, invite) => { if (err) { return cb(err) } this.inviteOne = invite cb() } ) }, cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 1, cb), // and a second cb => { createInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId,, (err, invite) => { if (err) { return cb(err) } this.inviteTwo = invite cb() } ) }, // should have two cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 2, cb), cb => expectInvitesInJoinProjectCount( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 2, cb ), // revoke first cb => revokeInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, this.inviteOne._id, cb ), cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 1, cb), // revoke second cb => revokeInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, this.inviteTwo._id, cb ), cb => expectInviteListCount(this.sendingUser, this.projectId, 0, cb), ], done ) }) }) }) describe('clicking the invite link', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { createProjectAndInvite( this.sendingUser, PROJECT_NAME,, (err, project, invite, link) => { expect(err) this.projectId = project._id this.fakeProject = project this.invite = invite = link done() } ) }) describe('user is logged in already', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.user.login(done) }) describe('user is already a member of the project', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInvitePage(this.user,, cb), cb => expectAcceptInviteAndRedirect(this.user, this.invite, cb), cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) describe('when user clicks on the invite a second time', function () { it('should just redirect to the project page', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), cb => expectInviteRedirectToProject( this.user,, this.invite, cb ), cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) describe('when the user recieves another invite to the same project', function () { it('should redirect to the project page', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => { createInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId,, (err, invite) => { if (err) { throw err } this.secondInvite = invite this.secondLink = CollaboratorsEmailHandler._buildInviteUrl( this.fakeProject, invite ) cb() } ) }, cb => expectInviteRedirectToProject( this.user, this.secondLink, this.secondInvite, cb ), cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), cb => revokeInvite( this.sendingUser, this.projectId, this.secondInvite._id, cb ), ], done ) }) }) }) }) describe('user is not a member of the project', function () { it('should not grant access if the user does not accept the invite', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInvitePage(this.user,, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) it('should render the invalid-invite page if the token is invalid', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => { const link = this.invite.token, 'not_a_real_token' ) expectInvalidInvitePage(this.user, link, cb) }, cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) it('should allow the user to accept the invite and access the project', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInvitePage(this.user,, cb), cb => expectAcceptInviteAndRedirect(this.user, this.invite, cb), cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) }) }) describe('user is not logged in initially', function () { describe('registration prompt workflow with valid token', function () { before(function () { if (!Features.hasFeature('registration')) { this.skip() } }) it('should redirect to the register page', function (done) { expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, done) }) it('should allow user to accept the invite if the user registers a new account', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, cb), cb => expectRegistrationRedirectToInvite(this.user,, cb), cb => expectInvitePage(this.user,, cb), cb => expectAcceptInviteAndRedirect(this.user, this.invite, cb), cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) }) describe('registration prompt workflow with non-valid token', function () { before(function () { if (!Features.hasFeature('registration')) { this.skip() } }) it('should redirect to the register page', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) it('should display invalid-invite right away', function (done) { const badLink = this.invite.token, 'not_a_real_token' ) Async.series( [ cb => expectInvalidInvitePage(this.user, badLink, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) }) describe('login workflow with valid token', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.user.ensureUserExists(done) }) it('should redirect to the register page', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) it('should allow the user to login to view the invite', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, cb), cb => expectLoginPage(this.user, cb), cb => expectLoginRedirectToInvite(this.user,, cb), cb => expectInvitePage(this.user,, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) it('should allow user to accept the invite if the user logs in', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, cb), cb => expectLoginPage(this.user, cb), cb => expectLoginRedirectToInvite(this.user,, cb), cb => expectInvitePage(this.user,, cb), cb => expectAcceptInviteAndRedirect(this.user, this.invite, cb), cb => expectProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) }) describe('login workflow with non-valid token', function () { it('should redirect to the register page', function (done) { Async.series( [ cb => expectInviteRedirectToRegister(this.user,, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) it('should show the invalid-invite page right away', function (done) { const badLink = this.invite.token, 'not_a_real_token' ) Async.series( [ cb => expectInvalidInvitePage(this.user, badLink, cb), cb => expectNoProjectAccess(this.user, this.invite.projectId, cb), ], done ) }) }) }) }) })