const { expect } = require('chai') const modulePath = '../../../../app/src/Features/Project/ProjectLocator' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const Errors = require('../../../../app/src/Features/Errors/Errors') const project = { _id: '1234566', rootFolder: [] } class Project {} const rootDoc = { name: 'rootDoc', _id: 'das239djd' } const doc1 = { name: 'otherDoc.txt', _id: 'dsad2ddd' } const doc2 = { name: 'docname.txt', _id: 'dsad2ddddd' } const file1 = { name: 'file1', _id: 'dsa9lkdsad' } const subSubFile = { name: 'subSubFile', _id: 'd1d2dk' } const subSubDoc = { name: 'subdoc.txt', _id: '321dmdwi' } const secondSubFolder = { name: 'secondSubFolder', _id: 'dsa3e23', docs: [subSubDoc], fileRefs: [subSubFile], folders: [] } const subFolder = { name: 'subFolder', _id: 'dsadsa93', folders: [secondSubFolder, null], docs: [], fileRefs: [] } const subFolder1 = { name: 'subFolder1', _id: '123asdjoij' } const rootFolder = { _id: '123sdskd', docs: [doc1, doc2, null, rootDoc], fileRefs: [file1], folders: [subFolder1, subFolder] } project.rootFolder[0] = rootFolder project.rootDoc_id = rootDoc._id describe('ProjectLocator', function() { beforeEach(function() { Project.findById = (projectId, callback) => { callback(null, project) } this.ProjectGetter = { getProject: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, project) } this.ProjectHelper = { isArchived: sinon.stub(), isTrashed: sinon.stub(), isArchivedOrTrashed: sinon.stub() } this.locator = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { globals: { console: console }, requires: { '../../models/Project': { Project }, '../../models/User': { User: this.User }, './ProjectGetter': this.ProjectGetter, './ProjectHelper': this.ProjectHelper, 'logger-sharelatex': { log() {}, err() {}, warn() {} } } }) }) describe('finding a doc', function() { it('finds one at the root level', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: doc2._id, type: 'docs' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(doc2._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal(`/${}`) parentFolder._id.should.equal(project.rootFolder[0]._id) path.mongo.should.equal('') done() } ) }) it('when it is nested', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: subSubDoc._id, type: 'doc' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } expect(foundElement._id).to.equal(subSubDoc._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal( `/${}/${}/${}` ) parentFolder._id.should.equal(secondSubFolder._id) path.mongo.should.equal('') done() } ) }) it('should give error if element could not be found', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: 'ddsd432nj42', type: 'docs' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { expect(err).to.deep.equal( new Errors.NotFoundError('entity not found') ) done() } ) }) }) describe('finding a folder', function() { it('should return root folder when looking for root folder', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: rootFolder._id, type: 'folder' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(rootFolder._id) done() } ) }) it('when at root', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: subFolder._id, type: 'folder' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(subFolder._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal(`/${}`) parentFolder._id.should.equal(rootFolder._id) path.mongo.should.equal('rootFolder.0.folders.1') done() } ) }) it('when deeply nested', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: secondSubFolder._id, type: 'folder' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(secondSubFolder._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal( `/${}/${}` ) parentFolder._id.should.equal(subFolder._id) path.mongo.should.equal('rootFolder.0.folders.1.folders.0') done() } ) }) }) describe('finding a file', function() { it('when at root', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: file1._id, type: 'fileRefs' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(file1._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal(`/${}`) parentFolder._id.should.equal(rootFolder._id) path.mongo.should.equal('rootFolder.0.fileRefs.0') done() } ) }) it('when deeply nested', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: subSubFile._id, type: 'fileRefs' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(subSubFile._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal( `/${}/${}/${}` ) parentFolder._id.should.equal(secondSubFolder._id) path.mongo.should.equal('rootFolder.0.folders.1.folders.0.fileRefs.0') done() } ) }) }) describe('finding an element with wrong element type', function() { it('should add an s onto the element type', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: subSubDoc._id, type: 'doc' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(subSubDoc._id) done() } ) }) it('should convert file to fileRefs', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project_id: project._id, element_id: file1._id, type: 'fileRefs' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(file1._id) done() } ) }) }) describe('should be able to take actual project as well as id', function() { const doc3 = { _id: '123dsdj3', name: 'doc3' } const rootFolder2 = { _id: '123sddedskd', docs: [doc3] } const project2 = { _id: '1234566', rootFolder: [rootFolder2] } it('should find doc in project', function(done) { this.locator.findElement( { project: project2, element_id: doc3._id, type: 'docs' }, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } foundElement._id.should.equal(doc3._id) path.fileSystem.should.equal(`/${}`) parentFolder._id.should.equal(project2.rootFolder[0]._id) path.mongo.should.equal('') done() } ) }) }) describe('finding root doc', function() { it('should return root doc when passed project', function(done) { this.locator.findRootDoc(project, (err, doc) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } doc._id.should.equal(rootDoc._id) done() }) }) it('should return root doc when passed project_id', function(done) { this.locator.findRootDoc(project._id, (err, doc) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } doc._id.should.equal(rootDoc._id) done() }) }) it('should return null when the project has no rootDoc', function(done) { project.rootDoc_id = null this.locator.findRootDoc(project, (err, doc) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } expect(doc).to.equal(null) done() }) }) it('should return null when the rootDoc_id no longer exists', function(done) { project.rootDoc_id = 'doesntexist' this.locator.findRootDoc(project, (err, doc) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } expect(doc).to.equal(null) done() }) }) }) describe('findElementByPath', function() { it('should take a doc path and return the element for a root level document', function(done) { const path = `${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(doc1) expect(type).to.equal('doc') done() } ) }) it('should take a doc path and return the element for a root level document with a starting slash', function(done) { const path = `/${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(doc1) expect(type).to.equal('doc') done() } ) }) it('should take a doc path and return the element for a nested document', function(done) { const path = `${}/${}/${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(subSubDoc) expect(type).to.equal('doc') done() } ) }) it('should take a file path and return the element for a root level document', function(done) { const path = `${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(file1) expect(type).to.equal('file') done() } ) }) it('should take a file path and return the element for a nested document', function(done) { const path = `${}/${}/${ }` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(subSubFile) expect(type).to.equal('file') done() } ) }) it('should take a file path and return the element for a nested document case insenstive', function(done) { const path = `${}/${}/${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(subSubFile) expect(type).to.equal('file') done() } ) }) it('should take a file path and return the element for a nested folder', function(done) { const path = `${}/${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(secondSubFolder) expect(type).to.equal('folder') done() } ) }) it('should take a file path and return the root folder', function(done) { const path = '/' this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } element.should.deep.equal(rootFolder) expect(type).to.equal('folder') done() } ) }) it('should return an error if the file can not be found inside know folder', function(done) { const path = `${}/${}/exist.txt` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { err.should.not.equal(undefined) expect(element) expect(type) done() } ) }) it('should return an error if the file can not be found inside unknown folder', function(done) { const path = 'this/does/not/exist.txt' this.locator.findElementByPath( { project, path }, (err, element, type) => { err.should.not.equal(undefined) expect(element) expect(type) done() } ) }) describe('where duplicate folder exists', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.duplicateFolder = { name: 'duplicate1', _id: '1234', folders: [ { name: '1', docs: [{ name: 'main.tex', _id: '456' }], folders: [], fileRefs: [] } ], docs: [(this.doc = { name: 'main.tex', _id: '456' })], fileRefs: [] } this.project = { rootFolder: [ { folders: [this.duplicateFolder, this.duplicateFolder], fileRefs: [], docs: [] } ] } }) it('should not call the callback more than once', function(done) { const path = `${}/${}` this.locator.findElementByPath({ project: this.project, path }, () => done() ) }) // mocha will throw exception if done called multiple times it('should not call the callback more than once when the path is longer than 1 level below the duplicate level', function(done) { const path = `${}/1/main.tex` this.locator.findElementByPath({ project: this.project, path }, () => done() ) }) }) // mocha will throw exception if done called multiple times describe('with a null doc', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.project = { rootFolder: [ { folders: [], fileRefs: [], docs: [{ name: 'main.tex' }, null, { name: 'other.tex' }] } ] } }) it('should not crash with a null', function(done) { const path = '/other.tex' this.locator.findElementByPath( { project: this.project, path }, (err, element) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) }'other.tex') done() } ) }) }) describe('with a null project', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.ProjectGetter = { getProject: sinon.stub().callsArg(2) } }) it('should not crash with a null', function(done) { const path = '/other.tex' this.locator.findElementByPath( { project_id: project._id, path }, (err, element) => { expect(err).to.exist done() } ) }) }) describe('with a project_id', function() { it('should take a doc path and return the element for a root level document', function(done) { const path = `${}` this.locator.findElementByPath( { project_id: project._id, path }, (err, element, type) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } this.ProjectGetter.getProject .calledWith(project._id, { rootFolder: true, rootDoc_id: true }) .should.equal(true) element.should.deep.equal(doc1) expect(type).to.equal('doc') done() } ) }) }) }) describe('findUsersProjectByName finding a project by user_id and project name', function() { it('should return the project from an array case insenstive', function(done) { const userId = '123jojoidns' const stubbedProject = { name: 'findThis' } const projects = { owned: [ { name: 'notThis' }, { name: 'wellll' }, stubbedProject, { name: 'Noooo' } ] } this.ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(2, null, projects) this.locator.findUsersProjectByName( userId,, (err, project) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } project.should.equal(stubbedProject) done() } ) }) it('should return the project which is not archived', function(done) { const userId = '123jojoidns' const stubbedProject = { name: 'findThis', _id: 12331321 } const projects = { owned: [ { name: 'notThis' }, { name: 'wellll' }, { name: 'findThis', archived: true, trashed: true }, stubbedProject, { name: 'findThis', archived: true, trashed: false }, { name: 'Noooo', trashed: true } ] } this.ProjectHelper.isArchivedOrTrashed .withArgs(projects.owned[0], userId) .returns(false) this.ProjectHelper.isArchivedOrTrashed .withArgs(projects.owned[1], userId) .returns(false) this.ProjectHelper.isArchivedOrTrashed .withArgs(projects.owned[2], userId) .returns(true) this.ProjectHelper.isArchivedOrTrashed .withArgs(projects.owned[3], userId) .returns(false) this.ProjectHelper.isArchivedOrTrashed .withArgs(projects.owned[4], userId) .returns(true) this.ProjectHelper.isArchivedOrTrashed .withArgs(projects.owned[5], userId) .returns(true) this.ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(2, null, projects) this.locator.findUsersProjectByName( userId,, (err, project) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } project._id.should.equal(stubbedProject._id) done() } ) }) it('should search collab projects as well', function(done) { const userId = '123jojoidns' const stubbedProject = { name: 'findThis' } const projects = { owned: [{ name: 'notThis' }, { name: 'wellll' }, { name: 'Noooo' }], readAndWrite: [stubbedProject] } this.ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(2, null, projects) this.locator.findUsersProjectByName( userId,, (err, project) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } project.should.equal(stubbedProject) done() } ) }) }) })