assert = require("chai").assert sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../app/js/S3PersistorManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "S3PersistorManagerTests", -> beforeEach -> @settings = filestore: backend: "s3" s3: secret: "secret" key: "this_key" stores: user_files:"sl_user_files" @knoxClient = putFile:sinon.stub() copyFile:sinon.stub() list: sinon.stub() deleteMultiple: sinon.stub() get: sinon.stub() @knox = createClient: sinon.stub().returns(@knoxClient) @s3EventHandlers = {} @s3Request = on: sinon.stub().callsFake (event, callback) => @s3EventHandlers[event] = callback send: sinon.stub() @s3Response = httpResponse: createUnbufferedStream: sinon.stub() @s3Client = copyObject: sinon.stub() headObject: sinon.stub() getObject: sinon.stub().returns(@s3Request) @awsS3 = sinon.stub().returns(@s3Client) @LocalFileWriter = writeStream: sinon.stub() deleteFile: sinon.stub() @request = sinon.stub() @requires = "knox": @knox "aws-sdk/clients/s3": @awsS3 "settings-sharelatex": @settings "./LocalFileWriter":@LocalFileWriter "logger-sharelatex": log:-> err:-> "request": @request "./Errors": @Errors = NotFoundError: sinon.stub() @key = "my/key" @bucketName = "my-bucket" @error = "my errror" @S3PersistorManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: @requires describe "getFileStream", -> describe "success", -> beforeEach () -> @expectedStream = { expectedStream: true } @s3Request.send.callsFake () => @s3EventHandlers.httpHeaders(200, {}, @s3Response, "OK") @s3Response.httpResponse.createUnbufferedStream.returns(@expectedStream) it "returns a stream", (done) -> @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, {}, (err, stream) => if err? return done(err) expect(stream).to.equal(@expectedStream) done() it "sets the AWS client up with credentials from settings", (done) -> @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, {}, (err, stream) => if err? return done(err) expect(@awsS3.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ credentials: accessKeyId: @settings.filestore.s3.key secretAccessKey: @settings.filestore.s3.secret }]) done() it "fetches the right key from the right bucket", (done) -> @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, {}, (err, stream) => if err? return done(err) expect(@s3Client.getObject.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key }]) done() it "accepts alternative credentials", (done) -> accessKeyId = "that_key" secret = "that_secret" opts = { credentials: auth_key: accessKeyId auth_secret: secret } @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, opts, (err, stream) => if err? return done(err) expect(@awsS3.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ credentials: accessKeyId: accessKeyId secretAccessKey: secret }]) expect(stream).to.equal(@expectedStream) done() it "accepts byte range", (done) -> start = 0 end = 8 opts = { start: start, end: end } @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, opts, (err, stream) => if err? return done(err) expect(@s3Client.getObject.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ Bucket: @bucketName Key: @key Range: "bytes=#{start}-#{end}" }]) expect(stream).to.equal(@expectedStream) done() describe "errors", -> describe "when the file doesn't exist", -> beforeEach -> @s3Request.send.callsFake () => @s3EventHandlers.httpHeaders(404, {}, @s3Response, "Not found") it "returns a NotFoundError that indicates the bucket and key", (done) -> @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, {}, (err, stream) => expect(err) errMsg = @Errors.NotFoundError.lastCall.args[0] expect(errMsg).to.match(new RegExp(".*#{@bucketName}.*")) expect(errMsg).to.match(new RegExp(".*#{@key}.*")) done() describe "when S3 encounters an unkown error", -> beforeEach -> @s3Request.send.callsFake () => @s3EventHandlers.httpHeaders(500, {}, @s3Response, "Internal server error") it "returns an error", (done) -> @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, {}, (err, stream) => expect(err) done() describe "when the S3 request errors out before receiving HTTP headers", -> beforeEach -> @s3Request.send.callsFake () => @s3EventHandlers.error(new Error("connection failed")) it "returns an error", (done) -> @S3PersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, {}, (err, stream) => expect(err) done() describe "getFileSize", -> it "should obtain the file size from S3", (done) -> expectedFileSize = 123 @s3Client.headObject.yields(new Error( "s3Client.headObject got unexpected arguments" )) @s3Client.headObject.withArgs({ Bucket: @bucketName Key: @key }).yields(null, { ContentLength: expectedFileSize }) @S3PersistorManager.getFileSize @bucketName, @key, (err, fileSize) => if err? return done(err) expect(fileSize).to.equal(expectedFileSize) done() [403, 404].forEach (statusCode) -> it "should throw NotFoundError when S3 responds with #{statusCode}", (done) -> error = new Error() error.statusCode = statusCode @s3Client.headObject.yields(error) @S3PersistorManager.getFileSize @bucketName, @key, (err, fileSize) => expect(err) done() it "should rethrow any other error", (done) -> error = new Error() @s3Client.headObject.yields(error) @s3Client.headObject.yields(error) @S3PersistorManager.getFileSize @bucketName, @key, (err, fileSize) => expect(err).to.equal(error) done() describe "sendFile", -> beforeEach -> @knoxClient.putFile.returns on:-> it "should put file with knox", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.deleteFile.callsArgWith(1) @knoxClient.putFile.callsArgWith(2, @error) @S3PersistorManager.sendFile @bucketName, @key, @fsPath, (err)=> @knoxClient.putFile.calledWith(@fsPath, @key).should.equal true err.should.equal @error done() it "should delete the file and pass the error with it", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.deleteFile.callsArgWith(1) @knoxClient.putFile.callsArgWith(2, @error) @S3PersistorManager.sendFile @bucketName, @key, @fsPath, (err)=> @knoxClient.putFile.calledWith(@fsPath, @key).should.equal true err.should.equal @error done() describe "sendStream", -> beforeEach -> @fsPath = "to/some/where" @origin = on:-> @S3PersistorManager.sendFile = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3) it "should send stream to LocalFileWriter", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.deleteFile.callsArgWith(1) @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.callsArgWith(2, null, @fsPath) @S3PersistorManager.sendStream @bucketName, @key, @origin, => @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.calledWith(@origin).should.equal true done() it "should return the error from LocalFileWriter", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.deleteFile.callsArgWith(1) @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.callsArgWith(2, @error) @S3PersistorManager.sendStream @bucketName, @key, @origin, (err)=> err.should.equal @error done() it "should send the file to the filestore", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.deleteFile.callsArgWith(1) @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.callsArgWith(2) @S3PersistorManager.sendStream @bucketName, @key, @origin, (err)=> @S3PersistorManager.sendFile.called.should.equal true done() describe "copyFile", -> beforeEach -> @sourceKey = "my/key" @destKey = "my/dest/key" it "should use AWS SDK to copy file", (done)-> @s3Client.copyObject.callsArgWith(1, @error) @S3PersistorManager.copyFile @bucketName, @sourceKey, @destKey, (err)=> err.should.equal @error @s3Client.copyObject.calledWith({Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @destKey, CopySource: @bucketName + '/' + @key}).should.equal true done() it "should return a NotFoundError object if the original file does not exist", (done)-> NoSuchKeyError = {code: "NoSuchKey"} @s3Client.copyObject.callsArgWith(1, NoSuchKeyError) @S3PersistorManager.copyFile @bucketName, @sourceKey, @destKey, (err)=> expect(err instanceof @Errors.NotFoundError).to.equal true done() describe "deleteDirectory", -> it "should list the contents passing them onto multi delete", (done)-> data = Contents: [{Key:"1234"}, {Key: "456"}] @knoxClient.list.callsArgWith(1, null, data) @knoxClient.deleteMultiple.callsArgWith(1) @S3PersistorManager.deleteDirectory @bucketName, @key, (err)=> @knoxClient.deleteMultiple.calledWith(["1234","456"]).should.equal true done() describe "deleteFile", -> it "should use correct options", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1) @S3PersistorManager.deleteFile @bucketName, @key, (err)=> opts = @request.args[0][0] assert.deepEqual(, {key:@settings.filestore.s3.key, secret:@settings.filestore.s3.secret, bucket:@bucketName}) opts.method.should.equal "delete" opts.timeout.should.equal (30*1000) opts.uri.should.equal "https://#{@bucketName}{@key}" done() it "should return the error", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, @error) @S3PersistorManager.deleteFile @bucketName, @key, (err)=> err.should.equal @error done() describe "checkIfFileExists", -> it "should use correct options", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode:200) @S3PersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err)=> opts = @request.args[0][0] assert.deepEqual(, {key:@settings.filestore.s3.key, secret:@settings.filestore.s3.secret, bucket:@bucketName}) opts.method.should.equal "head" opts.timeout.should.equal (30*1000) opts.uri.should.equal "https://#{@bucketName}{@key}" done() it "should return true for a 200", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode:200) @S3PersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err, exists)=> exists.should.equal true done() it "should return false for a non 200", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode:404) @S3PersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err, exists)=> exists.should.equal false done() it "should return the error", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, @error, {}) @S3PersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err)=> err.should.equal @error done() describe "directorySize", -> it "should sum directory files size", (done) -> data = Contents: [ {Size: 1024}, {Size: 2048} ] @knoxClient.list.callsArgWith(1, null, data) @S3PersistorManager.directorySize @bucketName, @key, (err, totalSize)=> totalSize.should.equal 3072 done()