/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const modulePath = require('node:path').join( __dirname, '../../../app/js/TikzManager' ) describe('TikzManager', function () { beforeEach(function () { return (this.TikzManager = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { './ResourceWriter': (this.ResourceWriter = {}), './SafeReader': (this.SafeReader = {}), fs: (this.fs = {}), }, })) }) describe('checkMainFile', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.compileDir = 'compile-dir' this.mainFile = 'main.tex' return (this.callback = sinon.stub()) }) describe('if there is already an output.tex file in the resources', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.resources = [{ path: 'main.tex' }, { path: 'output.tex' }] return this.TikzManager.checkMainFile( this.compileDir, this.mainFile, this.resources, this.callback ) }) return it('should call the callback with false ', function () { return this.callback.calledWithExactly(null, false).should.equal(true) }) }) return describe('if there is no output.tex file in the resources', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.resources = [{ path: 'main.tex' }] return (this.ResourceWriter.checkPath = sinon .stub() .withArgs(this.compileDir, this.mainFile) .callsArgWith(2, null, `${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`)) }) describe('and the main file contains tikzexternalize', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.SafeReader.readFile = sinon .stub() .withArgs(`${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`) .callsArgWith(3, null, 'hello \\tikzexternalize') return this.TikzManager.checkMainFile( this.compileDir, this.mainFile, this.resources, this.callback ) }) it('should look at the file on disk', function () { return this.SafeReader.readFile .calledWith(`${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback with true ', function () { return this.callback.calledWithExactly(null, true).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('and the main file does not contain tikzexternalize', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.SafeReader.readFile = sinon .stub() .withArgs(`${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`) .callsArgWith(3, null, 'hello') return this.TikzManager.checkMainFile( this.compileDir, this.mainFile, this.resources, this.callback ) }) it('should look at the file on disk', function () { return this.SafeReader.readFile .calledWith(`${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback with false', function () { return this.callback.calledWithExactly(null, false).should.equal(true) }) }) return describe('and the main file contains \\usepackage{pstool}', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.SafeReader.readFile = sinon .stub() .withArgs(`${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`) .callsArgWith(3, null, 'hello \\usepackage[random-options]{pstool}') return this.TikzManager.checkMainFile( this.compileDir, this.mainFile, this.resources, this.callback ) }) it('should look at the file on disk', function () { return this.SafeReader.readFile .calledWith(`${this.compileDir}/${this.mainFile}`) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback with true ', function () { return this.callback.calledWithExactly(null, true).should.equal(true) }) }) }) }) return describe('injectOutputFile', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.rootDir = '/mock' this.filename = 'filename.tex' this.callback = sinon.stub() this.content = `\ \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\tikzexternalize \\begin{document} Hello world \\end{document}\ ` this.fs.readFile = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, this.content) this.fs.writeFile = sinon.stub().callsArg(3) this.ResourceWriter.checkPath = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(2, null, `${this.rootDir}/${this.filename}`) return this.TikzManager.injectOutputFile( this.rootDir, this.filename, this.callback ) }) it('sould check the path', function () { return this.ResourceWriter.checkPath .calledWith(this.rootDir, this.filename) .should.equal(true) }) it('should read the file', function () { return this.fs.readFile .calledWith(`${this.rootDir}/${this.filename}`, 'utf8') .should.equal(true) }) it('should write out the same file as output.tex', function () { return this.fs.writeFile .calledWith(`${this.rootDir}/output.tex`, this.content, { flag: 'wx' }) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback', function () { return this.callback.called.should.equal(true) }) }) })